Chapter 418 - 420

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hapter 418: Appearance (1)

May 17th was the script reading day for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain. Kang Woo-jin, with a serious expression, calculated the date while holding his phone to his ear.

'Today is the 8th, right?'

Today was May 8th. So, May 17th was the following week, with less than ten days left. It might seem a bit tight, but it wasn't a big issue for Kang Woo-jin. He had already been informed that the script reading for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain would be held between the second and third weeks of May.

Therefore, Kang Woo-jin was scheduled to depart for LA around the 12th.

He planned to arrive early and handle his LA schedule before participating in the script reading. Although it was during the filming of The Beneficial Evil, the filming schedule was in the mid to late stage, and PD Song Man-woo, who was aware of Kang Woo-jin's hectic schedule, would understand. Kang Woo-jin responded to Director Ahn Ga-bok over the phone.

"Got it, Director. I'll be there on the 17th."

Soon, an old laugh from Director Ahn Ga-bok came through the phone.

"I'll send a separate contact from Columbia Studios to BW Entertainment. We'll manage to get you to the script reading somehow. It seemed distant at first."

"Time flies."

"Both of us are quite busy. Of course, you're more so than I am. By the way, there's nothing special you need to prepare for the script reading. We'll distribute the script here. If it's more comfortable for you, you can bring your own copy."


"I'll give you the exact location and time within a few days."

As the call was nearing its end, Kang Woo-jin said his goodbyes.

"Thank you, Director. I'll see you then."

Director Ahn Ga-bok gave an unexpected response.

"Just so you know, your influence in Hollywood is quite significant right now. There was a lot of noise during 'Universal Movies,' but now with the Emmy nomination, the staff is only talking about you."

"Is that so?"

"Hmm, if the staff is like this, you can imagine how the actors feel. The actors attending the script reading will surely be focused only on you."

Director Ahn Ga-bok chuckled.

"There will be a mix of curiosity, envy, validation, and jealousy—should be interesting. It will be your first script reading in Hollywood."

After a brief conversation with Director Ahn Ga-bok, Kang Woo-jin slowly ended the call and muttered to himself.

"Oh right, it'll be my first script reading in Hollywood."

Aside from Chris Hartnett, this would be his first time meeting all the Hollywood actors cast in Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain. Of course, they would be seeing Kang Woo-jin for the first time as well.

"Thinking about it, it's quite a significant day."

For Kang Woo-jin, Columbia Studios, and the Hollywood actors cast. It was the beginning of many firsts for everyone. In a way, it could be considered the start of Kang Woo-jin's full-fledged Hollywood debut. By this point, Kang Woo-jin should have been a bit nervous. In the past, he definitely would have been.


"Well, what's there to be nervous about?"

Surprisingly, Kang Woo-jin was calm. He wasn't completely free of nervousness, but it was beyond the basics. Was it because of the solid foundation he had maintained? Or had he adapted to Hollywood? Or maybe it was growth? Whatever it was, he wasn't nervous.

In fact, Kang Woo-jin was currently.

"Feeling quite powerful."

His attitude was even aggressive. Like a general setting out with Korea's representative badge. Whether the staff or actors from Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain saw him, he was going straight ahead.

"Damn, my way."

At this time, Choi Seong-geon, with a more intense attitude, spoke to him.

"Was that Director Ahn Ga-bok? What did he say?"

By now, Kang Woo-jin's attitude was several times more intense than usual.

"The script reading is confirmed for May 17th."

Choi Seong-geon grinned and patted Kang Woo-jin on the shoulder.

"Okay, let's go all out."

The day passed.

The next day began. Kang Woo-jin's first schedule was a commercial shoot. It was for a recently added sports brand, and at this moment, the whole country was buzzing with talk of The Beneficial Evil and Kang Woo-jin.

It was several times more intense than the day before.

『'The Beneficial Evil' Prime Time Emmy Nominated in 10 Categories; Foreign Media Focuses on Coverage』

『Kang Woo-jin's Reaction to Being Nominated for Best Actor at the Emmy: "Thanks to Fans of 'The Beneficial Evil' Worldwide"』

『[Issue Pick] 'The Beneficial Evil' Nominated in 10 Emmy Categories... Director Ahn Ga-bok in Hollywood Says "Breaking Language and Cultural Barriers"』

『Will 'The Beneficial Evil' Sweep the Emmys? Domestic Opinion Already Predicts "At Least One Win"』

The fervor reached a fanatical level within two days. Both domestic media and the excited public were continuously active. Consequently, discussions about The Beneficial Evil and Kang Woo-jin were heard everywhere, online and in reality. The heated atmosphere in Korea was similar in Japan as well.

