The Birds Of The Penguin

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It was a peaceful morning inside Wayne Manor, when the Toon Fox/Rabbit family and friends were having some breakfast with Bruce and Alfred, and Jokey was trying to read a newspaper, even though he wasn't good at reading. Jokey: "Hmm... if only I knew what all these words say..." Roger: "Here Jokey, let me see that paper for a sec." Jokey: "Okay." said Jokey, before Roger looks at the paper, and had a cheeky grin on his face. Roger: "Huh... that's odd, I thought that would be big news." Jokey: "You thought what would be big news?" Roger: "Well there seems to be a headline about a certain avian verity." Jokeo: "What are you talking about?" Roger: "Oh have you not heard?, it was my understanding that everyone have heard." Jokey: "Heard what?" Tommy: "Jokey, don't!" cried out Tommy, before Roger jumps out of his chair and begins to dance and sings a song as music is being played. Roger: "♪A bird, bird, bird!♫, ♪bird is a word~♫, ♪bird, bird, bird!♫, ♪bird is a word♫, ♪Jokey!, don't you know about the bird?, well Roger's gonna tell you about the bird!♫, ♪bird, bird, b-b-bird... surfing~!♫." sang Roger, before he begins to shake around while babbling like an idiot until he falls down to the ground, looking like he fell out cold. Jokeo: "Oh my gosh!, Mr Fox!, are you alright?!" asked Jokeo, before Roger wakes up and starts dancing again, while Lyric just rolled her eyes and shaking her head with a smile. Roger: "♪Ba, ba, ba, ooh, mow, mow~♫, ♪ba, ba, ooh, mow, mow~♫." Lyric: "Okay dear, you had your fun, now tell us what the newspaper says." Roger: "Oh... yes dear." Bruce: "And whatever gave you the idea on singing that song?" Roger: "Yes... the Newspaper says that in the passed few nights, there have been some robberies of jewelery that rumors say it's the work of some birds like owls or vultures, and the thought of birds reminded me of that bird song and decided to mess with the twins a little." Lyric: "I see... but why would birds steal jewelery?" Roger: "Beats me..." Tommy: "Do you think somebody trained the birds to seal jewelery?" Roger: "Hmm... that's a possibility..." Melody: "But who would do such a thing?" Bruce: "You'd be surprised little one... as there are a lot of crooks in this town that would do anything for a free meal..." Melody: "Hey Mr Batman..." Bruce: "Just call me Bruce or Mr Wayne when I'm not Batman." Melody: "Okay... Mr Wayne... according to the calender, there's supposed to be a party tonight..." Alfred: "That's right, it's a fund raising for some charities." Bruce: "Ah yes... tonight's that night... I was hoping to..." Alfred: "Have another night on crime fighting?, sir, it's best you don't go Batman tonight as we don't want to risk the chances of anyone learning what you really do after dark." Bruce: "I know... but what about them?" asked Bruce, as he looks at the certain Toons in front of him. Roger: "Can't we join the party with you?" Bruce: "Well... it's just that... your looks would probably attract unwanted attention..." Gidget: "I have an idea that might fix that." said Gidget with a giggle, much to everyone's confusion. When night came, the party got started, and Bruce was greeting the guests there, before noticing the Toons that were not only wearing fancy party suits and dresses, but also looked human due to Gidget's psychic powers. Jokeo: "I didn't knew Gidget could make us look human..." Jokey: "Yeah... it's crazy..." Melody: "Never mind our human looks, these outfits are really nice." Tommy: "Yeah... thought they seemed to be a little tight..." said Tommy, as he tries to make his bow tie loosing a little bit. Lyric: "But you sure look very handsome in it." Tommy: "Thanks mom..." Roger: "Well it's no surprise as he has my looks." Lyric: "Yes dear, you're certainly a handsome man... even more so than Bruce Wayne." Roger: "Well... I don't know about that... as it seems that Bruce seems to be attracting more ladies than me." said Roger, as he can see a lot of ladies trying to flirt with Bruce. Lyric: "Well that's because Bruce is still single, and you happened to be my husband." Roger: "Fair enough, and it's not like I need to look for the perfect woman as I already have her with me." Lyric: "Oh Roger..." said Lyric, before she and Roger hugged one another, ready to kiss each other when a loud crunching sound was heard, which turned out to be Jokey