Chapter 449-451

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Chapter 449: Speed of Light (1)

Early morning, September 1st.

The location is the set complex within Columbia Studios. Among the numerous stages, one large set replicating an urban environment is bustling with activity. Over a hundred foreign crew members, including Director Ahn Gabok, are working efficiently. This is the team for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain.

The time is just before 8 a.m.

"Check the camera angles!!"

"Standby extras, please!"

"Director!! Please check this here!!!"

The set, which features tightly packed buildings, sidewalks, roads, crosswalks, various shops, and street vendors, is abuzz with activity. Today's focus for Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain is the first scene of Henry Gordon. Originally scheduled for 10 a.m., it was moved up by two hours due to Kang Woo-jin's tight schedule.

He has the first shoot for Beauty and the Beast at 1 p.m., so Kang Woo-jin is doing double duty today.


"Kang Woo-jin, standby!!"

Kang Woo-jin appeared on set, dressed in a worn-out hoodie and jeans, perfectly embodying Henry Gordon. After briefly greeting the foreign crew members, Woo-jin maintained his serious and indifferent demeanor, fitting the character's concept.


However, as he surveyed the expansive urban set, he felt a sense of wistfulness internally.

"Is this the end of filming for Pierrot? It's a bit of a mixed feeling."

At this moment, Director Ahn Gabok approached with a furrowed brow, holding the shooting schedule for the day. Along with the director of photography, Ahn Gabok explained to Woo-jin.

"As mentioned before, today's focus will be on the Henry Gordon scenes. The beginning and middle are a bit mixed up, so the emotional line might be inconsistent—but that shouldn't be a big problem for you. Please do your best."

Kang Woo-jin nodded solemnly.

"Yes, Director."

"Our goal is to complete up to three scenes by noon, with at least two scenes finished. There won't be many changes to the camera angles."

The director of photography joined in, explaining the scenes to Woo-jin. Meanwhile, dozens of extras, along with various supporting roles, were spread throughout the massive set, making it feel like a thriving city.

In any case,

"We start in 5 minutes."

As Ahn Gabok's command cleared the set, the extras paused, waiting for the director's signal. Ahn Gabok took his seat among several monitors, with around a hundred crew members gathering around. Among them was Choi Seong-geon, who was watching with his arms crossed.


- Swoosh.

Kang Woo-jin took his position in the filming zone. He had already embodied Henry Gordon, with his internal emotions reflecting the madness and elation of the character.

Hidden aggression, a disguise as Henry Gordon for the Joker.

Two crew members with cameras stood beside him, and there was also a camera mounted on a crane above. Additionally, a boom mic and a slate were held by other crew members.

- Snap!

The slate, showing the scene number and other details, was snapped.


With the director's cue, the people in the urban set began to move. They walked on sidewalks, conversed, honked their horns, cleaned store windows, or bought newspapers from street vendors.

- Honk honk honk!!

A car horn blared loudly. At this point, Henry Gordon, or Kang Woo-jin, appeared. As he looked around the city, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

His mouth twitched into a smile.


He tried to stifle the laughter. The smile reappeared, and he struggled to contain it. This subtle expression quickly flashed across his face. The camera captured Henry Gordon from the front. Kang Woo-jin took a step forward.

At that moment,

- Whee-ee-ee-ee!

Sirens echoed through the city. Multiple police cars sped by. Most people focused on the police cars, but Kang Woo-jin, walking, did not even glance at them. His posture remained relaxed and unflinching.

The camera pulled back a couple of steps to capture this peculiar scene.

Woo-jin's destination was the street vendor.

Despite selling various snacks, he picked up a newspaper. On the front page was a large photo of a man in bizarre clothing—The Joker. The article title read:

- [The Sudden Appearance of a Clown in the City! Who Is He?]

The journalist was Robert Franklin. Woo-jin gave a faint smile.

"Well done, friend."

The street vendor shouted.

"Hey! Since you picked it up, you should buy it! Huh??!"

Woo-jin looked at the vendor with a blank expression. His eyes seemed to waver strangely. The vendor shuddered at his eerie expression, and Woo-jin, holding the newspaper up to his face, pointed to himself with his index finger.

"How about it? Do I look like him?"

Meanwhile, a short distance from the filming set,

Choi Seong-geon, standing near the trailers where the actors rested, was on the phone. He had been watching Kang Woo-jin's performance until a moment ago but had to take an urgent call.

After a brief conversation, Choi Seong-geon put down his phone.

"Ugh, I'm so tired."