『Japanese Public Says "Envious" and "Supportive" of 'The Beneficial Evil's' Emmy Issue』

『Japanese Media Only Talks About Kang Woo-jin, Who Has Hit Japan with 'The Beneficial Evil', 'The Stranger, and 'The Leech' / Photos』

Clearly, the Emmy-related issues had rapidly spread across the world, including LA and the US, and beyond France where Cannes was held.

『[International Topics] Major Overseas Communities, Including 'Neddit,' are Buzzing with Talk of 'The Beneficial Evil' and Kang Woo-jin / Photos』

At this point, Columbia Studios in Hollywood posted a new update on their official SNS.

-[Hello, this is Columbia Studios. Recently, there have been incredible developments with actor Kang Woo-jin and his work. First, we send our congratulations. Additionally, the official script reading date for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain has been set, and......]

Along with the congratulations for Kang Woo-jin and The Beneficial Evil, the announcement of the script reading date for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain was made. Given the global buzz around Woo-jin, this news quickly reached both Hollywood and Korea.

The following early morning on the 12th.

No matter how the world was in an uproar, Kang Woo-jin quietly continued filming The Beneficial Evil.

『'First Asian Emmy Best Actor Nominee' Kang Woo-jin Departs for LA for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain Script Reading / Photos』

『Kang Woo-jin Calmly Waves to Hundreds of Fans at the Airport, Exuding an Aura of Emmy Best Actor Nominee... Now Heading to LA / Photos』

Taking a brief pause from filming The Beneficial Evil, Kang Woo-jin boarded a flight to LA. There were over 200 reporters gathered at the airport, and with fans and onlookers, the entire airport lobby was packed.

After boarding the private jet with difficulty,

"Phew, for now."

Woojin decided to rest in the  void space and first unfolded the script for "Pierrot: Birth of a Villain." He planned to do a reading (experience) after a thorough read-through. The more he repeated this process, the more he could embody Henry Gordon and the Joker in his performance.

A few dozen minutes later.

The private jet carrying Woojin began to move.

Days later, on May 17th, in LA.

At the colossal Columbia Studios in Hollywood, still bustling with tourists, there was an unusually high number of foreign journalists and paparazzi at the entrance. They were busy photographing the large vans and cars entering Columbia Studios.

Inside the main building of Columbia Studios.

Foreign staff members, who were busy moving about, were preparing the conference room for the reading. The conference room, usually used for large meetings, was being transformed into a reading room. The set-up was similar to Korean reading rooms but on a larger scale, reflecting Columbia's status as one of the Big Five studios.

"Water! Where's the water?!"

"It's piled up in the back!"

"Where? Oh! I found it!"

In the expansive reading room, tables for the director, key staff, and actors were arranged in a rectangular shape in the center. Black cloth covered the tables, and each seat was neatly set with a script, a water bottle, a table microphone, and a role list. Around this table, several cameras were installed, and dozens of chairs were placed behind it for invited journalists, Columbia executives, and actors' team members.

One notable difference from Korean readings was that everyone was foreign, and the scale was roughly twice as large. Columbia Studios, a prominent Hollywood studio, was hosting the reading for "Pierrot: Birth of a Villain," marking the beginning of a cinematic universe.

An hour had passed. Soon, people not directly involved in the production began arriving at the spacious reading room. The Columbia executives arrived first, followed by the foreign journalists invited to the reading. Gradually, murmurs in English began filling the previously empty room.

"Finally. But did I come too early? No actors are here yet."

"There's still an hour to go. Anyway, I'm excited to see Woojin as the lead in this big production."

"Me too. Including this film, 'Beauty and the Beast,' 'John Persona,' and the Emmy Awards. I've heard so much about him, but this is the first time seeing him in person."

"Ha ha, most of the reporters here are probably the same. They're seeing his acting for the first time."

"What do you think of Woojin? I watched 'Beneficial Evil,' but honestly, I didn't think he had the tension to shake Hollywood."

"Well, it's surprising, but there must be a reason why the Big Five studios are interested."

The foreign journalists and studio executives chatted about various topics. Although discussions about "Pierrot: Birth of a Villain" and Chris Hartnett were heard, the majority of the talk focused on Woojin.

At this point.


"Oh! Robert! Welcome."

The Hollywood actors cast in "Pierrot: Birth of a Villain" began to arrive. Both supporting and minor roles were included in today's reading, so actors of all types were arriving in a somewhat chaotic manner.

"Ha ha! Bill, long time no see."

