Attack Of The Eggman

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About a day later, after Tails' recovery and Melody's deal with the Demon trio, the kids were trying to take their minds off of the Demon trio by playing with one another, like kicking a ball around for example. Tommy: "Hey Jokey, think fast!" Jokey: "Think what fast?" asked Jokey, before Tommy kicks the ball to Jokey, who got hit in the face by the ball with enough force to knock him down. Tommy: "Oh!, sorry Jokey!" Melody: "Are you okay?" Jokey: "Huh?, something hit me?, is that why I'm on the ground?" Jokeo: "You didn't feel it?" Jokey: "Not really..." Sonic: "He must have a very strong head..." Tails: "No kidding, I once saw a rock fell on his head and the rock cracked in two, as if the skull was tougher than steel." Jokeo: "That's because it is, it rivals the skull of Curly of The Three Stooges." Jokey: "The Three who?" Tommy: "You're kidding, right?" Jokey: "Of course I am, I know who the Three Stooges are, I loved their show, it's really funny." Gidget: "You know... sometimes I can't help but see the Demon trio as the Three Stooges..." Melody: "Really?" Gidget: "Yeah... but let's not talk about them now, that's the whole point of playing ball at this moment." Jokey: "Um... can I ask you guys something?" Sonic: "Sure Jokey, what is it?" Jokey: "Does this island have flying eggs?" Amy: "Flying eggs?" Knuckles: "What are you talking about?" Jokey: "I'm talking about those flying eggs that have a single red eye that are heading towards us." said Jokey, before a lot of flying eggs, which were really drones, came to the scene, surprising the group a little, before some single pilot aircraft came to the scene. Inside the aircraft was a fat man that was bald and a large mustache, who was really Dr Ivo Robotnik (voiced by Mike Pollock), the arch nemesis of Sonic and his friends. Dr Robotnik: "Greetings Sonic, did you missed me?" Sonic: "Eggman!" Tommy: "Who?" Tails: "That's Dr Robotnik!, the one we told you about!" Melody: "That's Robotnik?!" Jokeo: "Wow, he really let himself go." Dr Robotnik: "Hey!, I'm not fat!, I'm just big boned, that's all... wait a minute, who are you lot?" asked Robotnik, pointing at Tommy, Gidget, Melody, Jokey and Jokeo. Tommy: "Um... I'm Tommy, this is my little sister Melody, and these are my friends, Gidget, Jokey and his twin brother, Jokeo... we're new here..." Dr Robotnik: "Well whoever you are, prepare to serve under my rule, once I use the power of the Chaos Emeralds... which I just collected by the way." said Robotnik, as he shows 7 emeralds that come in different colors. Amy: "The Chaos Emeralds!" Melody: "What are those?" Tommy: "They're those special emeralds that contain limitless power, at least that's what I learned from the games... so they're real?" Gidget: "Well if Sonic and his team are real, then so could the emeralds..." Dr Robotnik: "Yes, and once I put them into my giant Death Egg Robot mark 2, I will be unstoppable!" Jokey: "Mark 2?" Knuckles: "We trashed the original..." Cream: "Um... wasn't that the giant robot that looked like Mr Robotnik?" Tails: "That's right... but I don't see it." said Tails, before some heavy footsteps were heard and felt, and then a gigantic robot that looked like Robotnik came to the scene. Jokey: "There it is..." said Jokey, while Tommy had stars for eyes. Tommy: "Awesome!, a giant robot!, so cool!" Gidget: "Not cool!, it's an evil killing machine!" Tommy: "Oh yeah... forgot about that..." Dr Robotnik: "It's more than just a giant evil killing machine... it's the key to my dream of ruling the world!" Sonic: "Not on my watch!" Dr Robotnik: "You can't stop me this time Sonic, for I have the Chaos emeralds, so unless you can get them away from me, you can't..." Tommy: "You mean these emeralds?" asked Tommy, as he was holding all 7 of the Chaos Emeralds, much to the shock of everyone around him. Dr Robotnik: "What the?!, how did you do that?!" Jokey: "Uh... what's happening to Tommy?" asked Jokey, as Tommy's body started to turn into a golden color and the emeralds went into him as well. Tommy then flies up into