Looking exhausted, he stretched his neck from side to side. As someone who had started down the path of a major corporation and managed various new business ventures in addition to supporting Kang Woo-jin, it was no surprise.

He climbed into the passenger seat of a nearby van for a moment's rest.

- Swoosh.

Noticing a stack of papers on the floor of the passenger seat, he picked up the top one. The title in the center of the cover read:

- Guest

Choi Seong-geon unfolded the paper while muttering to himself.

"I forgot to give this to Woo-jin because I've been so busy. It's just for a simple review, so I'll need to pass it to him at the right time. Anyway—"

He flipped through a few pages and pondered.

"The adaptation was well done. Not only did they turn a Korean short into a feature, but they also enhanced the original focus on sound with additional genres. The original was a mystery, thriller, and suspense. Adding occult and horror elements too?"

The text was all in English. Though not an expert like Kang Woo-jin, Choi Seong-geon diligently read through the content before reaching for his phone again.

"Hm— It's best to give Woo-jin a suitable explanation when I hand this over."

Someone made a phone call somewhere. As soon as it was answered, Choi Seong-geon immediately spoke.

"Ha ha, hello Director Shin Dong-chun. How are you?"

The other party was Director Shin Dong-chun, who had directed 'The Detective Agency.'

Several hours later.

Although the weather was clear, the world was covered in snow. This massive castle in the mountains was no different. The castle walls and its appearance seemed quite aged, but the garden's trees and flowers were unusually well-maintained.

However, unlike the white world outside, the castle was dark.

It was the atmosphere.

It was too quiet and eerie. Its massive size made it feel even more so. Someone cautiously peeked into the castle's garden.

It was a blonde woman.

In a white dress that had become as white as snow, with a brown apron full of white stains. Her long blonde hair was tied with a cloth, and she wore a yellowish cloak over it. Her attire was very shabby.

But her beauty shone brightly.

With clean skin and blue eyes.

Naturally, the woman was a stunning beauty loved by all the men in the village. Her name was 'Belle.' So why had she appeared in this eerie castle? Cautiously scanning the castle, walls, and garden, Belle slowly moved.



Turning her gaze to the beautifully blooming flowers in the garden, Belle's previously cheerful expression suddenly stiffened.

"It's not naturally grown. Someone is here."

With a serious expression, Belle looked up at the grand castle. There were many windows, but she saw nothing. Though frightened, she mustered up her courage and slowly moved her feet towards the entrance of the castle. The camera followed Belle.



In Belle's eyes, as she opened the door taller than herself.


She saw the interior of the castle's first floor. Her blue eyes widened in amazement. She had imagined it would be full of dust, but the first floor of the castle was extremely clean. It was dark because the lights were off, but it definitely seemed like someone lived there.

And Belle was mesmerized by the castle's beauty.

The towering ceiling, the floor with various patterns, the golden columns, and the staircase guarded by lion faces. The staircase directly in front led up, branching into two paths to the second floor. Moreover, the furniture and items scattered around were all luxurious and appeared expensive.

"Oh my."

The smell was not unpleasant. On the contrary, it was even pleasantly fragrant. With her eyes wide open, Belle walked to the center of the first floor as if in a trance. She admired the ceiling, the front staircase, and the surrounding columns. She lightly brushed her hand against a golden column nearby. Not a speck of dust came off, and Belle turned around to press her face against a high window.

"It's clean."

It felt so neat it seemed like nothing was there.

At that moment.


Belle snapped herself back to reality by slapping her cheeks with both hands. As if telling herself to stay alert. Although Belle was naturally curious, she forced herself to suppress her rising interest and cautiously spoke towards the second floor.

"Is anyone here?"


There was no answer. Only her own voice echoed back.

"I know someone is living here. Please speak."


The first and second floors remained silent.

At that moment.


She heard something. The noise of wood and metal clashing. Belle's eyes widened in surprise, and she quickly shouted.

"W-Who is it! Hey! I heard you, come out and don't hide!"

Although she heard the sound, no one appeared. With her brows furrowed, Belle stood in front of the line of stairs.

"I'm going up, please come out and talk."

She placed her foot on the first step. At this point, a whispering voice seemed to seep into Belle's ears. There was definitely someone there.

Just as Belle was about to climb the second step.


A heavy, thick, and eerie voice from behind. Startled, she turned around with a gasp. However, no one was visible through the large open wooden door.

Belle, retreating from the stairs, walked cautiously towards the door.

"W-Who are you?"

This time, an immediate answer came. A voice as thick and heavy as before.

"Get out immediately."

