Meet the murderer

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"So what are you going to do? Kill me?" I ask through gritted teeth, I steal a glance at Decker, eyes struck with fear, not daring to move a muscle.

"Look at me, Kali." I would rather look at anything else than Caspian's eyes, but I comply.

"Here's the deal-"

I interrupt him. "I've had quite enough with your goddamn deals."

"It's not like you're in a position to bargain, Kali." I work up the courage and smack his hand away from my face. "Here's the deal, you come with me willingly and Decker and the rest of these shitheads survive, or we have to force you to come and we kill them without a second thought."

My eyes jump from Caspian, to Decker, to the guns in my hands. "It's your choice Kali."

"Don't do it Warner!" Decker hollers. "We'll be okay, don't worry about-"

"Deal." I say reluctantly, this is the only way, Decker and our team are the only people I have left, I can't lose them too.

I don't care what Caspian does to me, this is a small sacrifice for the good of others.

Caspian tucks a strand of hair behind my ear before whispering, "You made the right choice today Kali. Now, take them away." He says to the figures, they all start to drag Decker and the others down the alleyway.

"But I thought you said that they'd be okay!" I shout at Caspian.

"No, I just guaranteed their lives." He smirks. "I really overestimated your skills when Malgrave and I targeted you." I raise both my hands at his face, although he's holding a gun as well I don't care, I might as well rid this world of this disgusting man.

Caspian clicks his tongue and looks me up and down. "Careful now, I still have your friends in my possession. Kali, drop all your weapons."

I let my two guns fall to the floor and pull out the others from my coat.

They fall with a deafening sound as well, once my pockets are empty I throw up my hands in annoyance.

"There. All of my weapons are gone." I say with crossed arms, he places his gun under my chin.

"I'm not buying it, Kali." He says accusingly, I almost punch him in the face, but instead I lift up my dress and pull out my knife, he tucks his gun away and the knife into his pocket. "Nice try, Kali."

I take one look at the smug expression on his face and flip him off, he pretends not to notice. "Let's get going, you have a meeting with Malgrave." I stand firmly. "Remember our deal, you're coming willingly, okay? Now, let's get moving."

I think about running away, but it would only endanger Decker even more, so I let Caspian lead me into a graffitied door on the side of the alleyway.

When he opens it we're faced with a long spiral staircase, Caspian beckens for me to follow and I do so without a word.

We reach the bottom and I find myself standing in a large room with a surprisingly high ceiling for being underground, the large floor is painted in wooden tiles and the ceiling is covered in deep green that morphs into black at the ceiling.

Sconces line the walls as the only source of light down here, but the main attraction is sitting on an over cushioned, burgundy couch.

Malgrave is much taller than I expected and even though Caspian informed me he was younger I'd still pictured him older in my mind. His bleach blond hair is styled nicely unlike Caspian's untamed brown waves, his sharp green eyes stand out against his black suit.

He sits cross legged with a sly grin on his pale face. So this is what he really looks like.

I want to kill him.

I daringly take a step forward, sliding in front of Caspian to face the man I would burn the world to see dead.

"So agent, what's your plan here?" His voice is deeper than I thought and he takes his time in enunciating his words making the anticipation worse. I open my mouth to respond but I find that Malgrave isn't done talking. "Are you going to try and kill me, without a gun or a knife, while I have you friends? Does that sound like a smart move coming from the person who was tasked to assassinate me?"

The murder stands up taking in my appearance looking for cracks in my resolve.

"What do you want from me?" I almost whisper, I want this man to have the slowest most painful death to ever exist in the history of the human race. Keep your composure Kalisa. "Did you do that to all the others pained with your case, or did you just decide to turn my already unpleasant life into a living hell?" I speak with as much confidence as I can muster.

"That's a bold move agent, asking questions, I can kill you at any moment, you are treading on thin ice.

"I don't care, I don't feel any worry for my life anymore, it honestly wouldn't matter if I lived or died, people wouldn't get hurt anymore, I throw my hands in the air. Maybe I want you to kill me, see here's the thing, I don't give any shits about myself anymore, I tried really, really hard to trust new people, and the second I open myself up I get stabbed in the back for what must be the thousandth time! I'm so tired of this shit! Just kill me. Kill me!"

Malgrave walks up to me, he gets so close I can feel the warmth against my face as he breathes.

"I've never had someone ask me that question before, someone wishing to die. You're an interesting character Kalisa."

The sound of my name in his mouth makes my blood boil. Looking grim I don't give him the response he wants.

"So, what are you going to do about it? End me? Let me live? Leave me to suffer in agony for the rest of my days."

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