the air and punches the robot a lot of times, before finally destroying it into a pile of scrap metal. Dr Robotnik: "My robot!" Tails: "Whoa... I never seen anyone aside from Sonic be able to go Super from the power of the Chaos Emeralds before..." Gidget: "Super?" Knuckles: "It's a form the blue hedgehog gets when he gets the Chaos Emeralds... but this is the first time I've seen someone other the blue hedgehog doing it..." said Knuckles, as he and the others were looking at Tommy in awe. Dr Robotnik: "You blasted little fox!, you'll pay for messing with my plans!" shouted Robotnik, as he tried to fire missiles from his aircraft at Tommy, who didn't seemed to be harmed by them at all and then punches the aircraft with enough force to send itself and Robotnik flying into the sky and out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Tommy comes down to the ground and then uses his new powers to summon a box that had cheese pizza inside. Tommy: "Awesome!, I can summon all the pizza in the world!" Cream: "You like pizza?" Tommy: "Yup, you should try it." Sonic: "Be careful kid, the power of the Chaos Emeralds can get you to summon whatever you thinking of." Tommy: "I can see that already." Gidget: "Just don't think of anything dangerous." Tommy: "What's the worst that can happen, a herd of angry rhinos?... [a herd of angry rhinos stampeded on top of him before leaving] oh... ow... well at least I didn't say a herd of angry elephants... [a herd of angry elephants stampeded on top of Tommy before leaving] ow... okay... I see what I did there..." Gidget: "Maybe you should remove that power before you hurt yourself any further." Tommy: "Good idea." said Tommy, before he thought of removing the Chaos Emeralds, which worked as the emeralds have left his body and flew away from the scene. Sonic: "Not bad kid, you're the first person I met that was able to use the power of the Chaos emeralds that isn't me." Tommy: "Really?" Sonic: "Yeah... nice work by the way." that was when the grown ups came to the scene, looking concerned at the saw the giant robot not too long ago. Lyric: "Kids!, are you alright?" Melody: "We're okay." Roger: "Whoa!, look at all that scrap!, I could make all kinds of gadgets out of them!" said Roger with excitement, as he runs over to the scrap metal and begins planning on what to make out of them. Vanilla: "Uh..." Lyric: "Roger's a bit of an inventor, he loves to find scrap metal so he can make stuff out of it." Tom: "So he's like Tails?" Lyric: "I suppose you can say that." Maddie: "I guess foxes are naturally lovers of making stuff." said Maddie, which made Lyric nodded in agreement. Tails: "So you're an inventor too?" Roger: "Yup, it's what I love to do during the day and night... but I always have time to be with my family... especially the love of my life." said Roger while blushing a little as he was thinking about Lyric. Tails: "Man... Tommy and Melody are really lucky to have you for a father." Roger: "Thanks, I'm sure Mr Wachowski is a good dad for you too." Tails: "He is, and Maddie's a great mom too." Roger: "I don't doubt it, anyway sport... mind if you help me collect some of this scrap metal and make something useful out of it?" Tails: "I would love that, so let's get to work." said Tails, before he and Roger went to work on collecting the scrap and soon built what looked like a helicopter. Vanilla: "Wow... they worked fast..." Lyric: "You should see my husband working when he just finished drinking some coffee... he would go as fast as Sonic here." Sonic: "I sure like to see that." Cream: "So does this mean you're gonna leave soon?" Tommy: "I guess so..." Lyric: "Don't worry kids, I'm sure we can come back to visit when we get the time." Melody: "Okay mama... goodbye cousin Cream, it was great to meet and getting to know you." Cream: "Same here, have a safe trip home." soon, the Toon Fox/Rabbit family and friends went onto the helicopter and flew away from South Island, waving goodbye to Sonic and his friends, but not before telling them that they'll come back again some day.

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