Tommy & Gidget

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After finishing their breakfast, Roger told Tommy that he'll teach him everything he knows about how to be the Toon Fox, after he gets back from school, which Tommy nodded as he and Melody went off to school where other Toon kids were currently at. Right now, Tommy and Melody were in class, when their teacher, who was secretly Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), said he has an announcement. Boney 10: "Okay class, I want you to know that we have a new student here, and I want you all to make her feel welcome... alright... everyone, meet Gidget D Mew." said Boney 10, before a Mew like Toon girl in a purple sleeveless dress, named Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz) came to the scene, and wrote her name on the chalkboard. Gidget: "Hello everyone... my name is Gidget D Mew, and I hope to be friends with all of you." Tommy: "Um... there's only me and Melody in this whole class." Gidget: "Yeah... I noticed that... why is this class so small?" Boney 10: "Let's just say this is a special class... but we'll talk about that later, now it's time for you to take your seat." Gidget: "Alright." said Gidget, before she goes over to her seat, which was next to Tommy's, which was between Gidget's and Melody's own. Tommy: "So... you're new here?" Gidget: "You could say that... and I have to say that it's nice to meet you, Tommy D Fox." Tommy: "Thanks, the pleasure's mine too... wait... how did you knew my name?" Melody: "Yeah... he never told you his name." Gidget: "Oh... um... lucky guess Melody D Rabbit." Melody: "Okay... how did you knew my name too?" Gidget: "Uh... oh man..." Tommy: "What's going on here...?" Gidget: "Um... it's a little hard to explain... [noticing her backpack not with her] oh nuts, I left my backpack at the door." Tommy: "I'll get it." said Tommy, before he stretched his arm out and pulls the backpack over to Gidget, who was shocked to see what she just saw. Gidget: "How did you..." Tommy: "It's... a long story... guess we both have some explaining, huh?" Gidget: "Looks like it... lunch?" Tommy: "Yeah, you read my mind." Gidget: "How did you knew that?" Tommy: "About what?" Gidget: "Never mind... let's talk more at lunch..." Tommy: "Okay." said Tommy, before he, Gidget and Melody went to focus on what their teacher has to say for today's class. When lunch came, Tommy, Melody and Gidget were sitting together at a single lunch table, and they were talking to each other. Tommy: "So... let me see if I got this right... you have... psychic powers?" Gidget: "Yeah... got them last night actually, and your stretching arm thing?" Tommy: "Um... well... have you ever heard of the Toon Fox?" Gidget: "Hmm... I think my mother saw him fight some muggers one time many years ago... what about him?" Tommy: "Well... turns out that the Toon Fox is my dad." Gidget: "What?!" Melody: "Not so loud... it's supposed to be a secret." Gidget: "Oh sorry... but still... your dad's a super hero?" Tommy: "He was... but his powers went away when he grew up, and got transferred into me when I was born... and they only got awakened this morning..." Gidget: "I see... so you only found out about this today?" Tommy: "Yeah... and not only that, the Toon Fox was my idol... which was why I wanted to make a comic book out of him..." Gidget: "Cool... sounds like something worth doing." Melody: "Yup, I can't wait to read it when it's done." some time later, school was done for the day, and the kids were on their way back home, this included Tommy, Melody and Gidget, who were walking together at the moment. Little did the trio knew that another certain trio was watching them, and it wasn't long before the trio burst out of the bushes and came in front of the kids. ScreamClaw: "Hello... kiddies." Melody/Tommy/Gidget: "Ahh!, it's the Demon Trio!... [pausing and looked at each other] wait... you know the Demon trio?" ThunderSmacker: "You should know, as you owe us your souls." Tommy: "Well technically it's my dad who owes you a soul... you only want me cause I have his powers." ScreamClaw: "Whatever... the point is your soul will be ours soon, along with the pink cat's." Melody: "Um... Miss Gidget... what do they mean by that?" Gidget: "Um... I might have made a deal with them last night... about giving me psychic powers in exchange of what I thought were the bottom of my shoes at first... which was actually my soul..." SpaceWarp: "Again with the s-s-shoes?!" Tommy: "Funny... my dad thought he was supposed to give them the bottom of his shoes too..." ThunderSmacker: "Ugh!, why are Toons such total idiots?!" ScreamClaw: "Never mind about it, let's just get their souls and get it over with." Gidget: "I don't think so." said Gidget, as she tries to use her psychic powers on the Demon trio, but they didn't budge an inch. ScreamClaw: "Nice try little girl, but psychic powers have no effect on demons like us, and the same would go with ghosts and bugs." Gidget: "BUGS?!, where?!" gasped Gidget in fear, as she looks around to see if there were any bugs around. Melody: "Are you... scared of bugs?" Gidget: "Yeah... they always creep me out..." Tommy: "Well if you mean by wasps and hornets... I don't blame you... as I had a run in with those once..." said Tommy, as he gets a flashback of himself accidentally messing with a wasp nest that let out a swarm of angry wasps that stung him many times. ScreamClaw: "Enough chatter!... [grabbing Gidget by the neck] either you give us your souls at will... or we'll take them by force!" Tommy: "Get your hands off of her!" shouted Tommy, before he stretches his arm out and punches ScreamClaw in the stomach, sending him flying into the other demons, who crashed into a tree that had a wasp nest that fell off of a branch, and a swarm of angry wasps begin to sting the demons. ThunderSmacker: "Ah!, wasps!" SpaceWarp: "Ow!, my f-f-face!" ScreamClaw: "Retreat!, retreat!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he and the other demons flew away from the scene, trying to get away from the angry swarm of wasps that flew after them. Once the danger was over, the kids got the chance to take some breaths of relief. Tommy: "Oh man... that was close..." Melody: "Are you okay, big brother?" Tommy: "Yeah, I'm fine, [turning to Gidget] what about you?" Gidget: "Yeah... I'm okay... you saved me... thank you..." Tommy: "Oh... it was nothing... mom always taught me that a gentleman must always treat a lady right." Gidget: "She sounds very wise." Tommy: "Yeah... she sure is... speaking of mom, we better get home before she starts worrying about us." Melody: "Good idea, see ya later, Gidget." said Melody, before she and Tommy ran off home, while Gidget couldn't help but stare at Tommy while blushing a little. Gidget: "Wow... my heart is racing... I think I'm in love... with Tommy..." said Gidget, as she realizes that she now has romantic feelings for Tommy.

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