A Sick Reindeer For Christmas

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It was Christmas Eve, which was the day before Christmas day itself, which was in the month of December, part 3 and final part of what some of the Toons called the 3 month holiday, and everyone was getting ready for the arrival of Santa Claus, including the Toon Fox/Rabbit family, who were in the house and trying to stay warm. Tommy: "I can't wait for Santa to come..." Melody: "Me neither... I hope I get the special rocking pony I always wanted." Tommy: "And I hope to get the awesome snowboard I always wanted." said Tommy and Melody, before their parents came to the scene. Lyric: "Just remember kids, Christmas isn't just about getting, it's about giving to others, to be with the ones you love." Melody: "Oh yeah, that's what makes Christmas very special... as I get to spend time with the best family in the world." Lyric: "Oh Melody, you're very sweet." Roger: "No surprise, she is an angel in more ways than one." Lyric: "Very true." suddenly, the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard, and everyone went to open the door and see that Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, were trying to help what looked like a young reindeer with a shiny red nose staying up. The reindeer in question was named Rudolph (voiced by Kathleen Barr), and he seems to be sick at the moment. Gidget: "Mrs Fox/Rabbit!, thank goodness you're here... this poor reindeer needs help!" Lyric: "Oh deer... the poor thing... get him inside, quick." said Lyric, before Gidget and the twins help Rudolph get inside the house, and Roger puts a blanket over the little buck. Rudolph: "Thanks... this is really nice of... ahchoo!, you..." Roger: "No problem... wow you must have a really bad cold if your nose is so red..." Rudolph: "Yeah... that's why it's red..." said Rudolph while looking away, which Gidget seemed to noticed and puzzled on what made the poor buck look sad. Lyric: "Have some soup, it'll help you feel much better." said Lyric, as she helps Rudolph eat the soup, and the little reindeer started to feel a little better, before his nose started to glow a little. Roger: "Whoa... your nose is glowing..." Rudolph: "Oh... yeah that happens sometimes..." Melody: "Wait a minute... a reindeer with a shiny red nose... oh my gosh!, you're Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!" Jokey: "Who?" Melody: "The most famous reindeer of all!, he's one of Santa's reindeer!" Jokeo: "Seriously?!" Rudolph: "So you've heard of me?" Melody: "Of course, I heard your song a lot back at School last year... and I love it that you managed to help Santa during that foggy Christmas Eve." Rudolph: "Thanks... though sometimes I wished that I had a normal nose... then people would stop making fun of me." Roger: "Don't say that, sport, there's nothing wrong with being different, in fact you should be happy, for being different can help you do things that others can't... I mean if you weren't different, it would have been a very blue Christmas that foggy night." Rudolph: "Yeah... I guess you're right... thanks Mr Fox." Roger: "Oh please, call me Roger, most people do, and this is my wife, Lyric D Rabbit, and with us are our kids, Tommy and Melody, and you probably already know about Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo as they brought you here." Tommy: "Speaking of which... how did you guys find him?" Gidget: "We found him in the snow, looking sick and all, and since we were close to your house and your mom used to work as a nurse, we brought him here." Lyric: "Well you did the right thing about bringing him here... but tell me Rudolph, if you're one of Santa's reindeer... why are you here?" Rudolph: "Well... a few hours ago, Santa got kidnapped and I had to go find him, I was able to track the kidnappers here in this neighborhood, but I sort of picked up a cold that one of the elves had not too long ago and I fell into the snow... and you probably can guess the rest..." Melody: "What?!, Santa has been kidnapped?!" Tommy: "No way!, who would do such a thing?!" Jokey: "Yeah!, kidnapping Santa is something very naughty!, you'll get nothing but coal for a long time..." Jokeo: "Must be someone very naughty to have the nerve..." Gidget: "Do you have any clues?" Rudolph: "The only clue I had was a ransom note that asked me to come here to find you lot... though I'm not sure why they wanted the bottom of your