"Show yourself, I have something to ask you."

"Get out!"

The shout was ear-splitting. No, it was closer to a roar. Belle, overwhelmed by confusion, took a step back.


Horrified, Belle heard the heavy shout again.

"You've entered someone's home without permission! So get out!! If you don't leave immediately, I'll tear you apart!"

This time, it came from the direction of the second floor, not the door.

Belle, feeling like her heart was about to burst, collapsed on the floor. She trembled but mustered her courage. She couldn't back down now; she needed to meet this person. Gritting her teeth, Belle got back up and walked determinedly, slamming the open wooden door shut.



Leaning against the door, she looked up at the second floor. Belle's blue eyes were resolute.

"Alright, tear me apart. But you'll have to come here first, won't you?"


The roaring sound ceased. Instead, a creaking noise spread. Someone was walking on the stairs. The right staircase on the second floor. It was dark, so it wasn't clear, but it seemed to be a large person's form. Belle spoke confidently to the man on the second floor.

"I won't move an inch from here."

It was an invitation for him to come. Although there were rumors that a monster lived in this castle, Belle didn't care who appeared. She was prepared to face whatever it was.

The sound of footsteps on the stairs continued.

It repeated.

Gradually, the figure of the man on the second floor began to emerge from the darkness. No, it was the shape of a 'beast.' Immensely tall and broad. Moreover, his face was covered in a mane—Wait, a mane? By the time the 'beast' had descended to the central staircase, there was no mane to be seen. Only a serious, almost threatening face, with eyes staring at Belle as if ready to devour her.

The revealed monster. No, 'beast.'



Belle's serious face twitched. Then.


She burst into laughter. At the same time, she brushed her blonde hair and apologized.

"Ahh— I'm sorry, Mr. Kang Woojin. I laughed without realizing it."

The entire first floor of the castle echoed with the director's voice through a loudspeaker.

"Cut, NG!"

The first take of 'Beauty and the Beast' ended in a spectacular NG. The reason was the now-serious-faced Kang Woo-jin, who was reprimanding Belle.

"Kara, you need to be serious."

It was Kang Woo-jin, the 'beast.' Kara laughed again and responded to Woo-jin on the stairs.

"But! The threatening 'beast' is so cute!"

It was true; Kang Woo-jin was indeed the 'beast' now. However, his appearance was a bit unusual. Woo-jin, with his hands on his hips and an indifferent expression, was actually trying hard to suppress his laughter inside.

'Damn it!! I'm embarrassed too!'

He was wearing tight gray bodysuits with odd patterns from head to toe.

The core of the 'beast' was his, and he shouted internally again.

'Damn it— the crotch is so tight in this bodysuit!!'

He was more like a roaring mermaid.

Chapter 450: Speed of Light (2)

The reason why 'Beast' Kang Woo-jin, or rather 'mermaid' Kang Woo-jin, had to wear a full-body spandex suit from the very first scene of 'Beauty and the Beast' was simple.

'Tsk! No matter how much this is for CG, how can anyone get into character wearing this?'

As if Kang Woo-jin was shouting internally, most of 'Beast's' scenes had to be shot in a spandex suit for special effects. In reality, Woo-jin would only wear the full 'Beast' costume a few times throughout the entire schedule. Most of the time, Woo-jin had to wear this spandex suit.

'Hey! Making team! Don't film this, don't film it!'

Despite being a comically awkward outfit covered in gray with strange dots, it was all for CG. Additionally, something was stuffed inside the spandex to enhance 'Beast's' physique. It was extremely uncomfortable and funny, but what could he do? It was all for the sake of the project's quality.

Kang Woo-jin had anticipated this situation.

He had prepared before the first shoot.

He had tried on the special outfit days in advance and had done numerous shoots in a strange booth with cameras all around a week ago. They filmed expressions, facial movements, and other elements for a nearly perfect 'Beast' CG. When the simulation was run, the 'Beast's' face on the monitor followed Woo-jin's movements.

Even the detailed expressions.

To create such detailed results, Woo-jin had to perform in the spandex suit for more than half of the 'Beauty and the Beast' shoot, if not more. Although it wasn't suitable for the concept, he endured the embarrassment as much as possible for the sake of acting and the project.

'I didn't expect Kara to laugh so easily. Hah—'

Anyway, foreign staff members rushed into the set. There had been an NG, so they needed to reset. Kang Woo-jin, who was awkwardly descending the central stairs, approached.

Kara on the first floor.