eating some chips. Jokey: "Boy, this party sure has some good chips." Melody: "Jokey!, you ruined mama and daddy's moment together!" Jokey: "Oh... sorry..." Roger: "That's okay sport, I can't blame ya, the food here is really good." said Roger, as he begins to eat the chips, while Lyric just shook her head with a smile. Lyric: "I know my husband loves me... but he also loves food a lot... which is good for me as he loves my cooking." said Lyric to the readers of this story. That was when a fat man in a tuxedo and a top hat and an umbrella, who goes by the name of Oswald Cobblepot (voiced by Paul H Williams) came to the scene and walks up to Bruce. Oswald: "Greetings Mr Wayne, a pleasure to meet you at last." Bruce: "And you are..." Oswald: "Oh sorry, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Oswald Cobblepot, owner of Cobblepot manor of of the Cobblepot estate." Bruce: "Funny... never heard of you before." Oswald: "I've been away in Japan for a while, but now as you can see, I've returned to Gotham." Jokey: "Whoa... check out that guy's freaky hands." said Jokey, as he points at Oswald's hands that were fused together with only the thumb being free like old fashioned mittens. Of course this angered Oswald enough to grab Jokey by the neck and glared at him. Oswald: "Watch that mouth of yours brat... unless you want your face to be disfigured." Roger: "Hey!, put him down!" Jokeo: "Wait a minute sir!, Jokey didn't mean any harm!" Jokey: "Yeah, I wasn't trying to upset ya or anything..." Bruce: "That's enough Cobblepot, just put him down." said Bruce, before Oswald puts the young Toon in disguise down to the ground. Oswald: "Fine... but you better teach your guests some manners... that's the big difference between the Wayne family and the Cobblepot family." said Oswald, before he leaves the scene with what looked like a crow bird that just landed on his shoulder with what looked like some jewelery that only Tommy and Melody noticed. Tommy: "Did you see that?" Melody: "You mean the crow on Mr Cobblepot that has a piece of jewelery in it's beak?, yeah..." suddenly, the sound of Lyric screaming was heard, and everyone turned around to see that she was on the ground. Roger: "Lyric!, are you alright?" Lyric: "Yeah... but a bird attacked me..." Jokey: "Whoa... freaky... I had my sandwich getting stolen by one once." Melody: "Look up there!" called out Melody, as she can see the bird that attacked her mother flying away from the scene. Tommy: "Follow that bird!" said Tommy, as he and the other Toon kids going after the bird. Once the party was over, Bruce told Alfred about his encounter with Mr Cobblepot. Alfred: "A Cobblepot was here?!" Bruce: "So you know about them?" Alfred: "I should, as my grandfather used to work for the Cobblepot family as their butler, but they were snobs that only cared about their wealth and themselves, treated him like a slave and worked him like a dog before having the nerve to fire him!... but it's strange... I once heard that the Cobblepot fortune have been squandered years ago... wait... where are the kids?" Bruce: "I heard they were after the bird that took Lyric's jewelery... wait... [remembering the crow on Oswald's shoulder] oh no... that bird belongs to Cobblepot..." Alfred: "Sir?" Bruce: "No time explaining, I need to get to the kids fast... for they might be in danger..." said Bruce as he heads off to the Bat cave to go into his alter ego. Meanwhile, back with the Toon kids, they followed the bird that robbed Lyric to what looked like an abandoned mansion that had the words 'Cobblepot' on the front gates. Tommy: "Hmm... so this is Cobblepot manor?" Melody: "And the bird went in there?" Jokeo: "Looks like it... but it's kinda more like a dump..." Jokey: "Yeah... like it hasn't been used in years..." Gidget: "Hmm... if only I used my psychic powers to know what Mr Cobblepot was thinking... that should have given me a clue on what happened here..." Tommy: "Then let's go check it out." said Tommy, before he sneaks his way into the mansion, and begins to take a look around the place, before the other kids followed him behind. Jokeo: "Sheesh... this place could use a really good vacuum..." said Jokeo, before he and the other kids arrived to a room that had a large tree in the center, and on the branches were cages that had different kinds of birds inside. Jokey: "Whoa... this Cobblepot guy sure loves birds..." Melody: "Look!, there's a lot of jewelery over there." said Melody, as she points at the large piles of jewelry on the ground. Tommy: "Wait... birds... jewelery... oh my... guys... I think Mr Cobblepot's the man behind the recent jewel thievery!" said Tommy with a gasp, before Mr Cobblepot came up behind them while pointing his umbrella at them. Oswald: "I prefer the term, reclaiming the fortune that's rightfully belonged to the Cobblepot family." Gidget: "But you're still stealing!" Melody: "Yeah!, it's not nice at all!" Oswald: "Even so, all of that jewelery originally belonged to the Cobblepot family, and I've come to Gotham to reclaim the fortune and restore the Cobblepot family to it's former wealth and glory." Jokey: "There's nothing glorious about stealing what belongs to someone else, Mr Wayne and his butler, Alfred Pennyworth are way better rich people!" Oswald: "Oh?, Mr Wayne's butler is a Pennyworth?" Tommy: "Yeah, what's it to ya?" Oswald: "Well believe it or not, the Pennyworth family used to serve under my family long ago... perhaps after I restore my family's wealth, I should get Mr Wayne's butler and convince him to serve under me." Gidget: "There is no way he would serve under a crook like you!" Oswald: "He'll have to if it means saving you brats..." said Oswald, before the tip of his umbrella turned into a gun, aiming at the Toon kids, who were shocked by the sight of the umbrella becoming a gun. Suddenly, Batman came falling from the ceiling and kicks Oswald away from the kids, saving them just in the nick of time. Batman: "Are you kids alright?" Tommy: "Yeah... how did you find us?" Batman: "Let's just say that Cobblepot left some bird crumbs that lead me here..." Gidget: "You followed the birds, didn't you?" Batman: "Yes... yes I did." said Batman, before Mr Cobblepot got back on his feet and glared at the cape crusader. Oswald: "So... it looks like the rumors about the Batman turned out to be true... but really, who goes around dressed up like a flying rodent?" Batman: "I do, Cobblepot." Oswald: "Well I happened to name myself after my favorite bird... the flightless bird that has style... call me... The Penguin!" said Mr Cobblepot, AKA the Penguin, before he starts firing his gun umbrella at Batman, who jumps away from where he was standing to avoid the bullets. Batman then throws an empty bird cage at the umbrella gun, which damaged the tip enough to prevent it from continuing on firing the bullets. Batman: "Looks like your goose is cooked." Penguin: "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." said Penguin, before a sword tip pops out of the tip of the umbrella, and tries to slash Batman with it. Jokey: "It's a sword umbrella too?!" Jokeo: "Where did he get such an umbrella?" Gidget: "I'll bet that he made it himself..." Tommy: "That's what I'm thinking too..." Melody: "Oh dear..." just then, Batman finds some chains and uses them to wrap around the Penguin and punches him in the face to knock him out cold to the ground. Batman: "And that... is for Alfred's grandfather..." said Batman, before the sound of police sirens were heard, and Batman and the kids left the mansion before the police came and arrested the Penguin. When morning came, at the Gotham park, Bruce, Roger and Lyric were giving some pigeons some bread crumbs, while the kids were playing nearby. Roger: "Man... it was a really good thing that Lyric and I called the police once you realized that Cobblepot was the one behind the robberies..." Lyric: "No kidding... not to mention that you saved the kids just in the nick of time..." Bruce: "I know... but aren't Toons mostly immune to getting killed from bullets?" Roger: "Some do... but they're still children... not to mention that if Tommy bounces the bullets off... then there could have been a chance that the Penguin would have learned about who Tommy really was..." Bruce: "Very true..." Lyric: "Hmm... first the Joker... now this Penguin fellow... what other rotten villains will show up next...?" Roger: "I don't know... but I just hope that... well..." Bruce: "You're hoping that it's not the Batman who's bringing out the villains?" Roger: "I wouldn't say that but..." Bruce: "I know... I was thinking the same thing..." said Bruce, as he and the others continued to throw crumbs to the pigeons, who got startled by the sudden appearance of a crow that wanted the crumbs too.

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