Chapter 12: Ready, match, start (Part 2)

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The first round of the tournament was also referred to as the round of 32. It would take quite a while to air 32 fights ones after the other, so instead the round of 32 had 8 fights at once. I was in the first set and as the preparation room faded, it was replaced to the now quite familiar view of Crysis' Great Stadium. This time however it was filled to the brim. Not only were the seats filled with players who had paid real money to enter but the stadium ground had been set with eight stages, all the same and on each a pair of players. A cheer erupted as the excitement of the first tournament reached a new height.

I spotted the flying spheres moving about the stadium. They would be recording everything and those watching could select which fights they wanted to focus on. The round of 32 was different to the others which focused on a single pair and the atmosphere was quite a bit more chaotic. In future tournaments they'd even change it up to be team fights or free for all's. Watching from home was definitely different from being a participant.

My opponent greeted me with a wave, "Hey there! I'm Rector Stormsword, and you are?"

"A. Friend," I replied with a nod. "Let's make it a good match."

"Likewise." His character looked to be about my age and dressed like a lightweight swordsman. He wore fine cloth armour that flowed around his movements with a sheathed blade sat on his waist. Judging from his tied back black hair and red eyes, he was certainly going for the wandering samurai look.

The count down began. I drew my dagger. Rector placed a hand on the hilt of his sword. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... BATTLE! A cheer erupted and a sudden vicious smirk crossed Rector's face as he leapt across the stone stage and drew his sword. With a single bound he crossed the distance between us. His blade swung straight for my exposed neck. Truly predictable. I ducked and the blade met air. My dagger thrust upwards cutting across his face, leaving a red digital scar. His eyes widened seeing his health bar dip.

Rector panicked and tried to back away but I was on him faster, swinging my dagger across his chest before he could even prepare to block.

"V Slash!" he took his sword in both hands as the skill activated.

I drew closer to his side, avoiding the attack easily. My dagger stabbed into his legs, triggering a debuff and slowing his movement.

"Wide Slash!" he swung in a wide circle this time.

I leapt above the attack as it harmlessly passed beneath. Above him, my dagger drove down into his skull. The critical hit landed but with our level difference it wasn't enough.

"B-Backstep!" he finally activated a skill to gain some distance. He glowered at me confused. "Y-you're cheating. How did you dodge that!?"

I waved away his comment, "Because it was predictable." Yes, Rector Stormsword was strong but he wasn't used to player vs player combat and it was clear. Skills forced you to move in specific ways. If you knew those movements they were easy to avoid.

"Predict this!" He raised his sword high, "Storm Slash Combo!" His bodied blurred and appeared in front of me. The first slash came. Down, left, diagonal right, across the head, diagonal left, straight stab and finally up. I avoided the entire combo and placed my dagger at his neck.

"Don't rely so much on your skills next time," with that I made the cut and his health dipped to zero.

An exasperated breath left his mouth as he died, "Seriously... the hell was that?"

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