'Beauty Belle's' appearance, a perfect match to hers, was still trying hard to suppress her laughter at Woo-jin in the spandex. Among the dozens of staff, Woo-jin approached Kara.

"Are you going to keep laughing?"

He spoke sternly, but internally kept shouting, 'Don't laugh!' Kara, wiping away tears, apologized.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why, but seeing you in that special outfit, I can't help but laugh."

"Why don't you laugh it all out now and get used to it?"

Kara, who had been smiling, shook her head.

"It's not that it's funny, but rather that it's cute and makes me laugh."

Cute? What part of me is cute? Is her taste unusual? Kang Woo-jin found it hard to understand and suddenly recalled what his mother used to say.

'Woo-jin, whether it's a person or an animal, cuteness is the best. Once you become cute, it's over.'

At that moment, Bill Rothner, the director wearing black-rimmed glasses, approached. He too was smiling at Woo-jin.

"It's not bad to start off with a bit of fun. I'm glad the special outfit suits you, Woo-jin."

Woo-jin, staring at him indifferently, didn't really respond. He only muttered internally, 'Is this foreign old man making fun of me?' Rothner then said seriously to the two actors.

"The scenes before the NG were impressive. Let's focus and start from the beginning again."

"Yes, Director."


The two actors responded and immediately returned to their positions. Soon, Rothner, sitting back down among the monitors and key staff, muttered.

'...How much has that actor researched 'Beast'?'

A soft exclamation. Although the first scene of the first shoot had an NG, the appearance of the two actors was exceptional. In particular, when 'Beast' appeared, it was striking. At least Director Rothner thought so. However, other key staff members seemed to share the same sentiment and added their opinions.

"Despite the appearance, every line and action was 'Beast'."

"Right. Did you see Woo-jin's walk during the shoot? He lifted his heels and conveyed a heavy yet dignified presence. He must have studied 'Beast's' intimidating footsteps."

"From expressions to facial movements, shoulders, arms, and hands, it seems like every part of his body was tailored to fit 'Beast'. The detail is extraordinary... I can't wait to see the finished work."

Director Rothner, with his arms crossed, said.

"Just because we're using CG doesn't mean we can be lazy with the performance. In fact, it requires even more intense acting. If done carelessly, it immediately looks fake. But I'm not worried about Woo-jin."

He smiled faintly, clearly satisfied.

"Even in that ridiculous outfit, he manages to evoke the essence of 'Beast'."

The next morning, around 9 a.m.

A little outside downtown LA, in an area with fewer people and buildings compared to the city center, an 8-story building housed 'A8 Media,' a small film company. Though it was called small, it was essentially a startup film company just getting started.

Perhaps because of this, the sign was relatively clean compared to others.

The interior of 'A8 Media' on the 4th floor felt cramped. With only about 10 employees, they had produced some works that had achieved modest success, evident from the film posters on the office walls.

There was also a meeting room, where currently five foreign individuals were engaged in a conversation.

Three of them were men in suits. On the opposite side, a woman in her mid-40s with dark brown short hair and a man with freckles. The latter appeared younger.

In front of everyone were transparent files and tablets.

"Hmm, I understand."

As the conversation wrapped up, the three men in suits rose.

"We'll review and contact you later."

The woman with the dark brown hair shook hands with all three men in suits.

"Thank you."

The three men in suits left the meeting room. Soon after, the chubby man among them, recalling the previous meeting, chuckled softly.

"Wow. I thought there would be some connection since the movie was a remake of Kang Woo-jin's debut film, but there was none."

"Yeah, I honestly expected some talk about casting Kang Woo-jin. But as expected, it was a bust. We've wasted our trip."

"It seemed like Kang Woo-jin wasn't even aware of this project. Of course— Columbia Studios, Disney, and Universal Movies, rumors say Kang Woo-jin's schedule is booked up to the year after next."

"I heard the same. With that kind of power, why would he bother with such a small project? Even if it was related to his past."

Meanwhile, in the 'A8 Media' meeting room.

The atmosphere was gloomy as the two remaining individuals, the short-haired woman and the freckled man, continued their conversation.



The air was heavy, and the freckled man hesitated before speaking.

"Um... It seems difficult?"

In fact, the recent meeting had been about investment. Since the money is considered the heart of film production, the three men were very important figures. However, the short-haired woman sighed deeply as if something was off.

"Indeed, it's not easy."

"But they said they'd keep in touch, so maybe there's a chance."

"We'll probably never see their faces again."