"Yeah. You've lost some weight, haven't you? Did you exercise? You look better."

"It was Director Ahn Gabok's request. He said I needed to be in good shape."

The rectangular table in the center of the room was gradually filling up with well-known or skilled Hollywood actors. Meanwhile, the chairs behind it also became crowded, making it hard to find an empty seat. Overall, the number of people exceeded a hundred.

Thirty minutes before the reading started.

More than half of the rectangular table was occupied, and the large reading room was noisy to the point of being almost chaotic. Especially, the actors for "Pierrot: Birth of a Villain" couldn't stop talking.

"Mark, how much have you practiced?"

"Don't even ask. I can recite the lines with my eyes closed. What about you?"

"Ha ha ha, same here. But it's hard to focus on the script before the reading."

"Isn't Woojin something?"

"Yeah, I'm dying to know."

"Well... I can understand Columbia, but it's a bit absurd that he's covered Disney and Universal as well."

"True. It's unprecedented in Hollywood, especially with him being an Emmy nominee at the same time."

"More than a storm. What kind of person is he—"

One common observation among the Hollywood actors, over twenty in total, was their focus on the empty seat next to the director. The role list had an English name:

-[Henry Gordon/ Woojin Kang]

This was the only Korean name in the expansive reading room. Woojin's name piqued the curiosity of all the actors, whether they were leads, supporting roles, or minor roles.

"I became a fan of Woojin after watching 'Beneficial Evil.'"

"Really? Hmm— that's strange. I thought 'Beneficial Evil' was somewhat lacking. I'm a bit surprised that he outperformed Chris Hartnett."

"I was surprised too. It's the first time I've seen Chris lose in a role he was passionate about."

"I heard a rumor that Woojin has connections with big players."


"How else could he cause such a phenomenon?"

At that moment.

"That's just nonsense."

A man's voice interrupted a conversation among minor actors at the entrance.

"Where do these rumors even come from?"

It was Chris Hartnett, the top Hollywood actor with striking dark brown eyes. His appearance drew the attention of the dozens of Hollywood actors gathered, and Chris, shrugging his shoulders, spoke with a faint smile.

"And I didn't even audition. I gave up after seeing Woojin's performance. Should I say I lost my fighting spirit?"

Chris spoke dismissively about a potentially sensitive topic, but his manager, sitting in the back, sighed deeply and covered his face with his hands.

Despite this, Chris Hartnett continued.

"Well, in the end, I did grow from it."

As all eyes were on him, a low-tone English voice was heard suddenly from behind Chris.

"Hello, Chris."

Chris Hartnett, slightly startled, turned his head sharply. A man with black hair and an indifferent expression was looking at him.

"Long time no see."

It was Woojin.

At this moment, the attention of all the actors and the over a hundred people in the reading room was fixed on Woojin.

What was notable was that.


As soon as Woojin appeared, the once bustling reading room fell silent almost instantly.




It was the first appearance of the protagonist of "Pierrot: Birth of a Villain."

Chapter 419: Appearance (2)

When Kang Woo-jin first arrived at the reading room for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain, he had one thought:

'It's not much different from Korea after all.'

It wasn't unfamiliar. Even though Hollywood, which dominates the global film industry, was hosting the reading, it wasn't particularly special. The atmosphere was almost the same as in Korea.

The only difference was:

-Everyone was foreign.

As Kang Woo-jin had expected, despite Hollywood's massive reputation, there was nothing particularly exceptional about it. Though he had been a bit nervous due to the novelty of a Hollywood script reading, the familiar atmosphere helped him relax.

However, his mindset was slightly different from usual.

His fighting spirit was heightened. As the only Korean actor in this reading room and the lead in Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain, he knew he had to stand out. Although the reading environment was similar, the background and characters were entirely different. While script readings in Korea were a battle to maintain a concept, here it was a battlefield to assert his pride as Korea's representative.

As he passed through the corridor to the reading room, he imagined that many Hollywood actors would be lined up.

'They'll all be watching me, right?'

He was sure they would judge him. As the only Korean actor and the lead in Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain, and a hot topic in Hollywood, it was natural for everyone to be curious.

Was this what it felt like to be a national representative?

Although no one was confronting him directly, Kang Woo-jin felt a surge of intensity. Rather than thinking about overwhelming everyone, he was more focused on clearly showing who he was. Something like, "I am Kang Woo-jin"?

But there was no need to overdo it.

'If I try too hard to act tough, I'll end up looking weak. Okay, I'll stay cool, flexible, and composed. But when it's time to show my skills, I'll do it decisively.'

