Chapter 11: Changes (Part 2)

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I was waiting outside the walls of a small mansion located in the inner eastern district of Crysis City. It was a nicer part of the city reserved for the nobility and rich of Crysis. Where I stood however was on the cuff of the district not too far from the walls that split it from the market district. The mansion itself was covered in green vines, the walls cracked, and the iron gate rusted. The grass beyond however was well kept as was the path that led to the front door. I had rung the bell outside the gate close to an hour before and continued to the ring bell every ten minutes.

Finally as I reached for the bell a seventh time a maid appeared. She stood behind the gate and eyed me indifferently, "What business do you have here?"

"I'm looking to speak with Master Concurser," I bowed politely. "I have an introduction." I handed her the curled letter I had painstakingly obtained after hours of rushed gameplay. Even though I knew the exact path to take, navigating the complex array of NPCs Crysis contained was a chore.

"Yes, I see," the maid nodded and skimmed the letter. "The Master is quite busy. We will have time to meet you in two days. Return then 8 sharp." She turned around without another word.

"Wait a moment please," I called back. Two days to meet Master Concurser was actually a good result, with my limited time however, I needed a great result. "Would showing you this help at all?" I held the black plate in my hand, on one side a depiction of horns and two white stamps, the other a set of wings.

The maid frowned, finally changing her indifferent expression. She took a strong step towards me and opening the gate, snatched the card from my fingers. I allowed her to take it. She sighed, confirming it was real, "Please follow me."

I smiled internally. I had expected to be rejected but had an inkling the Master would also be a similar NPC to Blint and the old nutjob on the mountain. If I ever got to meet the real Blint Soulseerer I needed to come with a bottle of fine wine.

I was led inside the mansion, which compared to outside was well lit and well kept. It resembled the usual opulence of a Crysis noble, something similar to European era nobility. There were however specks of nature that stood out. A tree that had been grown in the corner and spread neatly across the roof. A vine that tangled across the chandelier, sprouting small shining flowers. Eventually I was led up the stairs and to what seemed to be the main office.

"Master the guest has shown adequate introductions," the maid spoke in front the door.

"Has he now?" a rather curious voice replied. "Please come in."

The door opened itself and sitting behind a dark wooden desk was an elven man in quite the resplendent suit. His age showed from fine wrinkles and grey hair, but a powerful energy emitted strongly from his eyes. For an elf to look the way he did, he would be closer to four hundred or so years old.

"Ratansi Concurser," he stood to greet me and offered his hand. His eyes focused on me, tacking in not just the sight of me but the characteristics beyond as well. A light of acknowledgement sprang in his eyes.

I politely bowed as was custom in Crysis before shaking it, "Ardent Friend. It's an honour to meet you Master Concurser. I've heard many things about your exploits."

"Quite rare indeed," he smiled. "Ardent Friend..., you are the third traveller to come greet me but the first to come so well informed." He held the black plate in his hands. When the maid had given it to him, I hadn't seen. His expression turned even looser as he laughed, "By the great spirit, you even got Blint and of course you already have the old mountain coot. You would have to be very persistent for Blint and quite the talent for the old man." A look of reminiscence passed his gaze, "I have a feeling I know what brings you here, but please sit."

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