Run as fast as you can

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"What happened Decker?" I said nervously. "Is everything alright, are you alright?" I ask quietly.

"Our cameras picked up some interesting footage but it was all scrambled. We saw someone carving an M into a sidewalk, and we just put the footage back in order, it's somewhere across town, we think something is going to happen. It's your case Warner, what's your move?" I waste no time.

"I'll take a team and you take a team, I'm not waiting to get into a car, I'll be faster on foot, have backup follow me on their motorcycles. Send me the coordinates." As I bark the order Decker nods and we both bolt out of his office. I strap guns to my belt and hand on across my back, I have to be ready for anything. The elevator is too slow, I practically fly down the flights of stairs, I might be able to make it there before Malgrave finishes whatever he's planning.

Although there's a good chance it's a trap, I'm well prepared and have nothing to worry about.

Once I open the door and step outside, cooler air pricks at my skin, and gray clouds block the sun, draping the sky in mist.

My boots click against the sidewalk and I'm careful to avoid unsuspecting pedestrians by taking a much more concealed route. Arriving at the alleyway, I stop to catch my breath. I look around the dark space, and my boots echo in the quiet of the evening. My heart stops in my chest when I see a figure, it's standing over a body, no doubt murdered.

"Hands up. Turn around slowly." Pulling out my gun, I place my finger by the trigger, ready if needed. A person cloaked in black with a mask over their face slowly turns around. They raise their gloved hands and dip a small bow. Is this Malgrave? This is easy, too easy. "By order of the law, show yourself." I hear snickering behind the mask, "I'll end this right now." I say, determined. I shoot the person in the stomach only to realize that they're wearing a bulletproof vest.

I tuck my gun away and throw the first punch, they dodge and whips his foot around, knocking me off my feet.

I jump up and attempt to strike them with my elbow, they catch it and shove their knee into my stomach. I falter, and they use the opportunity to punch me in the face, blood leaks from my nose and I wipe it, smearing my hand in red.

"Such a shame the agency has fallen this far." The figure says, their deep voice gives it away, it's a man, I try to look for even characteristics that could set him apart, but his body is cloaked in a shroud of darkness. I don't give him the satisfaction of seeing me fail, I twist my body around his and slam him into the concrete.

"There's the fire I was looking for." He says.

"Who are you?!"

"As if I would give you that." I bounce on my feet before kicking him in the shin, he falls back a little but responds with a punch to the solar plexus.

It knocks the wind out of me and I gasp for breath, he just laughs, a cold, murderous laugh.

I hear him cock a gun as I heave breathes, and that's when I hear my backup team approaching on their motorcycles.

I look over to see how many of them there are, but when I turn back to the man I see he's fled.


There's no way that was the actual Malgrave, most likely one of his accomplices. He's too smart to almost get caught like that. I pull out my broadcaster,

"This is Warner to all units, I've lost sight of the target, it seems like he's headed east, over."

"My team has eyes on the target, over." Says Warner.

"Take my team too, but I need eyes on the crime scene, there appears to be a victim, send a medical team, over."

"ETA, two minutes, over." Decker responds. With any luck they'll capture the man and everything will work out okay. I slowly walk over to the victim, and sure enough there's an M carved beside them. I shine my flashlight on their stomach to see what condition they're in.

They've been stabbed, but still breathing slightly, blood rushes out their stomach from their wound. I don't try to remove the knife, it'll only make them bleed out faster.

I shine the flashlight further up on their neck and to their face.

"No." I say, covering my mouth with my hand.

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