As Kang Woo-jin arrived at the reading room, he first saw the back of a familiar Hollywood top actor—Chris Hartnett. He was speaking to the people inside the room.

"And I didn't even try out for the audition. I gave up after seeing Kang Woo-jin's performance. Should I say I lost my fighting spirit?"

What was this guy talking about here? Despite Woo-jin's indifferent expression, he was quite surprised inside.

'What's going on? What is this??!'

It was strange not only that Chris was talking about himself, but also that he was casually making such sensitive remarks.

'Is this how Hollywood is? Is that guy just peculiar?'

Although he was curious, Woo-jin decided to make his presence known to Chris with a low-toned English greeting.

"Hello, Chris."

Chris Hartnett flinched slightly and turned his body around. Meanwhile, Kang Woo-jin, who had donned a subtle yet strong aura, calmly and weightily entered the reading room. The U-shaped desk in the center of the large space, the foreign actors arrayed on top, and the dozens of chairs to the immediate left were all in view.


Kang Woo-jin surveyed the numerous foreign faces silently. His expression remained unchanged. What was peculiar was that despite the reading room being packed with foreigners, it was eerily quiet. Everyone, including the Hollywood actors, was focused on Woo-jin. It was a pressure-filled situation, but Woo-jin remained unperturbed.

At this moment.


Chris Hartnett, with his attractive dark brown eyes, turned his gaze to Kang Woo-jin and smiled faintly.

"It's been a while. The difference in your presence compared to the last time we met is quite striking."

Chris was referring to several Hollywood-related matters, including the Emmy nomination for Best Actor. After a brief handshake with Chris, Kang Woo-jin's response was brief.

"Thank you for the support you sent via DM."

"Don't mention it. We're friends, after all."

Friends? With whom? With me? Although Woo-jin was puzzled inside, he nodded nonchalantly on the outside.


While Woo-jin was engaged in a casual conversation with Chris, the reading room remained quiet, except for the two of them. However, everyone was assessing the newly arrived Kang Woo-jin.

The invited foreign journalists also noted:

'Indeed—there's a certain distinctive ease and atmosphere about him.'

'Even though this is his first Hollywood script reading... he's so composed and unshaken? Arrogance? Or just inherently strong?'

Team members, associates, and production staff, particularly the Hollywood actors at the U-shaped desk, were buzzing with thoughts.

'It's expected of the lead actor, but he's not intimidated at all, and his aura is quite heavy.'

'Is he close to Chris? Even though he's new to Hollywood, why is he so relaxed?'

'He doesn't seem awkward at all... but he's more cynical than expected? Is this his real character?'

The silent internal evaluations of Kang Woo-jin were being quietly dispersed. Overall, the assessment was, 'He's definitely unusual.' The intriguing Kang Woo-jin was somewhat of a spectacle, marveling at the number of Hollywood actors.

'Wow—there are so many actors. I've seen this one and that one!'

Seeing familiar Hollywood faces made him feel he had truly made it.

'You never know what might happen. I didn't expect to be doing a script reading with these guys.'

After exchanging appropriate greetings with Chris and others, Kang Woo-jin moved to his seat. The intense scrutiny from everyone was a bit bothersome. He glanced around and found his designated spot.

-Henry Gordon / Kang Woo-jin

The seat for the lead in Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain and the first character in Columbia Studio's high-stakes Cinematic Universe.


As Woo-jin took his seat, a strange tension spread throughout the reading room, and the Columbia Studios executives seated in the back nodded slowly.

'The first villain should have this kind of presence.'

They had already been influenced by Woo-jin's aura. Soon, Chris took the seat to Woo-jin's right. With his arrival, all seats at the U-shaped desk were filled.

The actors had all arrived.


-Click click click!

The sound of countless shutters filled the air. Journalists began taking photos of the finalized setup for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain.

Of course.

'Centered around Kang Woo-jin.'

'The main focus is Kang Woo-jin.'

In every photo, Woo-jin was inevitably captured. Chris on the right was also included.

At that moment.


A few more figures entered the now heated reading room. Another Korean with a wrinkled face. Director Ahn Gabok and a stern-looking woman. She was the executive producer of Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain. As Director Ahn Gabok entered the room, he greeted several studio executives.


When Kang Woo-jin took his seat as the lead actor, he shared glances with others.

'Seems to fit well. Is this my second time since 'Leech'?'

Although the setting, actors, and Hollywood background were different from the past, there was one similarity between his current role and the one from 'Leech': both involved Kang Woo-jin as the lead actor under director Ahn Ga-bok.

