Chapter 397: Full Bloom (3)

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The official launch of "Beneficial Evil" was at noon on February 3rd. In fact, the buzz began on the morning of the 3rd, even before noon. As the launch drew nearer, "Beneficial Evil" was creating quite a stir in Korea.

Both the media and public opinion were abuzz.

From social media to forums and YouTube, discussions about "Beneficial Evil" reached a fever pitch.

- Finally!! "Beneficial Evil" is opening!!!!
- Ugh... time is dragging... I want to see it soon....
- Hahaha, but doesn't a movie that's this noisy before opening usually flop? Hahaha
- ↑ Agreed hahaha. The trailers were all that was shown and they were boring, so "Beneficial Evil" is probably going to crash and burn hahaha
- More haters showing up again
- If "Beneficial Evil" turns out to be truly boring, it will be more than just a failure—it'll be hell
- Without Kang Woo-jin and Miley Kara, there might not be much to see
- The trailers were incredibly well made

Positive and negative reactions clashed like shields and swords. Offline, the situation was similar. Broadcast stations, film companies, and production teams were all speculating.

"Ah—soon 'Beneficial Evil' will be opening."

"What do you think? I feel like Kang Woo-jin and Miley Kara will attract attention for a few days, but honestly, I don't think it will be a big hit."

"Hmm, I agree. But it should do well domestically. With Miley Kara and Kang Woo-jin's influence, it's bound to be popular. The trailers looked pretty good."

"Won't it cool down quickly even in Korea? Since Kang Woo-jin's influence is so significant, public expectations are extremely high."

"True. If it were made just adequately, it would be immediately criticized."

They judged the future of "Beneficial Evil" without reservation.

"Wow—'Beneficial Evil' had an impressive trailer."

"Hey, PD Kim. Are you playing around again instead of working?"

"Is this not work? If 'Beneficial Evil' succeeds, I'll be scouting actors from this film."

"Haha, really? But it seems to me that trying to compete globally with 'Beneficial Evil' is premature. Even with the Korean Wave and K-pop, it's still just a small part of the world, and even though Kang Woo-jin's recognition abroad has increased, it's still not enough."

"What if it becomes a huge hit?"

"I feel like the trailers are all it has."



Of course, Japan, which launched at the same time as Korea, was seeing similar reactions due to Kang Woo-jin's significant influence. Interestingly, "Beneficial Evil" was creating buzz not just in Korea and Japan, but globally. As the launch time approached, famous communities in the US and other countries were abuzz.

- Waiting to see the Korean film "Beneficial Evil." Hope it's interesting.
- Why is there so much noise about this Korean film lately?
- Interest has surged due to the hot Korean actor Kang Woo-jin, especially after being a candidate for "Beauty and the Beast."
- Kang Woo-jin won the Best Actor award at Cannes last year.
- How amazing must his acting be to be nominated for both "Pierrot" and "Beauty and the Beast" at the same time?
- Watching "Beneficial Evil" should give some clues. It looks like it's an action film. The trailer was okay.
- Trailers and teasers can always be made to look good; honestly, Korean films aren't up to Hollywood standards.
- I subscribed to Netflix just for "Beneficial Evil," so it better be more than average.

Many opinions were pouring in.

Naturally, the volume increased as time went on. Most of them had an air of skepticism, with a sense of waiting to see how well it was made. Despite this, the global reaction was significant.

- But this Korean film has already succeeded in global promotion. It's the first Korean film to gain this much attention before its launch.
- True. "Beneficial Evil" is the first Korean film I've paid attention to.

The situation was noteworthy.

It was thanks to Kang Woo-jin's established global recognition. Miley Kara and Netflix's promotional power were additional factors.

As the world continued to discuss and dissect "Beneficial Evil," people in LA were also getting increasingly excited about the film, especially Hollywood's big players.

Even though it was 11 AM in Korea, it was already 6 PM in Hollywood. Columbia Studios, which had secretly cast the lead for "Pierrot," was among them.

"Shouldn't we watch 'Beneficial Evil'?"

"Indeed. Call Director Ahn Ga-bok from the stage side. Even though the starting point is Korea, since it's Kang Woo-jin's first global venture, everyone available should check it out."

