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Waking up to the feeling of landing, I open my eyes slowly, preparing myself for whatever came next. I lifted my head from the chair and stretched my arms.

"Well someone's up." I hear Caspians's soothing voice next to me, and I have to remind myself to stay alert while I'm around this man, he could do anything at any moment. "How'd you sleep Kali?"

"Where are we?" I ask through a yawn.

"Okay, straight to business, well we left Detroit, and right now we are in Tulum, Mexico." Tulum, right on an ocean, sunny weather, sandy beaches, I just don't understand why we're here. It's at least a three and a half hour flight.

Did I really sleep that long? Caspian stands up, leaning over me, I push him backwards but he stays planted.

"Can I help you?" I say with a raised eyebrow. Without a warning, Caspian scoops me in his arms, and picks me up. I'm cradled in his arms, and he steps down from the helicopter.

"Put me down!" I say, while kicking my legs and waving my arms.

"Kali, you can't stand." He says.

"Are you so sure about that, Caspian?" I say back, daring him. Caspian reluctantly places me down, it doesn't take two seconds before my knees crack and Caspian catches me again. "Fine." I breathe a sigh of pure annoyance. "I stand corrected."

"I'm always right." Caspian chirps.

"Shut. Up." I spit, Caspian just flashes another one of his smiles. "Smartass." I mutter under my breath as he goes to pick me up again.

I take the time to survey my surroundings, white sandy beaches, clear ocean, but what we're standing on is a helicopter landing pad on top of a massive mansion.

Its pearly white paint shines against the blazing sun, twisted vines cling to the building for dear life, but everything goes black when Caspian walks down a set of winding stairs leading into a wide hallway illuminated with long lights running across the ceiling.

Long Persian rugs are rolled out against the cherrywood floor that seems to stretch out for miles. "Caspian? What are we even doing here? Malgrave is in Detroit." He looks down at me.

"You'll see."  I scoff at the answer, I simply cannot, for the life of me, deduce how this man has successfully murdered countless mafia, and crime leaders.

He carries me down the hallway and stops at a door on the right. He kicks it open with his foot, and I marvel at the sight. A large ceiling with stained glass windows, a large canopy bed, extensive wardrobe, luxurious couches, and soft carpet.

"How the hell, do you afford all of this?" I ask, still in awe.

"I told you, high friends in high places."

"That's not a suitable answer." I say back, but Caspian doesn't respond, it's not as if I care that he has connections, I bet there are many others with similar ambition to his who would be more than thrilled to help.

"Anyways," Caspian says while walking deeper into the room. "This is where you'll be staying."

"Excuse me? Caspian-"

"If you're worried about accommodations I'll assure you-"

"It's not that, I know you're not actually kidnapping me, and although I don't one hundred percent trust you, it isn't about that. My best, and only friend was just recently murdered." Caspian's eyes go wide. "And she was murdered by Malgrave."

"So that's why . . ." Caspian stares at the floor, eyes full of despair, he can feel the pain in my voice, he's lost people too.

"I'm not going to miss her funeral whether you like it or not, even if you don't wish it, I'll be back in Detroit." I take a deep breath out. "And there's nothing you can do about it."

"I'll take you." He says quietly. "I'll find out when it is, and I can take you."

"Caspian I know her parents phone number, I can do this-"

"Would you stop talking before I change my mind?"

"Thank you." I whisper, Caspian just nods, and places me on the bed, I sit up and stretch my arms.

"I'll have someone bring a wheelchair to you shortly, and I'll have someone bring you down for dinner."

"I'm not that hungry, it's okay."

"Kali, human beings need to consume food to have energy." He says in a playful tone.

"Whatever." I say back.

"You're welcome to stay in what you're dressed in now, but there are options in your closet."

"Hang on." I snort a laugh. "Did you go shopping for me?" I giggle, just the thought of him on his phone trying to pick out outfits makes me want to laugh until I can't breathe. Caspian's cheeks go red.

"No. I-I just had one of my staff pick shit out for you." He says through his teeth.

"You went through all that trouble for me?" I tease.

"Oookay, Kali, you are too drowsy for your own good." Caspian places a hand on my shoulder.
"Bye Kali, see you soon." He waves and shuts the door.

Then it's just me and the silence. I have absolutely no idea why we're in Tulum, but Caspian seemed like he knew what was going on, and I'll say, his plan wasn't completely stupid, but there were still many flaws.

Plus, I still hate him, and although he's doing the best he can, I don't think anything will ever change that. I remove all my guns and slide them under the bed for later. I busy myself with anything other than thinking about Nye.

I pick up my phone to realize over fifty missed calls from Decker, but I can't call him back. He could track me, and that's the last thing I need right now.

I reach out to Nye's parents saying I'll be there for the funeral and how I'm sorry for their loss, and if they ever need anything-to reach out to me.

I am rich, not quite Caspian rich, but I live pretty well. Unlike other spoiled adults I prefer to help those in need, I donate thousands of dollars to the orphanage I grew up in every year.

Every penny goes to a child in need, and that makes my heart sing just thinking about it.

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