Director Ahn Ga-bok and the producer moved to their seats. Ahn Ga-bok, who took a chair in the top spot of the U-shaped table right next to Woo-jin, spoke softly to him in Korean.

"Let's enjoy this, and take it easy."

Soon after, the script reading for 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' officially began. The large reading room was filled with dozens of Hollywood actors and at least a hundred foreign attendees. The atmosphere was dominated by Director Ahn Ga-bok.

"Hello, I am Ahn Ga-bok, the director of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain.'"

Applause followed his introduction. The next introduction was for the producer, and Ahn Ga-bok continued.

"First of all, thank you for joining 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain.' With the high interest and the ambitious 'Cinematic Universe' plan, we will do our best. I believe everyone shares the same sentiment. Thank you in advance. The script is ready, but you may adapt it as you see fit."

The atmosphere became serious. Woo-jin's expression was also quite stern. However, internally, Woo-jin had other thoughts.

'Wow, Mr. Ahn's English skills have really improved!'

Soon, Director Ahn Ga-bok began introducing the actors.

"Kang Woo-jin as Henry Gordon."

Woo-jin, momentarily lost in thought, quickly composed himself. He stood up and spoke in deep English.

"I'm Kang Woo-jin. I look forward to an enjoyable shoot."

His brief introduction surprised some Hollywood actors. A few furrowed their brows.

'Is he nervous? He doesn't look like it.'

Regardless, Director Ahn Ga-bok continued with the introductions. Next was Chris Hartnett, who mixed humor into his greeting, unlike Woo-jin. The introductions of all the actors took over 30 minutes. With introductions of the producer and key staff, an hour had passed.


- Flick.

Director Ahn Ga-bok unfolded the script. Following suit, all Hollywood actors, including Woo-jin and Chris, took the same action. The film crew checked the cameras, and the remaining attendees, including reporters, focused their attention on the actors.

Specifically, most of them were watching Kang Woo-jin.

The official start of the script reading for 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' began with Ahn Ga-bok's line.

"On a night road, a bus is driving."

As expected, Ahn Ga-bok handled the narration and other details. The scene began with a glimpse of the awakened 'Joker' rather than Henry Gordon. Ahn Ga-bok passed the baton to Kang Woo-jin.


At this point, Woo-jin was already embodying 'Henry Gordon.' No, he had fully become 'Joker.' Chris and the surrounding Hollywood actors seemed to disappear. Only a bus filled with graffiti came into view. The sound of the bus's exhaust echoed in his ears. His slightly wet red hair stung his eyes.


He roughly brushed his hair aside.

Madness surged through his veins, seeping into his organs and brain. A coexistence of tragedy and comedy. Emotions soared. There was no need to enumerate. You wouldn't understand me anyway.

Kang Woo-jin's mouth twisted into a grin.

It might be more accurate to describe it as 'smiling,' though it was difficult to find another term. It was an eerie expression and gaze, embodying both tragedy and comedy. It seemed frightening, making one want to flee, yet strangely reassuring.

The dozens of Hollywood actors witnessing Kang Woo-jin's 'Henry Gordon' for the first time widened their eyes.



Some opened their mouths slightly or furrowed their brows, puzzled. Then it was time for the minor characters, who had no lines, to appear. Their lines were delivered by Director Ahn Ga-bok and the producer.

Violence ensued. Kang Woo-jin's grin widened even more.


Although he wasn't actually being hit, Woo-jin's laughter grew more intense and his madness deepened.

"Kekeke! Hahaha! Hahahahaha!"

His grotesque laughter filled the entire reading room. At this point, the arms of dozens of actors, staff, and reporters were covered in goosebumps.

'Did the intensity of the acting just shoot up right at the start of the script reading?'

Yet, the proceedings did not stop. Now, Director Ahn Ga-bok took on the role of the bus driver and delivered his lines.

"You! You're insane!"

Kang Woo-jin tilted his head slightly.

"Insane, you say? That's high praise, isn't it?"

In this scene, lasting less than ten minutes, the view of all actors on Woo-jin changed.


'Wow, it's like he's torn the script and stepped into reality?'

'Damn, why does it feel like I'm seeing hallucinations instead of his acting?'

The Woo-jin who had been sitting was nowhere to be seen. He had been replaced by the white and red-painted 'Pierrot.'

But this did not last long.

"A man in a tattered zip-up hoodie is walking down the street."

Director Ahn Ga-bok's narration signaled a scene change. Instantly, Woo-jin's previously mad laughter vanished. In a moment. And the current Kang Woo-jin was.

"What's this?"

"Oh, no. I'm."

