Toons On A Cruise

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It was a sunny day at sea, where a cruise ship was sailing through the water, and there were a lot of familiar Toons onboard. For starters, there was the Toon Fox/ Rabbit family, along with the Dalmatians with Jokey, Jokeo and Oliver, the Aristocats with Gidget, Peter Rabbit with his family and Fluff, and there's even Miss Kanga and little Roo as well. Roger: "I have to say, this is a great cruise so far." Lyric: "Yes, not only are the kids having a lot of fun, but we get to spend some time together, just the two of us." Roger: "Oh... yeah that's true... hmm..." Lyric: "Roger, you shouldn't get so nervous when you're with me alone, we're a married couple now, for over 10 years now." Roger: "I know... but I just don't wanna try anything that could mess up the kids' minds if they see us doing what grown ups do together..." Lyric: "Don't worry Roger, the only thing I would do with you would be cuddling you and kissing, after all, you're so much like a sweet teddy bear to me." said Lyric, which made Roger blush and chuckled a little while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. Roger: "Me?, like a teddy bear to you?, well I don't know about that..." that was when Pongo, Perdita, Duchess, O'Malley, Josephine and Miss Kanga came to the scene. Josephine: "So this is where you two love birds are at." Roger: "Oh hi, Miss Rabbit, nice to see you again." Josephine: "Likewise, and I must say your wife's really lucky to have a good man like you." Kanga: "I have to agree with her, not only are you a good fox, but a great father for such sweet kids like Tommy and Melody... I wished that I had a lover of my own..." Roger: "What do you mean?, didn't you had a lover of your own?, I mean you have your son." Kanga: "Well you see... female Kangaroo Toons like myself can give birth to their own young even without a mate, so I've always been single." Lyric: "So little Roo never had a father?" Kanga: "No... it's sad, but at least he has me to take care of him." Roger: "Have you ever thought about getting a lover to call your own?" Kanga: "Well I never got the chance, and not only that, it has to be someone who's great with kids." Lyric: "Isn't there anyone you like that's great with kids?" Kanga: "Well... there is this Tiger Toon named Tigger, he and Roo are like best friends, even though he can be a bit bouncy, he's a really nice Toon, but I don't know if he's really interested in dating..." Roger: "You could ask him if you get the chance, I'm sure he'll like to, I mean you're a really nice woman, just like my wife here." Lyric: "I have to agree with Roger on that." Pongo: "Me too, you manage to take care of a child all by yourself." Perdita: "I don't know if I could do that." Duchess: "Plus you're quite attractive for a Kangaroo." O'Malley: "Just make sure not to try anything that would make him feel uncomfortable." Kanga: "Thanks." meanwhile, back with the kids, they were at the arcade, playing the games there. Roo: "Alright!, new high score!" Peter: "Oh man... I was so close too..." Fluff: "Don't worry, Peter, maybe you'll have better luck next time." Flopsy: "Though I doubt he can beat Jokey or Jokeo in strength." Mopsy: "No kidding, they're the strongest boys we know." Cottontail: "Hey... speaking of which, where are the twins?" Patch: "That's funny... I thought for sure they were with us..." Cadpig: "Me too..." Rolly: "Me three." Oliver: "Well they're not here now." Marie: "Did you see where they went?" Toulouse: "Not me." Berlioz: "Not me either..." Melody: "Oh dear..." Tommy: "Where did they go?" Gidget: "I think I have an idea... the kitchen..." said Gidget, before the scene changed to show that Jokey and Jokeo were indeed at the kitchen, and they were trying to get a bite to eat. Of course it wasn't long before they started to fight over some pie and accidentally got pie on themselves, causing them to have a pie throwing fight. It wasn't long before Jokey runs to a room where a lot of guests were hanging out together, before Jokeo came to the scene with a pie in his hand. Jokeo: "Come back here and take this banana cream pie like a man!" shouted Jokeo, before he throws the pie that was supposed to hit Jokey's face, but hits another Toon instead, which made another Toon to laugh until the Toon with the pie on his face picked up another pie and slaps it onto the other Toon. It wasn't long before a pie throwing fight began and soon the other kids and their families came and were surprised to see this scene. Lyric: "What's going on here?!" Roger: "I don't know... but duck!" said Roger, before he and the others ducked in time to avoid a pie that was heading them and hits a wall instead. Duchess: "My goodness... that was close." O'Malley: "No kidding..." Pongo: "I wonder what caused this?" Perdita: "Hey... isn't that Jokey and Jokeo over there?" asked Perdita, as she points at Jokey and Jokeo, who were throwing pies at each other. Josephine: "How much do you wanna bet that those two have something to do with this?" Kanga: "I don't know how much, but I think they might be responsible..." said Kanga, before Lyric cleared her throat and shouted 'STOP!' to everyone, causing everyone to stop throwing pies and made a nervous smile on their faces, before Pongo and Perdita walks over to the twins. Pongo: "Boys... do you have something to do with this?" Jokey: "Um... maybe..." Perdita: "Boys, you know better than to start a fight that involves throwing pies." Jokeo: "We do?" Pongo: "The point is that you shouldn't start fights that are meaningless, it only causes trouble." Jokey and Jokeo: "Yes dad... sorry dad... and you too mom..." Pongo: "We forgive you, now how about you two join your friends?" Jokey: "Sure thing, I've been meaning to hang out with Flopsy." Jokeo: "And me with Mopsy." said the twins, before they head over to the rabbit sisters, who were happy to see the pair. Josephine: "They're not very smart boys... but at least they're very sweet." Kanga: "Not to mention strong too, I mean there was a time they managed to remove a large boulder that blocked the back door of my house one time and... I never thought they had the strength to toss it like a frisbee." Josephine: "I know... for such little guys, they're got the strength of an elephant or something." said Kanga and Josephine, unaware that the kids overheard them and couldn't help but giggle as they knew how close they were on what kind of animal the twins' strength was based on. A little later, they kids began exploring the ship, unaware that something or someone was following them. Gidget, sensed the presence and tired to use her psychic powers to catch the culprit, only to see that her powers were not working. Jokeo: "What cha doing?" Gidget: "Someone's following us... and it's not our families..." said Gidget, before the mysterious figure revealed himself which turned out to be Boney 10 himself. Boney 10: "Relax girl, it's only me." Tommy: "Boney 10." Roo: "You know him?" Melody: "You mean you never heard of Boney 10?" Roo: "Not really... is he famous or something?" Flopsy: "He should be, as he did kinda created our ancestors a long time ago." Roo: "Really?!" Boney 10: "Yes... but never mind that... I came to warn you that the Demon trio are somewhere on this ship." Kids: "The Demon Trio?!" Boney 10: "That's right, and not only that... this ship is very close to the spot where the chest is located..." Cottontail: "What chest?" Boney 10: "A chest that contains something that the Demon trio must never get their hands on at all costs..." Patch: "Um... what would that be?" Boney 10: "The mask... of MegaTrog..." said Boney 10, which brought a deep chill down their spines, even though they didn't knew why. Peter: "Whoa... that name brought a chill in me... but why?" Fluff: "Maybe it's a name we know somehow...?" Berlioz: "But I never heard of anyone called MegaTrog before..." Toulouse: "Me neither..." Marie: "Um... who is MegaTrog?" Boney 10: "He's the ultimate Demon Dragon... the king of all Demon Dragons you might say... on Earth... he goes by the name of... The Devil..." Patch: "What?!" Cadpig: "The Devil?!, the monster from the underworld that makes deals that costs ya your own soul?!" Rolly: "Isn't that what the Demon trio does?" Tommy: "Oh man... I heard scary stories about the Devil... but I didn't think he would have other names..." Boney 10: "Well there are other names for him, but I can't say them as this is a family rated story." Melody: "Oh... but what does the mask of MegaTrog gotta do with the Demon trio?" Boney 10: "Well you see... I once had a battle against MegaTrog to free the original Toons, I managed to win and destroyed his body while his mask was still one piece... since the mask was indestructible, I locked it away in a chest and threw it into the bottom of the ocean here so that MegaTrog's mini selves can't get it." Gidget: "Mini selves?" Boney 10: "Yes... when he was defeated, his original body was destroyed, but not the way you're thinking, for it got split into three Demon Dragons that were not only weaker, but dumber as well." Tommy: "The Demon Trio!" Boney 10: "Yes... they are his divided selves, which could only be united to become MegaTrog again by putting back on the mask." Jokey: "So they're like the Constructicons that combine into Devastator from the original Transformers series?" Boney 10: "Um... I don't know if I thought of it like that... but yes, I suppose that's one way to describe it..." Roo: "Then we better make sure that those Demons don't get that mask." Boney 10: "That's right... so be on your guard." Tommy: "Hmm... there's one thing I still don't understand... how did anyone not notice the Demon trio so far?, I mean hasn't the captain found out about it?" Boney 10: "Oh yeah... there's one more thing I should have told ya... the reason the Demon Trio are here is because... this cruise ship is actually theirs... to trap you all..." All: "WHAT?!" Melody: "No way!" Gidget: "I knew those tickets were too good to be true!" Tommy: "We got to warn our families!" cried out Tommy, before he and the others make a run for it to warn their families. But by the time they found them, they were all tied up and the Demon trio pointed their pitch forks at them. ScreamClaw: "Well looky here boys... the annoying brats have arrived." ThunderSmacker: "Shall we take their souls now?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... can we?" ScreamClaw: "Not yet... I have an idea..." Tommy: "Let them go!" ScreamClaw: "If you want them back, then do as we say." Roger: "Don't do it sport!" Lyric: "Just run and save yourselves!" Peter: "Where to?, there's nowhere to run on this ship." ScreamClaw: "That's right, and I know that some of you can't swim... now then... if you want them back unharmed... you help us get a certain chest that's below us." ThunderSmacker: "Say no, and we'll have no choice but to steal their souls instead..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." knowing that the Demon trio were being serious, Tommy and the others had no choice but to do what they say and helped them pulls the chest out of the ocean, and it wasn't long before ScreamClaw opens the chest and pulls out the mask and puts it on his face. Once the mask was on ScreamClaw, he and the two other demons turned into energy and fused together, transforming into a larger Demon Dragon that the world hoped that would never return.

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