Aim and fire

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The door starts to slowly shut, leaving them alone. Caspian turns to me, and takes my shoulders in his hands.

"Stay behind me, okay Kali? Don't do anything stupid." He says looking me straight in the eyes, I can't tell if he's worried for my safety or he doesn't want to lose me as a resource. Whatever the case I give him a reassuring nod.

"Don't worry Caspian, I'll be okay." I say smiling up at him. "Let's get going." He lets out a grin and opens the door slowly, light erupts into the smaller room once more, but we don't waste any time in staying.

Caspian leads the charge, meeting up with Willow and Aeron's forces, and we all follow him like ducklings would to their mother.

I duck behind a chair next to Caspian and fire at the opponent, soon the floor becomes streaked with red, not just from the rival group but I watch as two of Willow's group bleed out onto the floor.

I remind myself that it wouldn't achieve anything to try and help them, it's not as if I'm a doctor. But I notice our numbers faltering, I know nothing will happen for us if one of us doesn't go out and start something.

I tally the group members again fifteen or so, none dead, only injured and seeking shelter from the raining of bullets.

I stand up and press my back against the wall hiding behind the uneven walls of rocky stone. Caspian runs up behind me, literally dodging bullets.

"What are you doing Kali?!" He yells over the sound of metal on rock.

"I'm helping, isn't that why I'm here, to help. We have less people on our team than them, our numbers are only going to keep decreasing if we don't start to get closer." I say, not bothering to look at him, I take another step forward into a smaller stream of blood and water.

I wince trying not to think about which side it came from.

"Kali, this is just reckless. Think about your safety for once, what about you? You matter too, not just the lives of other people." Caspian says, he's telling me to look out for myself for a change or put myself first, but what's one life compared to many.

"This is just my job Caspian, it's not to help me it's to help others, and I willingly put my life on the line every single day. So don't you tell me to think of myself." The words come out like a smack to the face, not just to Caspian but to me as well.

But I shake my head letting my words dissolve into nothingness, and I take another step forward.

No one sees me or Caspian hiding behind the rocks yet, the range is too good for me to miss. I take aim, and fire.

Blood splatters on the floor as I knock out two members in the chest. They clutch their open wounds before faltering forwards and landing on their faces.

The other members catch on quickly, firing at Caspian and I.

"I thought you agreed to stay behind me." He says while ducking with me.

"If you want to go in front of me, be my fucking guest." I say gesturing with my hand. Two can play this game Caspian. But instead of arguing with me, he pulls me back by my suit and slides in front of me.

"There." He says triumphantly, I honestly couldn't care less, and go back to shooting at group, Willow and Aeron notice their attention shift to us and mimic our strategy, some stay planted the middle but Aeron leads two members of his team against the wall, once they get far enough the shoot at the members currently firing at us.

Three of them go down. Caspian turns to look at me. "They're distracted, want to get a better view?" He says with a long smile plastered on his face.

"Sounds like a plan, Caspian." We charge at the unsuspecting members at full force, some I shoot head on, others I have to maneuver and punch.

Soon enough both sides run out of ammunition, and everyone is too close to wait for the other side to reload. I smile and throw my gun across the floor, I pounce on the first one I see, snaking my leg around his ankle and flip him over my knee, he falls behind me, definitely not dead, but he stays down.

Two other people stalk towards me with their fists raised, I smile looking at them from head to toe. This is going to be easy.

The first one goes down with one punch to the nose resulting in a loud crack, and another to the mouth. They spit out a couple teeth onto the stone floor while sinking onto their knees.

I don't let them down that easily and kick them in the stomach sending them sideways. Then I'm greeted by the presence of a knife tossed at my nose, I catch it with ease and send it flying back hitting him in the chest.

Blood leaks from the wound and sinks into his clothes, I jog over to Caspian who's losing a four one battle.

Thinking quickly I pull the knife out of his body, and stab an unusually tall woman in the neck, she whips around, hair smacking me in the face before falling on the floor with a crack.

I work my way through the men and women throwing punches and kicks, I circle them almost like a dance, Caspian mirrors my strategy.

Once the two of them have no way out I press forward and twist one of their arms, I slam my hand into their elbow watching as their arm now bends a different direction.

He screams in agony but I don't pay it any mind and send a roundhouse kick to their ribs. When I look up Caspian has taken out the other woman, I smile for a second before realizing.

We only took down three, there was a fourth.

Caspian's cry comes too late.

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