A weak 'Henry Gordon' with hunched shoulders. He looked like a different person. Yet, he didn't seem entirely foolish. Though his expression and gestures were weak, there was a hint of suppressed anger in Woo-jin's eyes, which could be felt from his breathing and briefly emphasized lines.

The madness was not gone but hidden in the depths.

Hollywood actors watching Woo-jin's absurd acting.

'······I see why he was cast as 'Henry Gordon.'

Gradually came to acknowledge it.

'I can't believe it. How can he perform such high-level acting so effortlessly?'

'Method acting? No, it's something beyond that. Impressive, he could outshine Chris.'

'Damn it. The goosebumps won't go away. Honestly, I expected to feel some sense of alienation, but······ not at all. It's not acting; it's just 'Joker' itself!'

They understood why Kang Woo-jin, the Korean actor, was seated in the lead role of this massive production, ahead of Chris.

'No need to analyze further. Watching him perform at this level, there's no way they wouldn't cast him as 'Henry Gordon.'

The Hollywood actors were deeply shocked. Additionally, the curiosity and doubts they had at the beginning were completely dispelled.

'He's incredible, it feels like being in the same space as 'Joker.' It makes sense that Chris would give up the audition.'

At this point, refusing to acknowledge Kang Woo-jin would have been sheer obstinacy. The scene of 'Henry Gordon' ended. Director Ahn Ga-bok called 'Cut' before moving on to the next scene. Given it was the actors' first gathering, he gave them a moment to adjust their breathing. Soon, the reading room buzzed with chatter. Reporters, stakeholders, and others were busy conversing.

At that moment.

"Kang Woo-jin."

Chris, with a nonchalant expression, tilted his head slightly while looking at Woo-jin reading the script.

"Your impression seems a bit different from the audition, you seem a bit more subdued."

Woo-jin, who had been staring at him for a moment, simply replied.

"I just took it easy since it's a script reading."

It was the truth.

The faces of the dozens of Hollywood actors gathered momentarily crumpled.

'What? 'Took it easy'?'

Chapter 420 Appearance (3)

In reality, the Hollywood actors gathered in this script reading room had different perspectives on Kang Woo-jin. There was curiosity, envy, jealousy, and confusion. Some actors couldn't understand him at all.

Kang Woo-jin had displayed such an abnormal behavior.

No matter how good he was, seeing a Korean actor without any Hollywood experience making a scene was quite unfamiliar to everyone here. All the Hollywood actors watched Woo-jin in silence.

Their eyes were wide, and their actions were still.



Meanwhile, Chris Hartnett, who was sitting right next to Kang Woo-jin, gave a slight smile. Then he asked.

"Script reading, right? Just casual?"

With a stiff expression, Woo-jin nodded.


Chris burst into a chuckle at the simple answer. He had asked the question thinking Woo-jin might be somewhat less impressive, but Woo-jin had responded so confidently without caring about the surrounding eyes.

'Even if you say you did it casually, you don't usually answer that bluntly. People tend to speak quietly or indirectly. But this guy—nothing about him is ordinary.'

In a way, Chris found Kang Woo-jin to be a unique entity, just as he did at their first meeting. The more he saw him, the more curious and interested he became. Chris looked at Kang Woo-jin for a moment and then smiled slightly.

"Haha, I see. That's why it felt a bit different from the audition."

Kang Woo-jin stared at Chris Hartnett, who was laughing as if he was bored. Although his expression was conceptually exaggerated, he was internally puzzled.

'Why? What? Why is this good-looking guy laughing? Isn't it right to ease up a bit during the script reading?'

In reality, Kang Woo-jin hadn't given his all during the 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' script reading. He had eased up about 30%. Isn't that how most people approach script readings? It wasn't that he had done it sloppily. Since he came with the title of a national representative, he made sure to show his skills when needed. But now, he was just adjusting his coolness and intensity.

'I think it'd be fun to make all these foreigners fall over in amazement—but if I'm too desperate, I might end up looking weak.'

Woo-jin glanced around.

'But even with easing up, it seems like they were sufficiently surprised?'

The widened eyes and expressions of the Hollywood actors said so. Their faces were stunned. Although it was quite intentional, it seemed to have worked perfectly.

'I was wondering how to show it, but Chris came in at just the right time, thank you.'

Since this was his first appearance here, a solid image setting was necessary. Acting 'selfishly' and looking somewhat arrogant was a success. But it wasn't unnecessary pretense. It was a show of strength with a basis. This was the intention Kang Woo-jin had in mind. It was similar to his past performance in 'Profiler's Dandy.'

It was like an introduction. They were seeing Kang Woo-jin for the first time.

