The Camping Trip

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2 weeks have passed since Genie and Eden were freed from their lamp or bottle and flew off to see the world, and they managed to come back and told the Toons their adventures. Roger: "So you saw the whole world already?" Eden: "It's a small world after all." Genie: "But we love this neighborhood the most as it has the best of friends we could ever ask for... you guys!" Tommy: "Thanks Genie, and you too Eden." Roo: "Yeah, you guys are really awesome." Eden: "Same with you kids... by the way... why are you dressed up like you're going to camp?" asked Eden, as she and Genie noticed that Tommy, his sister, and all of his friends were dressed up in camping clothes. Gidget: "We're going on a camping trip this weekend." Jokey and Jokeo: "Yup." Oliver: "And Mr and Mrs Fox invited us to join them." Patch: "This is gonna be a lot of fun." Marie: "I don't know... going out in the woods where a lot of mud is doesn't sound all that fun to me..." Berlioz: "Not to mention the scary creatures that might try to eat us..." Toulouse: "Well I'm not afraid, I'll show them who's boss." said Toulouse, as he meows loudly and trying to hiss in a cute way that made everyone laugh. Genie: "Say... you wouldn't mind if we tag along, do ya?" Lyric: "Not at all, in fact maybe it would be safer for the kids to have you with us." Duchess: "What do you mean?" O'Malley: "I think she's talking about the Demon trio." Pongo: "Oh yeah... those guys are still after the kids..." Perdita: "Still?" Josephine: "Oh dear..." Flopsy: "I haven't forgotten how they had the nerve to make fun of my sister..." Mopsy: "No kidding, I never thought there would be someone so rude..." Cottontail: "Not to mention that I once heard that they tried to drown Little Roo." Kanga: "You've heard about it?" Peter: "Yeah, the whole neighborhood knows about it." Roo: "Well I wouldn't worry too much, my mama and Melody's mama gave them the spanking of their lives." Kanga: "We most certainly did." Tommy: "Yeah... but I doubt it'll be enough to keep them away for very long..." Roger: "Well let's not worry about them for now, it's time to enjoy ourselves in our camping trip." Lyric: "Roger's right, let's not think about the demons right now, and have some fun." said Roger and Lyric, before the scene changed to show the whole group were now in the woods, setting up their tents and all that. Genie and Eden were watching the wildlife in the woods, taking pictures of themselves with the animals. Unaware to the group, the Demon trio were close by, and they were waiting for the right moment to attack. ScreamClaw: "Well this is a sight to behold... all the brats that owe us their souls in one spot..." ThunderSmacker: "Actually, I think only 5 of those kids owe us their souls..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what ThunderSmacker just said..." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up... my point here is that the kids who owe us their souls are in one place..." ThunderSmacker: "Yeah... but they're not alone... they got their friends and family with them... not to mention the two genies..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... and I heard that they're b-b-both f-f-free now..." ScreamClaw: "Perhaps... but no matter, genies tend to be less powerful when they're free from the curse of their lamps or bottles... so they can't be much of a threat to us as they would have before... otherwise things would have stink for us... [sniffing the air] ugh... something really does stink here." SpaceWarp: "Uh... g-g-guys..." said SpaceWarp, pointing at a skunk that was standing behind the Demon trio, who screamed in terror as they get attacked by the skunk. Back with the kids and families, they heard the Demon Trio's screams and were puzzled. Tommy: "What was that?" Gidget: "Sounded like somebody screamed..." Melody: "But who?" Jokey: "Uh... a ghost?" Jokeo: "Bro, there's no such thing as ghosts." Genie: "Oh I wouldn't say that, at least not in this world of Toons." Jokeo: "Oh... good point... but don't ghosts normally come out at night?" Flopsy: "Yeah... that's what I heard, and it's still day time." Mopsy: "Maybe it's a ghost that's afraid of the dark." Cottontail: "I doubt it, for if they get exposed to sunlight, they'll turn to dust." Cadpig: "Um... I'm pretty sure that's vampires you're thinking of..." Patch: "I think you're right sis." Rolly: "I thought vampires were the ones who eat brains?" Oliver: "Those are zombies." Toulouse: "Even I know that." Marie: "Me too." Berlioz: "Can we please stop talking about spooky creatures right now... it's gonna be dark soon and... last thing I want right now is thinking about monsters before bed..." Marie: "You can be such a baby sometimes..." Berlioz: "I do not!" Roo: "Hey guys, let's not fight, remember what our parents say, we're here to have some fun." Melody: "You're right Roo, let's enjoy ourselves." a few hours later, the group of campers were around a campfire, having some s'mores when the sound of some creatures rustling in the bushes was heard. Tommy: "What was that?" Jokey: "A lion?" Pongo: "Jokey, there aren't any lions here." Perdita: "It would most likely be a bear." Roo: "A bear?!" gasped Roo, before he and the others sniffed something in the air that was really bad. Eden: "P-U!, what's that smell?!" Genie: "No idea... but I'll bet it's something that hasn't gotten a bath for a long time." Tommy: "Demon trio!" Roger: "What did I say about not thinking about them?" Tommy: "No!, look!, the Demon trio!" called out Tommy, as the Demon trio came out of the bushes, with a bad smell coming out of them. Lyric: "Oh my goodness... what happened to you?" ScreamClaw: "Don't ask..." ThunderSmacker: "Noun of your business..." SpaceWarp: "A run in with a SK-SK-skunk..." ScreamClaw/ ThunderSmacker: "Shut up!" Gidget: "Don't you creeps ever give up?" ScreamClaw: "Never!, not until we get your souls, so say your prayers Toons, for it's Toon hunting season for you!" Tommy: "No, from what I heard, it's Demon hunting season." ScreamClaw: "That's a load of balderdash!, it's Toon Season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Toon Season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Toon season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Toon season!" Tommy: "Toon season!" ScreamClaw: "Demon season!" Tommy: "Toon season!" ScreamClaw: "Demon season!" Tommy: "Toon season!" ScreamClaw: "Listen here brat!, when I say it's Demon season, I mean it's Demon season!, and I'd say fire boys!" shouted ScreamClaw, before ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp shrugged their shoulders and fired their pitch forks at the red demon's head. Once the smoke faded, ScreamClaw's head was a skull, before he snapped his fingers and his face was restored. ScreamClaw: "You're... despicable..." Tommy: "What can I say?, I always wanted to try out that trick." Roger: "Ha!, that's my boy!" Tommy: "Thanks dad." ScreamClaw: "Enough of these games!, hand us over your souls, or we'll take them by force!" Genie: "Or we can do this." said Genie, before he snaps his fingers and a bear appeared behind the Demon trio, who were forced to make a run for it as the bear begins to chase after them. Tommy: "Boy... that was close... thanks..." Genie: "No problem, just happy to help out a friend." Roger: "Yeah... well now that the Demon trio's gone, let's get back to enjoying our s'mores." Lyric: "Good idea, dear." so with that, the Toons went back to enjoying their s'mores, while the Demon trio continues to run for their lives, trying to get away from the angry bear.

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