"Was it an action genre?"

"Yes, Kang Woo-jin's action—looking forward to it."

"If the action is good, it will be a significant asset for his role as the Joker in the 'Cinematic Universe'. But if it's mediocre, it will be different."

At World Disney Pictures, which was preparing for auditions and screen tests for the role of "Beast":

"What time does 'Beneficial Evil' open on Netflix?"

"Here it's around 7 PM. The studio has already gathered quite a few people."

"Well, let's go. 'Beneficial Evil' will help us assess Kang Woo-jin."

"This is his first action film among the works he has shown?"

"According to the information, yes. 'Beneficial Evil' is the first film targeting overseas markets."

"Fortunately, with Netflix, we can check it out right away."

"What do you think of Kang Woo-jin's action?"

"Not sure. I'm excited. Of course, since he's not an action specialist, it might be somewhat lacking."

"True, but if he excels in action as well, considering his already impressive skills—he would be extraordinary."

Among the Hollywood big five, including Universal Movies, famous producers Joseph Felton and Megan Stone, and others:

"What we've seen is finally being released to the world."

"It looked amazing to see with our own eyes. I wonder how the final product will turn out."

"It depends on the direction and editing. Anyway, Kang Woo-jin's action and CQC will definitely surprise the world."

Of course, Miley Kara, who participated in the filming of "Beneficial Evil," was also watching Netflix while on the move.

"Miley, how do you feel?"

"Hmm—since this is the first Korean film and it's being presented to the world, it feels new. It feels like it's time to show what we can do!"

"Kang Woo-jin?"

"Yes. There have been so many rumors on the internet. It's been frustrating to read them."

"If 'Beneficial Evil' is well done, it will make a big impact."

"I hope it becomes a huge success."

In addition, Hollywood's renowned director Danny Landis, actors who participated in the "Pierrot" auditions, Chris Hartnett, people who experienced Kang Woo-jin at Cannes, and international media were all waiting.

For the opening of "Beneficial Evil."


At noon Korean time, "Beneficial Evil" launched on Netflix, and the famous Netflix logo sound echoed around the world.


And a massive number of people started streaming Part 1 of Beneficial Evil.

- Beneficial Evil Part 1
- Episode 1

The episode began with the current situation of Kang Woo-jin, or Jang Yeon-woo. It started with a simple scene of him dealing with a minor villain in an apartment parking lot. As soon as the scene where Woo-jin strikes the small villain's face appeared, various international communities erupted.

- What? Is this really all the action there is?
- Ugh, I shouldn't have watched it.
- If this is it, there's no reason to continue watching.
- At least Kang Woo-jin's diction isn't bad.
- There are tons of actors who can do this level of acting.
- It's starting to smell like a trashy show.

Criticism far outweighed praise. It was not just a lot of criticism; it was almost like a party of complaints. This was expected, given the anticipation.

This sentiment was similarly felt among Hollywood figures.

"Hmm? Is this really action?"
"A bit... disappointing?"
"Can this really be called action?"

However, this evaluation didn't last long. The scene shifted to Jang Yeon-woo's past, where Kang Woo-jin suddenly appeared in a pitch-dark forest or mountain at night, with the distant sound of beasts echoing.

His attire had completely changed.

Military boots, military uniform, bulletproof vest, earpiece radio, a pistol on his side, and an M4 Carbine slung over his shoulder.

From here, international audiences started reacting differently.

- Huh? What's happening suddenly?
- It feels like the genre has completely changed.
- M4 Carbine? Is there going to be a gunfight?
- No way. It didn't look like they spent that much money.
- Oh, I'm starting to get really excited!

Then, Miley Kara's voice made its first appearance.

- ["Entry."]

Kang Woo-jin infiltrated a mansion with skilled movements. Kara's voice echoed again.

- ["The inside of the mansion is just as briefed. J, it's up to you."]

Beneficial Evil rapidly transformed.

- ["Grenade! Grenade!!"]

The quality boasted was comparable to Hollywood movies.

- [Boom!!]

Explosions and gunfights were plentiful. They were neither cheesy nor weak. The scenes were stylish and visually impressive.