The short-haired woman was Jennifer Sherman, the CEO of the new film company 'A8 Media.' Though she was called a CEO, in LA—a hub for numerous film companies—she was merely the owner of a small shop. Jennifer Sherman had a background with 'Universal Movies' and had done well with the film she made right after starting her independent career.

It seemed like she had hit it big immediately, but the next project went downhill.

Now, she was on the brink of collapse.

Jennifer Sherman leaned back in her chair and looked at the two stacked cover pages among the pile of documents on her desk. One read 'The Guest,' and the other was titled 'The Detective Agency.'

It was 'The Detective Agency'—the debut film of Kang Woo-jin. Jennifer Sherman had attended the Korean 'Mise-en-Scène Film Festival' and had felt its potential. A few months later, she bought the rights to 'The Detective Agency' and undertook a remake.

Of course, it wasn't a short film anymore but a feature-length film, tailored to Hollywood tastes.

Although it was briefly known in Korea, it quickly faded away because Kang Woo-jin wasn't globally famous at that time. Regardless, the Hollywood remake of 'The Detective Agency,' titled 'The Guest,' had been adrift for a year.

"Who knew things would get this tangled?"

It had progressed to the pre-production stage once but was abruptly halted. With Kang Woo-jin now booming in Hollywood, there was hope, as meetings had significantly increased. However, Jennifer Sherman's stern expression remained.

"They're all just waiting to see, only looking for Kang Woo-jin. They aren't even considering the work itself."

Even though 'The Guest' was a remake of Kang Woo-jin's 'The Detective Agency,' it was a new work due to the adaptation. If Kang Woo-jin wasn't starring, 'The Guest' was just another ordinary script for a fledgling film company.

It was rare for even medium-sized film companies to secure investment, let alone a new one.

The freckled man cautiously interjected.

"Representative, it might be better to shift our focus to other scripts. We have had other scripts besides 'The Guest' for a while now, right?"

"······Yes. But—oh, right. It was my greed."

Despite its failure, Jennifer Sherman had clung to 'The Guest' for over a year because she believed in the script's quality and its potential to be a fresh breeze in the horror or occult genre.

"Though, that's just my thought."

Jennifer Sherman, brushing her brown bob, struggled to stand up from her chair.

"Let's look for more investors and sort out other scripts. If we go any further, we're really done for."

Seeing the representative's pitiful state, the freckled man asked,

"······Representative, you had opposed it, but perhaps we should send the script of 'The Guest' to Kang Woo-jin? It is a remake of his debut film; wouldn't he take an interest?"

"The reason I opposed it is simple. It's because there's no possibility he would be interested in 'The Guest.' He's working with three of Hollywood's 'Big Five' studios, and according to rumors, his schedule is full until the year after next."

"But still..."

"More importantly, if we only look at the script, it puts us in a begging position to Kang Woo-jin. We must do whatever we can to survive, but we shouldn't harm the other party."

The freckled man fell silent at the representative's clear logic, and Jennifer Sherman fiddled with the 'The Guest' script on her desk, softly murmuring. Her expression showed her sorrow.

"Unfortunately, this work will have to remain buried in my memory."

Two days later, September 4.

In a moving van, Kang Woo-jin, Choi Seong-gun, and the team could be seen. Woo-jin was heading to 'SPT Studio' for the shoot of 'Beauty and the Beast,' scheduled in about an hour. It had already been four days since Woo-jin began shooting 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Pierrot: The Birth of the Villain' back-to-back.

However, Kang Woo-jin was fine, and what was interesting was.

- Rustle.

The poker-faced Kang Woo-jin was reading a script. The cover read:

- 'The Guest'

As he read the script, Woo-jin asked quietly.

"Is this the Hollywood remake of 'The Detective Agency'?"

The answer came from Choi Seong-gun with his signature ponytail.

"Yes, the title is 'The Guest.' Remember? I mentioned it before. It's an unusual case where a short film was sold to Hollywood."

"Yes, I remember."

"That's the one. But there's nothing much to focus on; just read it when you have some free time. It's just for you to review as the original star."

"The script was sent by Director Shin Dong-chun, right?"

"Yeah. Director Shin had no other intention. Since you led 'The Detective Agency,' he felt it was only right to send you the remake script. He emphasized that there was no pressure or expectation for you to respond."

Kang Woo-jin nodded slowly and returned his attention to 'The Guest' script. Specifically, he focused on the swirling black square attached to the script.

At this moment, Choi Seong-gun added an explanation.

"But from what I've heard, the situation isn't great."

"Not great?"

