Toon Fox & The Joker

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It was night time at Gotham city, when a gang were breaking into Ace Chemicals, unaware that they were being watched by Batman, who was with Tommy, who was wearing the cape and goggles that his dad wore in his super hero days as the original Toon Fox. Batman: "Remember, do everything as exactly as I say..." Toon: "Got it... um... would this be a bad time to ask for a bathroom break?" Batman: "Yes... now come on, we got work to do." said Batman, before he goes into Ace Chemicals, followed by Tommy. The leader of the gang, Jack Napier (voiced by Mark Hamill), was trying to break open a safe when Batman and Tommy showed up and beaten up most of Jack's gang. Jack: "Snap!, it's Batman and... wait... who's the fox freak?" Toon Fox: "Me?... [imitating Batman] I'm Toon Fox." Batman: "Don't do that." Toon Fox: "Sorry..." Jack: "So Batman's got a sidekick... cute, but that won't help you to outfox me." said Jack, as he makes a run for it, and Batman and Toon Fox began chasing him. Tommy: "Hey come back here!, and did you just made a fox joke of me being a fox?!" cried out Tommy, as he and Batman continued to chase the criminal. Jack: "Oh... why did I have to live like this?!... all I ever wanted was to make people laugh!, and yet people won't see that I'm a great comedian!" said Jack, as he was running on a bridge that was above some tanks of chemicals, when the Demon trio suddenly appeared in front of him. ScreamClaw: "Well looky here boys... it's our old client, Jack Napier." Jack: "D-d-demon trio?!, why are you here?!" ScreamClaw: "Oh not much... just here to collect some souls..." Jack: "Please!, I'm close to getting the money!" ThunderSmacker: "You think we care about money?" SpaceWarp: "N-n-no money can get our interest..." ScreamClaw: "But tell you what... you get the soul of that little fox with the man in the bat costume, and we'll let you off the hook... deal?" Jack: "Fine with me." said Jack, as he tries to catch Toon Fox, who just stretched his arm and sends it back to punch Jack in the face with enough force to send him flying off the bridge and falls into a tank of chemicals, much to Toon Fox's and Batman's shock and horror. Toon Fox: "Oh my... what have I done?!" gasped Tommy as he began to shed tears out of his eyes, before the police began to come to the scene, and Batman takes Toon Fox out of the plant just before the police could see the duo. As for the Demon trio, they flew away from the scene, unaware of someone came out of the tank of chemicals that Jack fell into a moment ago, someone with a white hand by the looks of it. In the Bat cave, Lyric was doing her best to comfort poor Tommy, who felt guilty of believing that he killed someone, bad guy or not. Lyric: "It's okay Tommy... don't cry..." Tommy: "I can't help it mom... I killed someone..." Lyric: "You didn't mean to sweetie, it was just an accident." Tommy: "But still... that man's dead... and it's all my fault..." said Tommy as he continued to cry, before Roger came over to him. Roger: "I'm sorry son... I should have told you that the life of a crime fighter wasn't easy... there's bond to be days like this..." Batman: "Roger... are you really sure you want him to have this life?" Roger: "No... but if I don't help him learn on how to control his powers... there's no telling what troubles they could lead him to..." said Roger, before Alfred came to the scene. Alfred: "Sir... it would seemed that there's trouble going on in the city." Lyric: "Already?" Alfred: "Here in Gotham, crime happens a lot." Batman: "I'll go, you lot should help Toon Fox feel better." said Batman, before he goes into the Bat-mobile and drives away from the scene. When Batman arrives into the city, he finds a lot of people on the ground, not moving and have disturbing smiles on their faces while laughing like hyenas. It wasn't long before a man that was really Jack Napier, now with white skin and green hair and wore a purple suit, came to the scene. Jack: "Don't they look happy to you?" Batman: "You?, the man from Ace Chemicals?" Jack: "I had a name, which was Jack Napier... but now with my new getup, which I should thank Toon Fox for by the way... call me... The Joker." said Jack, now calling himself the Joker, pulls out a gun that shoots our little flags that said 'bang!' on them, which Batman was able to dodge in time, but still surprised from the trick as he never seen anything like it before. Meanwhile, in the Bat cave, Tommy and the others were watching what was happening in Gotham through the Bat computer, which shows Batman's battle against the Joker. Tommy: "Is that... the man from the Ace Chemicals plant... so then... I didn't kill him?" Gidget: "I guess not... though