A Toon Pirate Treasure Hunt

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Inside a cave, where the Demon trio were pacing back and forth to think of a plan on stealing the kids' souls, ScreamClaw stopped and had an evil grin on his face that made him believe that he just thought up a good plan. ScreamClaw: "I got it!" ThunderSmacker: "Got what?" SpaceWarp: "A p-p-plan to get the souls of this k-k-kids?" ScreamClaw: "Sort of... it's a plan that involves a certain lamp." ThunderSmacker: "You don't mean..." ScreamClaw: "Oh yeah." ThunderSmacker: "But ScreamClaw, that certain lamp is inside a special cave where demons like us can't get in." ScreamClaw: "Yes, I know that... but I also know that someone with a pure heart can enter... and one of those brats was pure enough to have the powers of an Angel..." SpaceWarp: "You mean... the blue rabbit g-g-girl?" ScreamClaw: "That's right... all we have to do is get her to the cave and get that lamp for us." ThunderSmacker: "How are we gonna do that?" ScreamClaw: "Leave that part... to me." said ScreamClaw with an evil grin on his face, already having an idea on how to get Melody to the certain lamp. At the Toon Fox/Rabbit family household, Lyric was busy planting some flowers in her garden, and it wasn't long before Roger and the others came over to her. Roger: "Hey Lyric, I see that you still have quite a green thumb." Lyric: "Thanks dear, but I can't take all the credit, for the weather was nice enough for it." Roger: "Well this is that time of the year when the sun shines everyday." said Roger, before Lyric puts her shovel into the ground, only to hit something under the dirt, and Lyric pulled the object out to see that it looked like a bottle with a piece of paper inside. Lyric: "Hello... what's this?" Tommy: "It looks like a bottle..." Melody: "I think you're right... but what's that piece of paper in it?" asked Melody, before Lyric opens up the bottle and unrolled the piece of paper to reveal that it was some time of treasure map. Lyric: "Huh... now this is a surprise..." Roger: "A map?" Lyric: "Looks like it..." Melody: "A map to where?" Tommy: "Maybe to some buried treasure!, I mean it looks like a treasure map to me." Roger: "You know what sport... you might be right..." Lyric: "I don't know... why would a treasure map be buried here in the garden?" Tommy: "Maybe a pirate buried it here long ago and nobody else ever found it til now." Lyric: "Hmm... maybe..." Roger: "Well a treasure hunt does sound interesting... and since the map leads to a desert island... this will be the perfect opportunity to test out my new ship." Lyric/Tommy/Melody: "What ship?" asked Roger's family, before the scene changed to show Roger showing them what looked like 17th century style ship that was standing on the ground instead of the water. Roger: "Behold... my most recent creation." Melody: "Wow... it's beautiful!" Lyric: "Yeah but... it's not on the water..." Roger: "Oh yes... let's just say this ship doesn't sail on water." Tommy: "But there are no wheels on it..." Roger: "No... it does something much cooler... as to what that might be... you'll see..." said Roger, before Gidget, the hyena twins, and their families came to the scene. Gidget: "Hi Tommy, what cha doing?" Tommy: "Hi Gidget, we're going on a treasure hunt." Jokey and Jokeo: "Really?!, awesome!" Patch: "Is that what that ship is for?" Melody: "That's right." Rolly: "Will there be any treasure to eat?" Cadpig: "Rolly, most treasure is normally gold or diamonds." Oliver: "What got you decided to go on a treasure hunt?" Tommy: "Mom found a bottle that had a treasure map on it." Marie: "Really?" Toulouse: "Cool!" Berlioz: "What kind of treasure are we talking about?" Tommy: "Beats me, the map showed that the X is on a desert island." Roger: "And with this ship, we'll be there in no time." Pongo: "But it's not on the water." Perdita: "And there are no wheels either." Duchess: "Yes... and ships don't move so easily on land." O'Malley: "Yeah, how are you gonna go anywhere in that?" Roger: "It's a surprise." Gidget: "Would it be okay if we join ya?" Tommy: "Sure, the more the merrier." Melody: "Yup, it would be great to have this adventure with you all." Duchess: "I don't know..." Marie: "Please mama?" Toulouse: "We promise to be good." Berlioz: "And we haven't got to hang out with Gidget's friends since the beach." Duchess: "Well... alright... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a little adventure." Patch: "So does this mean we can come too?" Pongo: "Well... I don't see why not... sure." Patch: "Alright!" so with that, everyone went onboard the ship, and then Roger pulls a lever that turns on the engines on the ship, which activates the electronic sails and the ship started to fly into the air, much to the surprise of everyone. Tommy: "No way... this ship can fly?!" Roger: "Yup, something I thought up from that Treasure Planet movie." Lyric: "Ah... I thought this kind of ship seemed familiar somehow..." Tommy: "Wow dad!, you're awesome!" Roger: "Well... I don't know about that..." Pongo: "Well I agree with your boy here, you're really something." Perdita: "Yeah, I can't think of anyone capable of making something like this in real life." Lyric: "Well if you think he's impressive nowadays, you should have seen him when he was the super hero known as the Toon Fox." Duchess: "That's something I still find hard to believe... I mean if he was really the Toon Fox when he was young... why did he quit that job?" Roger: "I didn't exactly quit... I retired when I lost my powers and married Lyric, which was probably for the best as I doubt that I could handle a double life of being a super hero and a family man..." O'Malley: "Yeah... that would be pretty hard to do... but how did you lose your powers?" Roger: "I grew up... simple as that... for it turns out my powers were