Roger's Halloween Nightmare

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It was Halloween night, and all the kids in the neighborhood were out trick or treating. To the Toon Fox/ Rabbit family, it was part 1 of the 3 month holiday, which was what they call the last three months of the year that have special holidays, like October having Halloween, November having Thanksgiving, and December having Christmas. As for Tommy, Jokey and Jokeo, they were in a pickle as they didn't had a costume as they forgot to get one. Tommy: "What are we gonna do?, we can't go trick or treating without a costume." Jokey: "Yeah, that's the whole point of it." Jokeo: "Maybe your mom can make something." Tommy: "But there's no time." said Tommy, before Roger, Tommy's dad, came to the scene. Roger: "What's the matter, sport?" Tommy: "Hi dad... Jokey, Jokeo and I forgot to pick out costumes to go as for trick or treating tonight... and the shops are already closed... so we won't be able to get any candy this year..." Roger: "Hmm... I might be able to help you boys." Jokeo: "Really?" Roger: "Yup, follow me." said Roger, as he and the boys went to Roger's lab and see what looked like some sort of machine hat had a wheel with pictures of famous horror monsters and an umbrella beam device. Jokey: "What's that?" Roger: "This here is the Monster Maker, it can change your atoms to make you look like certain monsters, which would be the most realistic and scariest costumes for any trick or treating." Tommy: "Awesome!, so we can get realistic costumes with this thing?" Roger: "That's right... now what monsters would you like to be?" Jokeo: "Hmm... I think I can go with the Werewolf." Jokey: "I'll go as Frankenstein, he's green like my shirt." Tommy: "Um... I'll go for the guy with the cape." Roger: "You mean Dracula?" Tommy: "Yup, that's the one." Roger: "Alright, Dracula, Frankenstein and a werewolf it is." said Roger, before he turns on the Monster Maker, and fires a beam on the boys, making them look like the monsters they picked. Tommy: "Whoa!, I look amazing with this cape!" Jokeo: "No kidding!, we look so awesome!" Jokey: "Rah!, me want candy!" Tommy: "Um, Jokey, why are you talking like that?" Jokey: "Me don't know..." a few moments later, Roger takes the boys to go trick or treating and they managed to get their bags full of candy before Tommy hurts himself and starts to lick himself, which he seemed to enjoy. Tommy: "I want more... I need more blood!, blah!" said Tommy, before he suddenly turned into a bat and flew away, much to the shock of Roger and the twins. Jokeo: "Whoa... that was weird... but cool too... hey Tommy's dad, how did you do that?" Roger: "What?, I didn't do that!... Tommy turned into a bat on his own... but how was that... oh no..." Jokeo: "What?" Roger: "The Monster Maker must have not only made Tommy look like a vampire... it made him become a real vampire!" Jokeo: "Cool!" Roger: "Not cool!, it means he's gonna suck the blood of everyone in the neighborhood!... hang on... if Tommy got turned into a real vampire... then you could have turned into a real..." before Roger could finish what he was about to say, the clouds began to clear and the full moon was revealed, and when that happen, Jokeo started to act more savage like a real wolf, much to Roger's horror, before Jokeo started to try chasing Roger, who managed to escape while Jokeo runs off to who knows where, and Jokey was wandering off on his own. Roger: "Oh this is bad... I can't believe that the boys have been turned into real monsters... I gotta capture them and change them back before it's too late..." said Roger, as he begins to run off to search for the boys. Meanwhile, Tommy encounters Gidget, who would become Tommy's first victim with a bite and she becomes a vampire version of herself, while Mopsy gets attacked by Jokeo and becomes a werewolf herself. As for Jokey, he runs into Flopsy, who gets touched by him and some static electricity started to cover her up and turned into a female Frankenstein version of herself. Somewhere in the neighborhood, Lyric was walking with Melody, who was happy to have some candy, but was sad that her brother wasn't with her at the moment. Melody: "Mama, I wished big brother were here with us." Lyric: So do I sweetie, but your father's with him, so he'll be fine." said Lyric, before Roger came to the scene, looking like he was out of breath. Roger: "Lyric!, Melody!, what are you two doing out here by yourselves?" Melody: "Going out to go trick or treating..." Lyric: "Honey... where's Tommy?" Roger: "Um... well... I'm looking for him right now...." Lyric: "You lost him?!" Roger: "Sort of... I thought I saw him flew by here so..." Lyric: "Hold on... flew?" Roger: "Long story..." Melody: "There he is!, and he's with Gidget!" said Melody happily, before Tommy and Gidget came to the scene. Tommy: "Good evening..." Lyric: "Oh my goodness!, you startled us." Tommy: "Sorry mom..." Lyric: "It's okay dear... I must say that's quite a wonderful costume, you look just like a real vampire." Gidget: "He does indeed... and you look enchanting tonight... and full of blood." Lyric: "Very funny Gidget." Roger: "Um... honey... you might wanna step back from them..." Lyric: "Why?, it's not like they're gonna bite." Roger: "Funny when you mention that..." Melody: "Hey Tommy, wanna try out this garlic bread I got?" asked Melody, before she shows the garlic bread from her bag, causing Tommy and Gidget to scream in terror by it. Gidget: "Get that away!" Melody: "What's wrong?" Tommy: "Vampires hate garlic..." Melody: "Oh, well you're not real vampires, so the garlic shouldn't really hurt you." Lyric: "Nor should a little brushing, your hair is a bit of a mess." said Lyric, as