Chapter 3: A second first time. (Part 2)

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It took longer than expected for the Virtual Reality Pod to come in and be installed. That being said it was much faster than me trying to get my own. Being the latest model it would have the lowest latency and hence, feel the best when it came to playing the game. In the end Christmas passed more energetically than usual as Zen celebrated with us. She wasn't used to the custom and as her first time we really got her into the mood, even decorating parts of the gym. The more we interacted the more of an enigma she became, but all of us in the Friend family chose to not pry despite our differing curiosities.

A few days pass Christmas and before the New Year, December 28th, the VRP finally came in. Of course our tiny apartment had no room for it but Zen was kind enough to let me use one of the back rooms of the gym. I stood above the shiny cylindrical device full of nostalgia. Angled at just above 45 degrees it took up most the small back room. Plastered on the side was VirtuaTech, the main developer of the technology. The pod itself acted as a chamber, with a lid that would open to the side. The plush interior made it comfortable to lie in, in fact more comfortable than my own bed. Once sealed inside however, you would be put into a sleep like state where the pod read signals coming from all across your body and transmitted the games data back to the brain. It was something that could only be achieved by the latest technologies and internet speeds.

"It looks super fancy," Aria who of course was there for the set up touched the chrome metal. "By the way this counts for your Christmas and Birthday present."

"I know," I gave her a hug, "thanks again for helping me out. My luck was terrible."

"I am pretty lucky, but I'd never have won without your answer." She separated from me and pressed the button to open the pod. "Come on then. You've been waiting for this ever since it was first announced. I'll send you a message when it's time for dinner."

I breathed out shakily, "I'm not sure I'm ready for this anymore."

"I think you are though," she poked my stomach. "Just don't play too much that you get fat."

"Don't worry, I can't let that happen," I smiled and adjusted myself into the pod. "When we get the chance I want to show you Areithia as well."

"Maybe if we ever get two, I don't want to by myself. Have fun!" she helped me close the lid and like that my consciousness faded.


Virtual Body Scan Completed. The voice entered my mind as I opened my eyes to the calm setting of a beach. Pure blue water flowing and receding across white smooth sand. The sun high up in the sky warmed my body, lightly paired with a gentle breeze. The wooden floor I stood bare feet on felt firm and real. It was one of the random initial set up scenarios for Areithia Online. It was your first introduction to the space and a private area to get used to the virtual world. While it wasn't perfect, at first, second and even third glances, it felt real. It was only when you started to push the limits of the world where you would find trouble. Trying to look at things in tiny detail became blurred, the sensations of your body felt dulled, especially pain, and more than anything else, there was a clear notion in your mind that it wasn't real. A purposeful difference programmed to not let a user get too lost in it all.

Entering character customisation. Several screens appeared before my eyes and mirrors reflected my body. By default Areithia Online showed your body which was scanned by the device. It was why I had prepared so much. While I could make myself more handsome, change my hair colour, height or even muscle, it wouldn't actually effect my game stats. I needed my body in game to reflect my body in real life. I skipped through it all, entering just as I was.

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