"Well, it's pretty straightforward. The Hollywood newcomer film company that bought 'The Detective Agency,' at that time Director Shin was a newbie, so they handed it over as soon as they bought it. After about a year of adaptation, it almost went to pre-production but was canceled."

"So it's still struggling to find investment?"

"Director Shin has also partially given up. It's likely the production will be difficult."

Hearing this, Kang Woo-jin subtly moved his index finger. He entered the void space. Soon, his surroundings were enveloped in the darkness of the void. Kang Woo-jin, having broken the concept, moved immediately to the white square.

A newly added script was visible.

- [14/Script (Title: The Guest), S-Rank]

- [*This is a highly polished film script. 100% reading is available.]

Kang Woo-jin was surprised.

"Oh—S-Rank? This is quite a big deal, isn't it?"

No, quite a big deal? Kang Woo-jin, who usually dealt with SSS-rank or EX-rank scripts, had dulled his sense of magnitude. Considering that an S-Rank script like 'The Guest' might be considered even more significant, given that it's in Hollywood.

"Maybe I should read it to see if I gain some ability."


"In any case, it's impossible for me to take this on."

The reality was that Kang Woo-jin was already committed to three Hollywood projects and had many other scheduled commitments in Korea, Japan, and Hollywood. His schedule would only continue to expand.

No matter how much he thought about it, it was impossible.

"I can't do it. There are plenty of actors in Hollywood."

For a moment, Kang Woo-jin briefly thought of Hollywood's top actors besides Chris and rubbed his chin.

"Hmm—though it's a bit of a waste. To just discard an S-Rank script, especially a remake of 'The Detective Agency.'"

As he pondered, Kang Woo-jin suddenly shouted 'Exit' and returned to reality. Inside the van, Choi Seong-gun was still talking to him.

"It's unfortunate, but what can we do? There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of works that disappear in Hollywood. Just read it if you have time."

Kang Woo-jin, now with a serious expression, made a low-toned suggestion to Choi Seong-gun.

"How about having the representative be the main investor of 'The Guest'?"

Chapter 451: Speed of Light (3)

With his eyes widened, Choi Seong-geon stared blankly at Kang Woo-jin, who remained expressionless even while discussing the huge topic at hand. Choi Seong-geon blinked, trying to process what he had just heard. He questioned Kang Woo-jin to confirm.

"Woo-jin, what did you just say?"

Kang Woo-jin, holding the "Guest" script, responded promptly with his usual simple and calm tone.

"I asked if the CEO would consider becoming the main investor in this film, 'Guest.'"






Choi Seong-geon's confusion was evident as he blinked rapidly. In contrast, Kang Woo-jin's dry gaze continued to fixate on him. Choi Seong-geon sensed that Kang Woo-jin was serious. Realizing something monumental was about to come, Choi Seong-geon.


He untied his ponytail and then retied it firmly. Exhaling softly, he began to speak.

"Woo-jin, even if 'Guest' is a remake of 'The Detective Agency,' and even if the production company is small and new, it's still set in Hollywood. The scale and amount of investment are worlds apart from Korea."

It was true. No matter how advanced Korean content had become, Hollywood was still Hollywood. For instance, while Korean blockbuster budgets might reach 40 to 50 billion won, such projects are rare. Hollywood frequently deals with much larger sums. Naturally, while there are Hollywood films with smaller budgets, the baseline for major investments is significantly higher.

In short, investing in Hollywood's main projects means staking the future of BW Entertainment.

"Well, even if 'Guest' doesn't collapse BW Entertainment in one go, it could still cause significant issues if problems arise. I'm not ignoring your opinion. BW Entertainment has many actors like Hye-yeon, but we got to this point largely because of you."

Choi Seong-geon, speaking seriously but calmly, acknowledged this.

"BW Entertainment has grown into one of Korea's top five companies, and we're now a major enterprise with overseas branches. This means many employees' livelihoods are at stake."

"I understand."

There was also the backing of Chairman Yoshimura Hideki.

"So, making a hasty decision isn't easy. I trust your judgment, but it's so unexpected for you to suggest that I invest in 'Guest.' Is there a reason for this?"

Kang Woo-jin's answer was brief.

"Because it's a waste."

"A waste?"


"······Of 'Guest'?"

"That's right."

Choi Seong-geon raised his eyebrows slightly and, glancing around at the team, leaned closer to Kang Woo-jin, whispering.

"Could it be that your supernatural intuition is at work again? About 'Guest'?"

Even if answering this might lead to misunderstandings reaching cosmic proportions, if such a reach had already occurred,

'If madness is steeped in artistry, then so be it.'