shoes..." Lyric: "Oh no..." Roger: "What's wrong?" Lyric: "I think I know who took Santa..." said Lyric, before a puff of smoke appeared and the Demon trio, along with a tied up Santa Claus (voiced by Mickey Rooney) came to the scene. ScreamClaw: "Greetings Toons... did you missed us?" Tommy and Melody: "Demon trio?!" Gidget: "We should have known!" Roger: "Oh... when you said the bottom of our shoes... you meant souls, right?" Rudolph: "Yeah but... who are they?" Jokeo: "They're demons from the Underworld..." Rudolph: "Demons?!, I thought they were a myth!" ThunderSmacker: "We can assure you that we're for real... and here's the deal... either you hand us over your souls... or Santa here meets his end..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Gidget: "You wouldn't dare harm Santa Claus!" ThunderSmacker: "Maybe we would... maybe we won't... but can you risk that?" Rudolph: "Leave Santa and these children alone!" ScreamClaw: "And what are you gonna do about it?" asked ScreamClaw, before Rudolph's nose started to glow so bright that it forced the Demon trio to shut their eyes in pain and fell to the ground, allowing Gidget and the others to take Santa away from the Demon trio, who tried to get Santa back, only to get hit by a snowball that Jokey made outside and starts throwing more at them. ThunderSmacker: "Ow!, hey!, cut that out!" SpaceWarp: "So c-c-cold!" ScreamClaw: "Stupid winter!, demons, retreat for now!" ordered ScreamClaw, before he and the other Demons used their pitch forks to teleport themselves out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Santa comes over to Rudolph. Santa: "Thank you, my boy, you really saved my life back there." Rudolph: "I did?" Melody: "Yes Mr Rudolph, for if it weren't for the light from your nose, we wouldn't have been able to get Santa away from the Demon trio." Rudolph: "Gosh... I guess you're right..." Tommy: "Speaking of Santa... it's really him!" Santa: "Yes, it's me... but I better get going for it's almost time for me to do my work." Roger: "Yeah, there are a lot of children out there waiting for your arrival." Lyric: "But what about Rudolph's cold?" Rudolph: "Actually I think I'm feeling a lot better, thanks to that soup of yours." Lyric: "Really?, most folks don't recover that quickly... at least those that are not Toons." Santa: "Well this is a world of Toons, so you could say that we're all Toons here, anyway... I should get going... but first... [giving Tommy and Melody a pair of presents] don't open them until tomorrow, okay?" Tommy: "Sure Santa." Melody: "We promise." Santa: "Good, and here's some things for you kids too... [giving Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo their presents] like I said before, wait for tomorrow morning on Christmas day." Gidget: "Yes sir." Jokey/ Jokeo: "We promise." Santa: "Alright... now I must be off... and Merry Christmas." Gidget: "Bye Santa!" Jokeo: "Bye Rudolph, have a good trip around the world." Rudolph: "Bye guys, and have a very merry Christmas too." said Rudolph, before he and Santa left the house and head off to the sleigh that they'll use to travel the world for the night. When Christmas morning came, everyone was opening their presents, and they were very happy with them. Tommy: "Awesome!, the snowboard I always wanted!" Melody: "And my rocking pony!" Lyric: "I'm very happy that you enjoyed the gifts that Santa gave you... though I wished that I got your father something..." Roger: "Yeah... me too... though if you ask me... I think I already got what I wanted a long time ago... a wonderful wife and kids." Lyric: "Oh Roger, how sweet of you to say." said Lyric, before she gives Roger a kiss on the lips, which caused some electricity to surge into Roger's body, causing him to faint once the kiss was released, which made Lyric to giggle. Melody: "Um mama... is daddy alright?" Lyric: "Your father's alright, he just experienced an adult kiss, which is something I'll explain when you're old enough." Melody: "Okay." Tommy: "Boy this Christmas sure has been eventful, I mean not only did we get to meet Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, but Santa Claus himself as well." Melody: "Yeah, this has to be the best Christmas yet for us." Tommy: "I couldn't agree more, and one more thing... Merry Christmas to all, and to all a happy new year." said Tommy with a wink to the readers of this story.

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