Kanga & Little Roo

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It was a stormy night at the Toon Fox/Rabbit family's neighborhood, and in Tommy's room, the little Toon Fox was shifting and turning as he was having a nightmare of himself being in the Underworld, getting tortured by the Demon trio until he fell into a lake of lava, causing Tommy to scream in terror as he woke up in fight. Of course this woke up his parents and sister, causing them to rush into his room. Lyric: "Tommy!" Roger: "Are you alright sport?!" Tommy: "Yeah... just another nightmare..." Melody: "Oh no... was it about the Demon trio?" Tommy: "Yeah..." Lyric: "Oh my poor baby... come over to mommy." said Lyric, before Tommy rushed over to his mother so she can give him a hug to comfort the poor little fox. Melody went over to join in the hug, as she wanted to comfort her brother too. Melody: "It's okay Tommy... we're all right here... we'll protect you..." Tommy: "Thanks..." Roger: "You're very welcome sport..." suddenly, they heard the sound of someone knocking on the door, much to the confusion of the family as they did not expect anyone to be at the door in 3 in the morning. Roger and Lyric went to the door and see a Toon Kangaroo lady named Kanga (voiced by Kath Soucie), and her little blue shirt wearing son, named Roo (voiced by young Nikita Mathew Hopkins) both soaking wet and shivering. Kanga: "Hello there... sorry if waking you up at this hour..." Lyric: "No it's alright, we were already awake..." Roger: "Our son kinda had a nightmare recently." Kanga: "Oh dear... is he alright?" Roger: "He's fine now... but what about you?, what brings you here at this hour?" Roo: "Our house caught on fire by a lightning bolt... and we had to get away from the flames..." Lyric: "Oh my gosh!, you poor thing... are you alright?" Roo: "Yeah... but now we don't have a place to sleep and we're soaking wet..." Lyric: "Here, why don't you come in?, we'll help you dry off." Kanga: "Thank you... that's very kind of you..." said Kanga, before she and Roo went into the house and Roger gave them both a towel to help them dry off. Roger: "There you go, can't have a lady catch a cold, now can we?" Kanga: "Well aren't you a gentleman." Roger: "Thanks... I do my best to please my wife after all." Lyric: "And you've done a wonderful job at it honey... now if you like, you two can sleep on the couch for the night." Roo: "I like that." Kanga: "Me too... thanks." so with that, Kanga and little Roo went to set up the couch to sleep for the night, while Roger and Lyric went back to bed themselves. When morning came, Tommy and Melody came down to be surprised by the sight of Kanga and little Roo sleeping on the couch, before the pair finally woke up and see the two kids. Tommy: "Uh... hi there..." Kanga: "Well hello there little one, you must be Roger and Lyric's children." Melody: "That's right Miss... did mama and daddy let you two in?" Roo: "Yeah they did... sorry for intruding... but our house got destroyed by the storm last night... and we were soaking wet..." Tommy: "Oh man... that's a tough break..." Melody: "Oh I'm very sorry..." Kanga: "It's okay... at least we found shelter here... your parents were kind enough to let us stay here for the night... oh I almost forgot to introduce myself, I'm Kanga, and this is Roo, my son." Roo: "Hi." Tommy: "Nice to meet you, my name's Tommy D Fox, and this is Melody D Rabbit, my little sister." Melody: "Hello." said Melody, before Roger and Lyric came to the scene. Lyric: "There you are kids, I see you already met Miss Kanga and her son." Tommy: "Yeah, I'm guessing they were the people who knocked last night." Roger: "That's right sport, and they'll be staying here until they get their house fix... which is something I might be able to do." Roo: "Really?" Roger: "Yup, I can fix up your house in no time." Lyric: "But Roger, you're an inventor, not a house builder." Roger: "Maybe... but I could build some robots that can rebuild their house." Roo: "You can build robots?!, no way!" Roger: "Yes way... now I must go and get to work on building them." Lyric: "Not without having breakfast first." Roger: "Yes dear." suddenly, a loud boom sound was heard, and about a moment after that, Jokey and Jokeo came through the door, covered in smoke and looked a bit burned out. Melody: "Jokey