However, contrary to Woo-jin's intention, something around him was amplifying. That something started with Chris Hartnett.

'Yeah······ this guy's tendency might be part of it, but speaking so confidently was meant to show a clear level difference to the actors gathered here.'

It quickly spread among the dozens of Hollywood actors present.

'Casual? Are you saying that all the acting we've seen so far isn't even his full capacity? Does that make sense? But if it's true—does it mean he's showing us the gap?'

'···What? He wouldn't be showing off in this situation. Chris's reaction is strange. Is there a 'real' Kang Woo-jin left? Has Kang Woo-jin been slacking off in his acting until now? Why? Is he planning to overwhelm us?'

'Good grief, then what about the shock I received? I was awestruck by just the 'casual' acting. It must be the same for everyone here. Is it meant to intimidate us? To make sure no one dares to speak?'

'That was impressive already! But there's supposed to be something even greater??! This!! Is he blatantly trying to crush us?!'

It was a misunderstanding and an overreaction. They judged on their own and exaggerated the outcome endlessly. The first shock was that Kang Woo-jin's 'casual' acting, which had amazed everyone in the reading room, was only 'casual.' The second was that he had made everyone lose their minds with a performance that seemed like he was hiding the 'real' one.

Did he do all that in a reading room filled with such high-profile people?

'What kind of audacity······ or is he just a madman?'

For some reason, the tension in the reading room increased several times. The Hollywood actors widened their eyes at Woo-jin's cynical face, each expanding their thoughts. Meanwhile, Kang Woo-jin, who had turned his gaze to the script, maintained his conceptual demeanor firmly.

'They're probably going to crack soon.'

Foreign journalists observing began to speak one by one.

"What? Are you telling me that the Kang Woo-jin I saw wasn't at 100%?"

"He just said so himself, that he did it casually."

"Is that possible? I was even creeped out. How could that be 'casual'—it must be a joke."

"No. Chris asked first; he must have seen Kang Woo-jin's acting during the audition. It's clear it wasn't at 100%."

"······Kang Woo-jin intentionally performed this way. Did he do it because he wasn't sure of everyone's reaction?"

The staff and team members of Hollywood actors began to murmur. With about a hundred people gathered, it quickly became noisy. However, the overall producer of 'Pierrot' and a few executives from 'Columbia Studio' had little reaction.

They had seen Kang Woo-jin's real acting during the audition.

It meant they were aware that Woo-jin had eased up during the script reading. Soon, Director Ahn Ga-bok, with a wrinkled smile on his lips.

'Reminds me of 'Leech'.'

He had experienced Kang Woo-jin intensely before. He too had been moved by Woo-jin's 'casual' acting at the time.

'But when the actual first shoot started, I was astonished by the 'real' performance. I never expected there was something even more impressive hidden.'

Director Ahn Ga-bok's gaze shifted from Woo-jin. The faces of Hollywood actors who were encountering the monster Kang Woo-jin for the first time, their staff, key staff, journalists, etc. All their expressions were quite interesting.

'Shall I set off another nuclear bomb?'

As the atmosphere intensified, it was not bad for Director Ahn Ga-bok. During the filming of 'Leech,' Woo-jin had set the acting standard for all characters, including the character Sim Han-ho. As a result, the overall quality of the actors' performances had risen.

Then Director Ahn Ga-bok.


Despite the ongoing filming, Kang Woo-jin looked directly at the person next to him. Then, he asked in English:

"Are you able to perform other roles in 'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain' besides the role of Henry Gordon?"

The foreign actors in the reading room, including Chris and the Hollywood actors, except for Director Ahn Gabok, all furrowed their brows. They were puzzled by this new question.

However, Kang Woo-jin's low-toned English was very simple:

"No problem."

The brief shock consumed everyone, but the script reading for 'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain' continued. Yet, everyone remained in a dazed state. Chris Hartnett, curious, asked Kang Woo-jin about his role.

"If you can really do other roles, I'd like to see my part."

The permission from Director Ahn Gabok and the executive producer was granted quickly. Kang Woo-jin then turned the reading room upside down once again. Without any preparation time, he immediately performed Chris's role. Watching this, Chris realized the level of the monster he was witnessing.

'This goes far beyond just being a good actor—what is this? A god?'

He realized that although the appearance was the same, the essence was entirely different. The script reading, filled with shock and fear, concluded only in the late afternoon. The reactions of the gathered actors were mixed. Some flocked around Kang Woo-jin with a barrage of questions, while others fled the reading room.

Regardless of which side they took, Kang Woo-jin was unaffected.