made for a child... so when I became an adult, my powers were gone... or so I thought... until the day the Demon trio showed and tried to steal Tommy when they learned that those powers got transferred into him." Duchess: "So that's how the boy got such a stretchy body..." said Duchess, as she and the others see Tommy stretching his arm out and wearing a straw hat to try pretending to be Monkey D Luffy from ONE PIECE, while the other kids were laughing by Tommy's silliness. Pongo: "That boy sure knows how to cheer people up..." Roger: "Yup, my boy's a real chip off the old block." said Roger, feeling proud as he watched his son having fun with his friends. A bit later, while on the way to the island, the crew of Toons had some encounters with some ghost pirates that tried to scare the kids, only for them to knock themselves out from laughter by the silliness that Tommy, Jokey and Jokeo did with some mallets and pogo sticks and all that. Toulouse: "Who knew ghosts had such a sense of humor..." Berlioz: "Not me... I would be too busy running away from them..." said Toulouse and Berlioz after the defeat of the ghost pirates. The group also had a run in with some giant whales that were made of clouds, and one of them spout some water onto Roger's face, much to his annoyance. Lyric: "Are you alright dear?" Roger: "I'm fine... it's only water after all... speaking of which... I can't believe we get to see giant cloud whales..." O'Malley: "No kidding... I didn't even think something like those could even exist..." Pongo: "Well when you're living in a world full of Toons, anything could be possible..." Roger: "How true... a world of Toons can make anything happen... I learned that from the moment I started out as the Toon Fox..." Perdita: "And now it's your son's turn to be the Toon Fox..." Roger: "Yeah... I just hope it won't hurt his future..." back with the kids, they were currently playing with wooden swords while being dressed up like pirates. Jokey: "Arr!, shiver my timbers!, and uh... what else is there?" Jokeo: "Um... ahoy mateys?" Jokey: "Oh that's a good one." Gidget: "Oh boy... boys and pirate talk..." Marie: "I know..." Melody: "What's the problem?" Gidget: "Oh nothing for you to worry about, Melody." Cadpig: "It's just us finding what boys like can be so silly sometimes." Melody: "Okay... by the way... did you see what I can do now?" asked Melody, before she sprouts out her angel wings and begins to fly around. Patch: "When can she do that?" Tommy: "Since the time when Melody and I had a ride in the Toon Mobile... which is a long story of course..." Rolly: "Does it involve food?" Tommy: "Well... I suppose it did in a way... an a certain three headed demon dog." Cadpig: "Uh..." Tommy: "Like I said before... it's a long story." meanwhile, not too far away from the ship, the Demon trio were flying in the sky and following the ship and the Toons sailing on it. ThunderSmacker: "So that map of yours really worked?" ScreamClaw: "Of course... nobody could resist the chance for the adventure of a treasure hunt... now all we need to do is wait for them to get to the cave and get the lamp... and once they get it... we'll use it's power to get their souls once and for all." SpaceWarp: "B-b-but... what if they use the l-l-lamp themselves?" ScreamClaw: "Well we'll just have to make sure we get it before they realize what it really does..." said ScreamClaw with an evil grin on his face as he continues to watch the ship sailing in the sky. Soon, at last, the ship makes a landing on the desert island, and there the group began to march to the spot the X was, and once they arrived, they were surprised to see a cave that looked like a Tiger's head with glowing white eyes. It was the Cave of Wonders (voiced by Frank Welker), and it was at the spot where the X on the map was located. Tommy: "Whoa... what is that...?" Roger: "Some sort of giant Tiger?" Gidget: "No... I think that's... the Cave of Wonders..." Marie: "You mean from the legend that you looked up about the history of the creation of this world?" Gidget: "Yeah... legend has it that the Cave of Wonders contains a special treasure that is behold one's wildest imagination... or so I've heard..." said Gidget, before Jokey tries to get a closer look at the cave, which startled him when the cave suddenly spoke up. Cave of Wonders: "Who dares to approach me?" Jokey: "Uh... it would be... Jokey D Hyena..." Cave of Wonders: "Know this... only one may enter here... one who's heart is pure... or else will parish." Melody: "You mean... killing them?, but that's not nice..." said Melody, while the cave takes a look at the girl and sees the pure heart within her. Cave of Wonders: "You may proceed... but touch nothing but the lamp." said the Cave, before he opens his mouth, showing Melody the insides of the cave itself. Melody was scared at first, but then Tommy came over to her and helped her get inside the cave. Soon, the pair found themselves surrounded by more treasure than anyone could ever have, and they were amazed. Tommy: "Wow... just a handful of this stuff would make us richer than any king..." Melody: "Yeah but... remember what the cave said... we can't touch anything but the lamp..." Tommy: "Oh that's right... but what lamp was he... [seeing the lamp on top of a tall rock] oh there it is." said Tommy, before he and Melody picked it up and ran off back to the others outside of the cave. Roger: "What's that you got there?" Tommy: "Just a lamp... it was the only thing that the cave will allow us to take... not sure why though..." Melody: "It's a bit dusty..." Tommy: "Here let me help." said Tommy, before he starts rubbing the lamp, and that was when a lot of blue smoke burst out of the lamp, much to everyone's surprise as they can see that something was coming out of the lamp.

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