Chapter 25: Redefining (Part 2)

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It was a long flight home but we all made it in one piece and with our extra guest. Once at home Aria quickly introduced Erin to Dad and Zen. The two had already been caught up with what happened and where more than happy to house her. Though we had just moved apartments, we were quite quick to fill it out. The space that had initially felt so much larger compared to before became quite snug. Like Erin had decided before, instead of using the spare room that was originally meant for Zen, she roomed with Aria, sharing the queen size bed. As long as the two of them were okay with it, I wasn't going to interfere, and it seemed that Erin really needed a friend like Aria. During our conversations on the way home, though Erin had a wide community and many people who loved her, she didn't have many at all to call a close confidant. Even her parents weren't in the picture.

The rush of being home was easing but a greater bug continued to bite at my neck. I stared at Zen from across the dining table. She was nestled quite close to Dad and I could see that the two of them had become even closer than before. There was a look in her eyes when she stared at him that was far too tender and sweet for the Zen I knew of. The problem was however, I couldn't neglect the similarities that I saw. Though Zen's skin was more tan, that man, Kai, shared a similar hair colour and further still, the same rare purple eyes. Not only that but the core of his movements were incredibly similar to those of Zen's extreme martial arts. I highly doubted he had only learnt them recently since Zen began to popularise herself.

After dinner finished I had to pull the pin, "Hey Zen, do you mind coming down with me to the gym? I haven't moved all too much since we've been away. A spar would be great."

Zen grinned confidently, "I can't say no to that. Arthur did you want to come and watch?"

Thankfully Dad shook his head, "I need to finish up some work and help Erin settle in. Please enjoy yourselves. Oh and Zen, don't beat him too hard."

"He can take it," she smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "You raised him after all."

I forced the shiver that crossed my body away. Their interactions together still causing dissonance within.

Zen and I headed to the gym soon after. We greeted Robyn who was taking the shift and headed to the empty room next door. Though I had asked Zen to come as an excuse, it was nice to spar together. We stretched and took our positions and then fought. Me putting in my all, and Zen challenging me like a perfect mirror of my abilities. She knew I could use Aura and used it herself, always fighting to push my limits. As we collided on the mat, I again confirmed it. There was no doubt, the way Kai moved was very similar to Zen's style. Zen's movements however were more profound, polished to a further degree and of course, though I managed to land a blow here and there, it was my back on the ground covered in sweat.

"Great work Ardent," Zen smiled satisfied. "You did really well. Your control of Aura is incredibly precise. Actually, about that, I need to tell you something."

"Tell me something?" my already raised heartbeat suddenly jolted.

"Yes... I've been hiding it from you for a while now but I think it's only fair I tell you," she looked at me guiltily and I froze, unable to comprehend what could make her look like that considering she was already sleeping with my Dad. "I've been using your VRP without permission."

My relief was immediate and I sat up laughing, "That's it? I thought someone had been using it, but that's completely fine. Have you been enjoying Areithia?" It had always been my intention to get Zen into the game. That way after the merge she'd already be used to using mana, spurring the true creation of Zen style extreme martial arts.

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