she pulls out a hairbrush to try brushing Tommy's head, and then pulls out a mirror to show how good he looked, only to be shocked when she looked into the mirror. Lyric: "What in... what's going on here?!" Melody: "What's wrong, mama?" Lyric: "I can't see Tommy... he's not showing in the mirror!" gasped Lyric, before Tommy turned into a bat again and tries to attack Lyric, only to be stopped when Roger uses the garlic bread to repeal him and Gidget. Roger: "Yeah... that's what I was trying to tell ya... I sort of accidentally turned Tommy into a real vampire..." Lyric: "You what?!" Roger: "I built a machine that was supposed to make people only look like real monsters... but it seemed to make them become the real thing instead..." Melody: "Oh no... my big brother has been turned into a monster?!, including Gidget?!" Roger: "At the moment, but don't worry, all I need to do is capture them and the twins, bring them to my lab and change them back with the Monster Maker." Lyric: "Wait... the twins are vampires too?!" Roger: "No... they got turned into a werewolf and a Frankenstein monster..." Melody: "Would that be them?" asked Melody, as Jokeo and Mopsy came to the scene, snarling and growling at the Toon Fox/Rabbit couple and Melody. Roger: "Oh no... Jokeo must have bitten Mopsy and turned her into a werewolf like him..." Mopsy: "Must have meat!" Jokeo: "Yeah... fresh meat!" said Mopsy and Jokeo, before they begin chasing Roger, Lyric and Melody, who ran as fast as they could to get away from the werewolf pair. It wasn't long before the couple and daughter went to a store that was full of silverware, which scared the werewolves as they knew that anything made of silver can kill them. Melody: "What happened?" Roger: "Looks like the silverware of the store behind us has saved our lives..." Lyric: "Roger... so help me... if I somehow get turned into a vampire or a werewolf... you will be the first one I'll take a bite on..." said Lyric as she glared at her husband, who knew that she wasn't kidding. Roger: "Don't worry, I can fix them... I just need a way to capture them without the risk of getting bitten..." Melody: "Um... daddy?" asked Melody, as she sees Jokey and Flopsy coming towards them. Roger: "Oh no... Jokey must have bitten Flopsy!... wait a second... that doesn't even make any sense!, Frankenstein never had the power to turn people into beings like himself like how vampires or werewolves can..." Lyric: "Never mind that how it's possible, just run!" cried out Lyric, as she and the others make a run for it, while Jokey and Flopsy continued to chase them. Flopsy: "Wished... I... could... walk... faster!... rah!" Jokey: "Me... want... to... walk... faster... too!... rah!" soon, Roger, Lyric and Melody went to the lab where the Monster maker was, and Roger sees a picture of a monster on the wheel that gave him an idea. Roger: "Wait... I got it!" Melody: "What, daddy?" Roger: "To fight a monster... I'd have to be a monster, but this time, I'll lower the power so my DNA doesn't changed like how the others did..." Lyric: "Are you sure about this?" Roger: "No... but it might be the only way now..." said Roger, before he sets up the Monster Maker, which fired a beam that turned Roger into a giant flying Octopus monster, before he flys off to find the other monsters that are running loose in the neighborhood. Speaking of which, the monsters have teamed up to terrorize the people, only to be chased by the neighbors who had garlic, fire or silver teaspoons. The kids were trying to hide behind a miniature golf course windmill, scared that they were about to meet their end when Roger in his giant Octopus Man form, came to the scene and used his tentacles to catch the monster kids and took them back to his lab, where he used the Monster Maker to changed the kids back to normal. Tommy: "Hey... I don't wanna drink blood anymore... thank goodness." Gidget: "Blah... I can't believe I wanted to do that at all..." Jokeo: "And I lost all desire to consume living flesh... just the kind from a store." Mopsy: "Not sure if that's an improvement..." Jokey: "Hey!, I can talk in complete sentences again!" Flopsy: "Man... my hair's a mess from that static touch you gave me that turned me into that female Frankenstein..." Roger: "Huh... that's an interesting way on how to get turned into a Frankenstein... though I'm not sure if that's really a thing in canon... oh well." Lyric: "Roger dear, I hope from now on, you won't make anything that messes with someone's DNA." Roger: "Sure dear, I learned my lesson... in fact I'm gonna destroy this machine right away so what happened tonight doesn't repeat itself." Tommy: "Oh man!" Roger: "What?" Tommy: "I just realized that I lost my candy when I got turned into a monster..." Jokeo: "Me too..." Flopsy: "And we didn't get the chance to get any candy either..." Mopsy: "Yeah..." Jokey: "No candy on Halloween?!, that is scary!" Melody: "I have some candy that I can share if you want." Tommy: "Really?!, oh you're the best!" Melody: "Thanks." Lyric: "Well it looks like this Halloween turned out good after all..." Roger: "Yeah, and I'm so glad that everyone's back to normal, right Lyric?, um... Lyric?" asked Roger, before he screamed when he saw Lyric hissing while showing some vampire fangs, scaring Roger enough to make him faint to the ground. The kids were scared too, until Lyric giggled as she removes the fangs from her mouth, revealing to be fake vampire teeth that she got from a store. Lyric: "[looking at the readers] sorry, couldn't resist the urge to give someone a good scare... happy Halloween everyone." said Lyric, as she winks to the readers before the chapter comes to a close.

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