it looks like he's gotten himself a new clownish makeover..." Jokey: "Do you think those chemicals did that?" Jokeo: "Come on bro, there's no way that some chemicals can do that... right?" Melody: "I'm more worried about those poor people around him... I mean what did he do to them?" Lyric: "Nothing good I'll bet..." Roger: "Tommy... I know it might be dangerous... but now might be a good time to help Batman on stopping this criminal." Tommy: "I do wanna help... but what I mess up?" Roger: "At least you would try doing something about it... better than sitting around and doing nothing..." said Roger, before Tommy stood up and wiped away the tears in his eyes and gets a determined look on his face. Tommy: "Alright... I'll go..." Lyric: "Just be back in time for dinner, okay?" Tommy: "Yes mom." said Tommy, before he puts on his cape and goggles and head off to help Batman. Speaking of which, Batman was doing his best to avoid getting hit by some little grenades that blow out gas that caused the people around him to laugh like crazy hyenas, before chasing the Joker to the top of a tall building. Joker: "Now tell me Bat boy, why do you hate to smile so much?" Batman: "I don't... I hate criminals like you." Joker: "But I believe we're linked, I am the comedy to your tragedy, two sides... same coin." said Joker, as he continues to throw more laughing gas grenades at Batman, who managed to avoid them and punches Joker in the face, causing the clown to lose his balance and fell off the building, much to Batman's shock and horror as he looks down to see Joker falling to his doom. However, Toon Fox came to the scene and stretches his arm to catch Joker by the leg and gently puts him down to the ground. Toon Fox: "Whew... that was too close..." Joker: "You saved me... why?" Toon Fox: "You might be a villain, but that doesn't mean you deserve to die like that..." Joker: "Well don't think we're friends now... but how about I give you a smile on your face?" said Joker, as he was getting ready to throw a laughing gas grenade at Toon Fox, who just stretched his arm to take it away. Toon Fox: "Oh thanks, this should be good enough for Batman to examine the gas to create an antidote." Joker: "Hey!, give that back!" said Joker, as he tries to take the grenade back, only for Toon Fox to leave the scene as soon as the police came and arrested the clown. Commissioner James Gordon (voiced by Bob Hastings), and Detective Harvey Bullock (voiced by Robert Costanzo) were making sure that the clown doesn't get away as he gets taken to a police car that drives away from the scene. Bullock: "Great... just what this town needed... another freak like that Batman I've been hearing rumors about." Commissioner Gordon: "Well it seems that this Batman is what's helping us on keeping this city safe." Bullock: "Maybe... but I still prefer to have this town not having freaks around." Commissioner Gordon: "So do I... but that's not likely gonna happen anytime soon..." said the Commissioner, as he and Bullock went back into their cars and drove away from the scene. Back in the Bat cave, Batman goes over to Tommy, who was being cuddled by Lyric. Batman: "I saw you save the Joker earlier." Tommy: "Oh... um... well... I couldn't let him get killed... I was only doing what I believed was right..." Batman: "Yes... in that case... nice job." Tommy: "Really?" Lyric: "Of course sweetie, saving a life is very important, no matter how good or evil." said Lyric, before Roger and the others came to the scene. Roger: "Your mother's right, Tommy, I'm very proud of you, sport." Melody: "Me too, thanks to you getting that grenade, Mr Batman was able to create an antidote to that gas the clown used to make people laugh out of control." Gidget: "Though give us a warning next time that you brought back a grenade..." Tommy: "Got it." Jokey: "Hey guys, check what me and Jokeo can do now." said Jokey, before he and Jokeo transformed into their mammoth and giraffe forms, and then their bodies changed shaped to either a sphere in Jokey's case, or a cube in Jokeo's case. Gidget: "Um... and the point of those forms are what now?" Jokey: "Watch... ready bro?" Jokeo: "Ready... now aim... fire!" said Jokeo, as he launched his head and neck out of his cube shaped body and hits Jokey, sending the mammoth/hyena toon rolling all over the cave, before falling down on top of the Bat-Mobile. Batman: "Hey!" Jokey: "Oops..." Alfred: "[deep sigh] we better start the repairs..." Jokeo: "Hmm... better make a note... don't use that move in places that has many people or things that belong to someone not evil..." said Jokeo, as he and Jokey made a nervous chuckle with a nervous smile while shrugging their shoulders.

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