and Jokeo!" Roo: "Neighbors?" Tommy: "Yeah but... turning to the twins] what happened to you two?" Jokey: "I don't know..." Jokeo: "After Jokey had some beans... he made a lot of toot clouds in the clouds... and after that, he was rubbing his feet on the carpet... and then he and I went to the door to go outside, but when we touched the doorknob, there was a flash... and all of a sudden... the whole house smelled like burnt baloney..." Roger: "Oh boy... sounds like I got two houses to fix now..." said Roger as he shook his head. A bit later, after getting some breakfast, little Roo begins hanging out with Tommy and his friends, especially hanging out with Melody as it seems. Unaware to the group, the Demon trio were nearby, waiting for the right moment to attack the kids. ScreamClaw: "Okay boys... when I give the signal, we fire." ThunderSmacker: "Um... isn't the plot supposed to be us stealing their souls?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." ScreamClaw: "The blasts are to immobilize them, ya idiots... now then... ready... aim..." Roo: "Who are you lot?" asked Roo, which surprised the trio enough to miss their shot and hits a tree instead. ScreamClaw: "Hey brat!, don't just sneak up on people like that!" Roo: "Sorry... but who are you?" Melody: "Roo!, be careful!, that's the Demon trio!" Tommy: "They're bad guys!" ScreamClaw: "Indeed we are... and we're gonna have your souls... [grabbing Roo by the neck and picked him up] or this brat's soul will take your place!" Roo: "Let me go!" Melody: "Roo!" Tommy: "Let him go!" ThunderSmacker: "Or you'll what?, make us?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." suddenly, Kanga came to the scene from behind ScreamClaw and hits the Demon dragon on the head with a frying pan with enough force to not only knock him out, but to let little Roo go. Kanga: "Keep your filthy claws off of my son!" Roo: "Mama!" Tommy: "Wow... she uses a frying pan as a weapon like how mom does..." Melody: "That's for sure." ThunderSmacker: "ScreamClaw!" SpaceWarp: "Uh oh..." ThunderSmacker: "You're gonna pay for that, lady!" shouted ThunderSmacker, ready to attack Kanga with his pitch fork, only to get knocked out as well by Lyric with her own frying pan. Lyric: "Honestly... these monsters have no manners at all..." SpaceWarp: "W-w-wait a minute!, let's t-t-talk this out!" Lyric: "Well unless you wanna end up like your fellow demons, you and the other two will leave now." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yes Ma'am..." said SpaceWarp, before he drags ScreamClaw and ThunderSmacker away from the scene, leaving the Toons alone at last. Once the danger was over, Melody went over to Roo and gave him a hug. Melody: "Roo!, are you okay?" Roo: "Yeah... I'm fine... who were those guys?" Tommy: "Big trouble..." Gidget: "That's for sure... honestly... don't those creeps ever learn or give up?" Tommy: "I guess not..." said Tommy, before a group of robots, followed by Roger, came to the scene. Roger: "Hey everyone, the robots are ready, now all we have to do is wait for them to finish rebuilding the houses." Kanga: "That's good to hear, thank you again." Roger: "It's no problem, happy to help out a neighbor." said Roger, as the robots begin to work on rebuilding the house of Roo and his mother, along with the house of Jokey and Jokeo as well. Kanga: "I must say Lyric, your husband sure can invent really useful stuff." Lyric: "He sure can... though sometimes his inventions can backfire..." Roger: "What?, no they don't." Lyric: "What about the time you built some toaster satellites that tried to attack us with toasts?" Roger: "That was years ago, I learned how to fix the bugs on that." Lyric: "True, but my point is that your inventions don't always come as a big success." Roger: "Well it's just that sometimes I believe that my inventing skills are just a bit ahead of my own time." Lyric: "Maybe..." back with Roo, he went over to Melody and gave her a sunflower. Melody: "Oh... for me?" Roo: "Yeah, for being a great neighbor and friend for me and mama." Melody: "Thank you Roo, you're a really sweet boy." said Melody, before she gives Roo a kiss on the cheek, which surprised him enough to blush deep red and trying to look away, which of course only made Melody to giggle.

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