Dive in deep

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I've got this, I just need to fall straight and breathe through my mouth. It seems easy enough. I put a hand to my mask and fall backward just as the others did.

My head reaches the water first, and I turn over as I inflate my vest.

"Good job Kalisa, now just deflate it slowly, while clearing your ears and nose." Vance says, appearing beside me.

It all starts to come back to me now, I blow out my nose and feel my sinuses get lighter. We descend deeper, and deeper into the water. The only thing I'm focusing on is Vance's face along with his directions, I don't even notice when the sun has to fight to reach us down here.

I look down and I can see the sandy floor. "Okay, you're doing great, let's just follow Caspian now. Kick your feet slowly, we don't want your flippers to be a problem." I nod, and kick my fins slowly, it's all so surreal down here.

I don't really hear much other than Vance's voice. It all feels so weird and I'm sure I'm going to have a massive headache when I get back up to the surface.

I see Caspians hair bounce up and down with his movements, I can't imagine what mine must look like right now.

Soon we enter a narrow hole in the rock of the cave, we all swim through it with ease and as we continue swimming I can see a light up ahead. The hole twists upwards suddenly, and I'm careful to not go up too fast.

"As soon as we get up we'll be in an isolated room, drop your stuff there and wait for my signal before doing anything." Caspian says, I wonder what the base will look like, I should've asked Caspian for blueprints.

But everyone here except me knows where everything is, so I doubt we'll have any problems.

We approach a metal ladder on the side of the hole, and Caspian climbs up disappearing into the light, then it's my turn, I run my fingers through the metal pulling myself upwards.

When my face crashes through the surface I'm greeted by raging bright lights up above. I quickly inflate my vest so I can float without kicking, and spit out the regulator.

One of the guards tells me to give him my flippers and I don't waste a second taking them off and letting my feet breathe. I pull my mask down my face and breathe through my nose, the feeling is a little weird but it becomes natural quickly.

I grab the latter and pull my heavy tank out of the water, Caspian helps me out and slips off my vest. I rip out my earplugs and leave them on the floor.

I unbuckle my weight belt and hear it drop loudly in front of me. I feel drained and lean on Caspian for a second, trying to get my bearings. "Take all the time you want Kali." While I catch my breath a faint ache starts to spread across my temples, I message it gingerly while Caspian wraps one of his arms around me.

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