- [Tatata-tang!!]
- [Tang-tadadatang!!]

What was astonishing was Kang Woo-jin's action skills. His performance left global audiences in awe.

- Wow, Kang Woo-jin is amazing!!
- It's great! Better than expected!! And the action scenes are unexpectedly clean! What? Is this a Korean production?
- The quality of the show is impressive, but isn't Kang Woo-jin's action skills remarkable? Or is it just me?
- It's not just good; it's extraordinary! He would stand out even in Hollywood productions.

- We need to watch more since it's only just started. Honestly, this level can be achieved with practice.

However, this was just the beginning.

- ["Where's J?"]

As Episode 2 began, the mysterious Miley Kara made her debut as 'L' in the show, and Jang Yeon-woo, played by Kang Woo-jin, disappeared and reappeared. Episode 2 also alternated between past and present, and the overall quality of Beneficial Evil continued to rise.

In the latter part of Episode 2.

- ["Move quickly."]

Kang Woo-jin, dressed in a worn black t-shirt and jeans, stood in an abandoned building. Specifically, he was inside a room with six armed gang members holding AK-47s, pistols, and long knives.


- ["That guy!!"]
- ["It's dangerous!!!"]

The scene reached its climax.

- [Bang bang!]

With one person's blood and brain matter splattering, Kang Woo-jin's CQC (Close Quarters Combat) was masterfully executed in a long take lasting over 10 minutes, directed by Song Man-woo, who clearly put his soul into it.

This was immediately obvious without needing any further explanation.

The camera work or direction had no visible editing points. Only the dazzling action and CQC of Woo-jin stood out. This continued for over 10 minutes. The final line was:

- ["I need a car."]

Naturally, the angle focused on the bloodied close-up of Kang Woo-jin.

From this point on, global audiences responded with:

- Long take? It's a long take, right?
- Yes! It's extremely long! Wow, the long take design is incredible!
- Isn't Kang Woo-jin's movement CQC? And it's even flashy!!!
- Wow, this is impressive. The quality is comparable to Hollywood.
- The long take action scene is exceptional. Kang Woo-jin's CQC is flawless.
- Kang Woo-jin's acting is good, and the action is stylish!

Criticism was non-existent. Only praise abounded.

The next day, the 4th in Korea.

It was after 10 a.m. and Netflix Korea was bustling. The largest meeting room was crowded. Kim So-hyang, the General Director, and all the team leaders were gathered, talking animatedly. Each had a laptop in front of them. Kim So-hyang was busy talking on the phone in English.

It was understandable.

Beneficial Evil had officially launched in over 80 countries, including Korea, on the 3rd, and on the 4th, the monitoring of reactions, reviews, and ratings by country had to be started.

After about 30 minutes.

"Director Kim!!"

A team leader shouted, showing Kim So-hyang the laptop screen. Kim So-hyang, who was on the phone, looked at the screen and widened her eyes in shock.

"Is this, really??!"

It was a joyful surprise.

Meanwhile, in LA.

It was afternoon, unlike Korea. Kang Woo-jin was found in a moving van.


Wearing a blazer and a single coat, his expression was serious. But inwardly he was:

'Yesterday, Beneficial Evil was a hit. Even though it's my own work, it was really fun. But—when will the results come out? I'm a bit anxious.'

He was quite nervous. Beneficial Evil had made its global debut. The quality was indeed exceptional. Woo-jin had already received many contacts from Miley Kara and numerous colleagues the day before. Perhaps that was why he was even more anxious now. Regardless, he was heading for an interview with a renowned Hollywood media outlet and was arriving at a massive building when:

- Clunk!

As he got out of the van in the parking lot and walked briskly towards the interview, someone called out from behind him with an excited voice.


Turning around, he saw Choi Seong-geon with a ponytail running towards him. Without explanation, he showed Woo-jin the screen of his phone. The screen displayed a foreign news article:

『CNM/Korean Drama 'Beneficial Evil' Sensation! Achieves No. 1 on U.S. Netflix Immediately After Launch!』

Beneficial Evil had started as No. 1 in the U.S. out of 80 countries.

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