Genie Of The Lamp

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Last time, Tommy, and his friends and their family went on a treasure hunt that was secretly set up by the Demon trio, and got a mysterious oil lamp that let out a lot of blue smoke when the young fox Toon rubbed it. Now, out of the lamp came what looked like a large blue being called Genie (voiced by Robin Williams), and he stretching his arms out. Genie: "Ah!, 10,000 years... will give you such a creek in the neck!" Tommy: "Whoa... a blue giant!" Genie: "Eh?, blue giant?, oh no, I'm not a blue giant... even though I am blue and big as a giant at the moment." Melody: "But... if you're not a giant... what are you... and who are you?" Genie: "Me?, you mean you have no idea who I am?" Tommy: "Nope..." Gidget: "Not really..." Jokey: "Can you give us a hint?" Genie: "Why certainly, I am... the ever impressive, long contained, imitating but never duplicated... Genie of the lamp!" Lyric: "You mean... you're a genie?!" Roger: "A genie?, I thought there were only a myth." Patch: "What's a genie?" Pongo: "Well... I wish I could explain it..." Perdita: "Me too..." Duchess: "Well I'm guessing that genies are special beings... right?" Genie: "You can say that, I'm the spirit that lives in that magic lamp, and whoever finds and rubs my lamp, I will grant them 3 wishes." Tommy: "Really?, you can grant me any 3 wishes?" Genie: "Um, almost, there are a few provisos." Jokey: "Huh?" Jokeo: "Say what now?" Marie: "Could you repeat that in a more simple way?" Berlioz: "Yeah, what do you mean by that?" Toulouse: "Yeah, what he said." Cadpig: "Um... I think he means there are some wishes that he's not allowed to grant." Genie: "Correct, like I'm not allowed to grant you more wishes for example... and I can't kill anybody, or make people fall in love with anybody else... and I can't bring people back from the dead, it's not a pretty picture, I don't like doing it!, but other than that, you got it." Tommy: "Yeah... I think I can deal with that... those are some good rules..." O'Malley: "You can say that again..." Tommy: "Okay... oh wait, I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Tommy D Fox, and these are my friends and family." Melody: "I'm Melody, Tommy's sister." Roger: "I'm Roger D Fox, Tommy and Melody's father." Lyric: "My name's Lyric D Rabbit, Roger's wife and Tommy and Melody's mother." Gidget: "I'm Gidget, and these are my adopted siblings, Marie, Berlioz and Toulouse, and the cat couple are Duchess and O'Malley, my adopted parents." Jokeo: "I'm Jokeo, and this is Jokey, my twin brother, and the dalmatian couple are Pongo and Perdita, our adopted parents, and the dalmatian puppies are Patch, Cadpig and Rolly, our adopted dalmatian siblings." Jokey: "And don't forget our adopted kitten brother, Oliver as well." Jokeo: "Oh yeah, can't forget him." Genie: "Well it's nice to meet you all, the name's Genie." Roger: "How original..." Lyric: "Roger, don't be rude." Roger: "Sorry..." Gidget: "So Tommy... what are you gonna wish for?" Tommy: "I don't know... I want my wishes to be good... say Genie, what would you wish for?" asked Tommy, which surprised Genie as lot. Genie: "Me?... gosh... nobody has ever asked me that before... well in my case... simply freedom..." Tommy: "You mean... you're a prisoner?" Genie: "It's all part of the whole all powerful genie gig... phenomenal cosmic powers... but itty bitty living space..." Melody: "Oh gosh... that's terrible..." Oliver: "Yeah... a life without freedom... can't be a real life for anyone..." Genie: "No... but to be free... such a gift would be greater than all the magic, than all the treasures, than all the world... but that's never gonna happen for me..." Tommy: "Why not?" Genie: "The only way that a genie like myself can get out of this curse being a slave to my lamp, is if my master wishes me free... and you can guess how often that's happened... like never..." Tommy: "Hmm... well if you want... I can wish you free." Genie: "Yeah, right..." Tommy: "No really, after I use my first two wishes, I can use my last one to set you free." Genie: "You promise?" Tommy: "Of course, it's a fair deal for the wishes, right?" Genie: "Well... I suppose so... now let's make some magic!... so what is it that you want most?" Tommy: "Gosh... I don't know... [stomach suddenly growling] oh... guess I'm getting hungry..." Jokeo: "Not just you..." said Jokeo, as he and Jokey's stomachs started to growl too, along with the other kids' stomachs. Lyric: "Oh dear... looks like everyone's hungry..." Perdita: "And we don't have any food with us now..." Rolly: "What?!" Perdita: "I'm sorry Rolly, I didn't think this treasure hunt would take most of the day." Rolly: "What can we do?, I'm really hungry..." Jokey: "Me too... and it's not like food is gonna come like magic." said Jokey, before Tommy got an idea and looked at Genie. Tommy: "Can you grant food wishes?" Genie: "As a matter of fact, I can." Tommy: "Then in that case... I wish for you to make us the best meals." Genie: "Alright!, best meals coming right up!" said Genie, as he snaps his fingers and with a poof of magic, a big table full of delicious meals appeared, much to the joy of everyone. Gidget: "Wow!, look at all of this food!" Roger: "No kidding!, there's chicken wings!, I love chicken wings!" Lyric: "And some good looking carrots too." Marie: "Some milk and fish." Patch: "And some steak meat too." Jokey: "Awesome!" Jokeo: "Let's dig in!" Melody: "Thank you Mr Genie sir." Genie: "No problem, try some of the pizza with the Gumdrops, they're actually pretty good together." said Genie, as he watches everyone begin eating their meals, while the Demon trio, who were secretly hiding from a distance, were watching. SpaceWarp: "Oh man... I could go for a b-b-bite myself..." ThunderSmacker: "Me too..." ScreamClaw: "Never mind that, now's our chance to get the lamp." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons tip toed towards the lamp, trying to get it without being noticed. However, when Jokey and Jokeo tried to eat some hot food, their mouths started to have fire coming out of them, and then pulled out water hose that Genie summon and tried to fire the water into their mouths, only to not only spray water all over the place, but also the Demon trio as well, who screamed out in pain before flying away from the scene to avoid getting any more wet than they already were. Tommy: "Was that the Demon trio?" Gidget: "I think it was... though it looks like they're gone now..." Genie: "Oh man!, that was way too close... if they got a hold on my lamp..." Roger: "Why would they want your lamp?" Genie: "So I would be forced to grant their wishes of course, and they wanted the Mask of MegaTrog... or perhaps somebody's soul..." Gidget: "I get the soul part... but some mask?" Genie: "The Mask of MegaTrog gives the trio the power to become MegaTrog, so if that happens... the world would be doomed." Marie: "Oh no..." Genie: "But since they're gone now, we're safe... for the moment at least..." Tommy: "Good to know... guess we need to keep a close eye on Genie's lamp for a while, at least until I wish the Genie to be free of course." Lyric: "Good idea sweetie." Roger: "What now?" Pongo: "I think we should go home." Perdita: "Yeah, it's getting pretty late." Gidget: "I can teleport us back home if you want." Oliver: "You can do that?" Gidget: "Yup, now hold on tight." said Gidget, as she uses her psychic powers to teleport everyone and the ship back to the neighborhood, and soon everyone went back to their homes to get some sleep for the night.

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