"Yeah, I'm satisfied."

The reporters who attended the reading quickly left their seats. However, they were not fleeing. They were just eager to write articles about what they had witnessed within the scope allowed by Columbia Studios.

The articles about the script reading for 'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain' started appearing in Hollywood media within minutes.

『CNM/ After the Script Reading of 'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain,' Kang Woo-jin was a monster!』

『LA TIMES/ Kang Woo-jin froze everyone during the script reading for 'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain.' He will easily conquer Hollywood.』

Most headlines prominently featured Kang Woo-jin's name. Kang Woo-jin, who was traveling by van, checked these out. Though outwardly composed, he smiled inwardly.

"Ha ha, they're hyping it up so much."

Kang Woo-jin spent a few minutes checking international news before skimming through Korean media, where the issue of being a nominee for the Emmy Award was still hot.

- Kang Woo-jin is a legend.

- Hahahahahahaha, 10 Emmy categories, hahahaha, never thought I'd see something like this in reality.

- Never imagined 'The Beneficial Evil' would become this big. The popularity abroad is overwhelming... it's quite touching.

- T_T T_T Thank you, Song Man-woo and Kang Woo-jin, for shining a light on Korea T_T T_T

- I'm so proud every time I see it!! Even just being a nominee is amazing, but if he wins, it would be a real explosion.

- What's amazing is that the Emmy itself was a huge barrier, but 'The Subtle Story 2' was a massive hit, and 'The Beneficial Evil' has surpassed it, which is astonishing.

- Kang Woo-jin is truly a treasure of Korean culture.

Domestic media didn't miss the opportunity to cover Kang Woo-jin's recent success in Hollywood.

『'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain' Script Reading Complete, Kang Woo-jin praised by international media: 'He was a monster' What happened?』

It had already become a major topic. Over the next few days, Kang Woo-jin briefly handled his Hollywood schedule. Chris Hartnett appeared as a guest on Kang Woo-jin's 'Kang Woo-jin's Alter Ego' channel. Though the schedule was somewhat hastily arranged, the filming went smoothly, and Kang Woo-jin toured 'World Disney Pictures' and 'Universal Movies.'

Meetings and interviews with various media outlets and magazines followed. Despite the short period, he also attended several events and parties.

『[Star Talk] Kang Woo-jin at the international luxury brand event, photos with Hollywood superstars』

Kang Woo-jin, who had been incredibly busy, returned to Korea after a week. Upon his return, he jumped straight into his schedule without a break. This included filming for 'The Beneficial Evil' Part 2 and numerous other engagements.

『Back to filming 'The Beneficial Evil' Part 2, Kang Woo-jin continues to face negative comments on 'The Beauty and the Beast' from abroad... When is the script reading?』

『Kang Woo-jin, who is receiving global attention as a nominee for the Emmy Award... Emmy organizers say, 'The ceremony date will be announced soon.'』

Days passed swiftly.

May 27th arrived. It was already the end of May, and half the year had passed. By this time, Kang Woo-jin was deep into filming for 'The Beneficial Evil' Part 2 in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi Province.

"Okay, Woo-jin, hold your breath!! Action!!"

The filming of 'The Beneficial Evil' Part 2 was nearing its end. Kang Woo-jin was famous for his lack of NGs, and PD Song Man-woo, energized by the Emmy buzz, was at his peak tension. The production team was equally enthusiastic.

At this pace, if it continued.

"Our cranking up is early next month, right?"

"Wow, already next month? It feels like we just started Part 2 yesterday! Time flies so fast."

"If we finish filming around June, after post-production and everything, will it be released on Netflix around September?"

"It seems so. Part 1 was a huge, huge success both domestically and internationally, so we need to release it as soon as possible."

"So it'll be after the Emmys. If we win even one award at the Emmys and launch Part 2, it'll be perfect."

'The Beneficial Evil' Part 2 was set to crank up in June and officially launch in September. That evening, the entire set, which had been fervently filming, erupted with PD Song Man-woo's final shout.

"Cut!! OOOOK!! Nice, Woo-jin!!"

After finishing the conversation about the next day's shoot with PD Song Man-woo, Kang Woo-jin returned to his seat. His costume, a suit, was torn here and there, and his face was covered with makeup aside from the injuries. Yet, his intense poker face remained unchanged.

- Swish.

As Kang Woo-jin returned to his chair, Choi Seong-geon, with his ponytail, approached.


"Yes, CEO."

With a slight smile.

"I received a call an hour ago—'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain' has been confirmed for its first shoot."

It was a smile of anticipation.

"It's the second week of June."

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