Kang Woo-jin considered it better to go all in.

"That's the idea. I have a good feeling about this script."


Choi Seong-geon's eyes widened further. Soon, Kang Woo-jin added.

"Setting aside the fact that it's a remake of 'The Detective Agency' and Director Shin Dong-chun's connection, I simply feel that 'Guest' is a good film and worth not being discarded."

"Is that so?"


Choi Seong-geon, who had already placed immense trust in Kang Woo-jin's intuition, knew the results were proven. They had come to Hollywood using 'Leech,' which had overturned Cannes, and now were involved with major Hollywood studios. At this point, doubting Kang Woo-jin's intuition would be foolish.


Choi Seong-geon's gaze shifted from Kang Woo-jin to the "Guest" script he was holding. Choi Seong-geon had read the script roughly and wondered what the total production cost would be.

'At least 30 billion, maximum 50 billion.'

In other words, between 30 billion and 50 billion won. Fortunately, "Guest" was considered a smaller-scale film compared to blockbusters, which could easily surpass 100 billion won. Regardless, Choi Seong-geon needed to prepare for up to 50 billion won.

50 billion won? It was indeed an enormous amount of money.

'If we invest more than 50%, we can be considered the main investor. But it would be better to invest the full amount, considering the situation and Woo-jin's intuition. Can we manage 50 billion?'

Choi Seong-geon concluded positively.

'It's feasible.'

Several possibilities flashed through his mind. There was also Chairman Hideki, and BW Entertainment was already a gigantic company. Finding a way to raise the funds was not impossible. At that moment, Kang Woo-jin's calm voice spoke again.

"CEO, we're expanding our business, aren't we?"


"Our domestic investment projects have already started, and I understand we're also preparing for overseas investments."

It was true. BW Entertainment had grown into a monstrous agency thanks to Kang Woo-jin, and was preparing for investments in Japan, Hollywood, and other markets. This included agents, talent scouting, projects, SNS, YouTube markets, and even the proven music industry abilities of Kang Woo-jin.

However, due to the vast scale of the business, it was planned over at least the next ten years.

But Kang Woo-jin remained incredibly calm.

"If we're going to enter Hollywood, starting with 'Guest' seems like a good idea."

"···Hmm, it's not too big, and it has the symbolic value of being a remake of your film debut."

Kang Woo-jin's agency, BW Entertainment, would save 'Guest,' which was on the brink of collapse. The overall storytelling was impressive. If 'Guest' succeeded due to Kang Woo-jin's intuition, BW Entertainment, already having a Hollywood branch, could quickly expand its reach.

At this point,

"This is— a case of 'better to try than not at all.'"

Choi Seong-geon, smiling wryly, felt a surge of 'no turning back' attitude similar to Kang Woo-jin.

"Well, it's a bit overwhelming where to start right now, but I'll figure it out."

Choi Seong-geon gave Kang Woo-jin a thumbs up.

"Let's give it a shot. Life is only lived once."

"If things go well, I might not be able to take the lead role, but I can certainly make a guest appearance or cameo."

Kang Woo-jin added nonchalantly.

"And I'll also contribute some of the investment."

As he had amassed considerable wealth.

One hour later.

Kang Woo-jin and his team arrived at the 'SPT Studio,' the massive set for "Beauty and the Beast." While Kang Woo-jin and his team were about to enter the set, Choi Seong-geon, burdened with the huge task at hand, was on the phone, discussing the "Guest" project.

Seeing this, Kang Woo-jin signaled to his team to move along.


First, he walked towards the trailer. The entrance to the 'SPT Studio' was already bustling with foreign staff from 'Beauty and the Beast'. They were busy with setting up, moving equipment, and so on. As he was casually greeting them, Woojin suddenly called out.


He called out the stylist, Han Ye-jeong, who was following behind. Perhaps influenced by 'Joker,' she had dyed her signature short hair a vivid red.

"Yes, oppa."

Woojin handed her the 'Guest' script.

"Please make three copies of this. Just tell the operations team."

"Got it. I'll copy it and leave it in the trailer."


After handing over the script, Woojin disappeared with the makeup team from 'Beauty and the Beast'. He had to put on the special effects costume and tight-fitting suit for CGI.

Exactly one hour later, Woojin was on set.


No, the tight-fitting 'Beast' was starting the shoot. The scene was set in the garden right in front of the 'Beast's' castle, where flowers were blooming profusely. The roles being filmed were 'Beast' and 'Beauty Belle'. Maria Armas, who was waiting on set, was also visible. There were also other Hollywood actors. The scenes with the teapot, candlestick, and clock would follow.

"Cut!! Miley, I need you to show more suspicion towards the 'Beast'!"

"Yes, Director."

"And Woojin, good! Your expression is even deeper than during the first shoot! Keep it up!"


The set of 'Beauty and the Beast' was moving quickly. Fortunately, Kara was completely absorbed in her role as 'Beauty Belle' and didn't laugh at Woojin in his tight suit, as she had on the first day. Occasionally, loud music played on set.


There were many scenes where the actors sang the OST, characteristic of 'World Disney Pictures.' Currently, Kara, as 'Beauty Belle,' was singing passionately while strolling through the garden with the 'Beast.' Of course, OST songs were recorded separately, but Kara performed and recorded the OST with her acting.

Her voice, which melted the ears on set, spread throughout.


Even Woojin, or the 'Beast,' seemed mesmerized.

'Wow, insane. I know she's a great singer as Miley Kara, but hearing her sing as Belle feels like I'm really in a fairy tale.'

The shooting of 'Beauty and the Beast' ended late into the night. The staff began to clean up, and the actors gathered in the trailer to leave. Woojin was no exception. He appeared next to Kara, who was in her 'Beauty Belle' costume, since her trailer was right next to his. Soon, Miley Kara, who arrived at her trailer, waved at Woojin.

"See you later. Quickly change out of your clothes."

However, the tight-suited Woojin stopped her.

"Miley, wait a moment."

"Huh? Why? Are you suggesting we grab a bite?"

"No, it's not that."

"What? It's okay to have a meal."

"I have another schedule."

"Wow, you know you're busier than I am?"

It was not a lie that Woojin had a shoot for his 'Kang Woojin's Alter Ego' channel. Anyway, Woojin told Kara to wait, then entered his trailer and looked at the stack of papers on the table. What else could it be but the 'Guest' script that he had asked Ye-jeong to copy?

'Even though it's an S-level project, it would be better if it turns out even better, right? The lead role, myself, the CEO, and everyone else, a win-win situation.'

Woojin, who had briefly smiled without his concept face, picked up a copy of the 'Guest' script. He then put on a serious expression and stepped out of the trailer. Kara was chatting with her female team members, and as Woojin approached, she took a few steps closer and spoke.

"Is there something you want to say? Normally, you just leave without saying anything."

Woojin, who had been looking at Kara's blonde hair indifferently, handed over the script.

"Please read this if you're okay with it."

"What's this?"

"It's a script."

"······A script?"

"Yes. I heard that you don't have any plans for a next project after 'Beauty and the Beast.'"

"That's true, but—A script? For me?"

"Why are you surprised?"

"It's sudden. A guy who didn't mention anything about Hollywood casting suddenly hands me a script. Of course, I'm surprised."

Is that so? Well, but you can't build up to these things? Woojin thought to himself as he retrieved the script he had handed over.

"Indeed, then let's forget about it."


Kara suddenly snatched the script from Woojin's hand and squinted her eyes.

"I'm surprised, but it doesn't mean I'm rejecting it."

Whether it was Kara's cuteness or something else, Woojin, who was observing the people behind her, for the first time said:

"Read it."

Woojin gave Kara a genuine smile, free of any concept.

"Let's discuss it in detail after you've read it."

Woojin returned to his trailer. Kara, holding the script and blinking her blue eyes, whispered softly.

"Did he just smile? Did he just smile?"

It was the first time seeing a genuine smile, not an acting one.


Woojin's schedule was a continuous cycle of shoots. For two days, he wore the tight suit for 'Beauty and the Beast,' and for another two days, he transformed into 'Joker' and stirred up the set of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain.'

Sometimes he even shot both projects in a single day.

Amidst the relentless filming, Woojin frequently entered a mental space of 'void space.'

"Ugh—I'm so exhausted, really!!"

It was a common sight even in Korea, but perhaps due to the unfamiliarity of Hollywood, the fatigue seemed more intense. But it had to be done. It had to be done by Woojin, and only Woojin could do it.

A week passed, and fortunately:

"CNM's 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain,' which has shaken up even the Emmys, is nearing the end of filming!"

The filming of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' was almost complete.

And during a break in the shooting of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain,' Choi Seong-geon entered Woojin's trailer with a smile. Inside, Woojin, in his 'Joker' look, was sitting.


Choi Seong-geon spoke firmly to Woojin. He was convinced.

"The funding is resolved, and we're going straight into working on 'Guest.'"


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