A Thanksgiving Doofenshmirtz

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It was Thanksgiving day, part 2 of what the Toon Fox/ Rabbit family call the 3 month holiday, and everyone was excited for the upcoming Thanksgiving parade, including the Toon Fox/Rabbit family. Tommy: "Oh boy... the parade will be here soon... I can't wait!" Roger: "Yes, it's an event that's a lot of fun to watch every year." Melody: "It's too bad that it's also a tragic day for turkeys..." Lyric: "Oh... yes that is true... but it's not like we were the ones who killed them..." Melody: "I know... but it's still sad..." Roger: "I know sweetie... but it's part of life, plus predators need meat just as much as the prey need vegetation, otherwise we might... well... end up in the afterlife..." Melody: "Oh yeah... like you and big brother?" Roger: "I'm afraid so... but don't worry, the meat we eat isn't the kind that was originally a Toon like us." Melody: "Oh... that's a relief..." suddenly, the sound of Gidget screaming was heard, and the Toon Fox/Rabbit family ran off to investigate. It wasn't long before they find Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo standing in front of what looked like a giant turkey robot, much to the surprise of the family. Tommy: "Whoa!, that's the biggest turkey I've ever seen!" Lyric: "That's no turkey... that's a robot!" Roger: "You're right... it is a robot... but where did it come from?" Melody: "Never mind the scary robot, Gidget's in trouble, and so is Jokey and Jokeo!" cried out Melody, as she sees that the robot was chasing both Gidget and the hyena twins. Gidget: "Help!" Tommy: "Hang on!, I'm coming!" called out Tommy, as he changes his bow tie to a cape and puts on a pair of blue goggles, becoming the Toon Fox and went to fight the turkey robot, which spoke and said 'Ah, Toon Fox, we finally meet again, prepare to meet your doom!', which confused Tommy, before he dodged the robot's foot. Lyric: "Has Tommy ever fought that robot before?" Roger: "No... but that voice... it sounds so familiar somehow... I think I heard it before... I just can't place it..." said Roger, feeling very puzzled about the robot's voice. Jokey: "Toon Fox!, boy are we happy to see ya!, can we have your autograph?" Jokeo: "Bro, we already got the Toon Fox's autograph, and also that's Tommy, the original Toon Fox's son and our best friend, remember?" Jokey: "Oh yeah... guess I forgot..." Tommy: "How did you forget that?, and how did you forget that you can turn into a mammoth and giraffe to fight back, or using psychic powers?" asked Tommy, which made Gidget pause for a moment, before face palming herself and used her psychic powers to destroy the robot. Gidget: "Oh man... I can't believe I was stupid enough to not think of that sooner..." Jokeo: "Well Toons tend to forget things in a silly way sometimes..." Gidget: "That's true..." suddenly, something was moving under the remains of the robot, and everyone went over to remove the scrap metal and see a man that was human based Toon, wearing a white lab coat. His name was Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz (voiced by Dan Povenmire) and the sight of him made Roger gasp in shock. Roger: "Dr Doofenshmirtz?!" Lyric: "Wait, you know him?" Roger: "Yeah, he was one of the villains I fought back a few times when I was a kid, I knew I heard his voice before..." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "What are you talking about?, the enemy I fought was Toon Fox." Roger: "Oh for the love of..." said Roger, before he takes Tommy's cape and goggles and puts them on. Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Toon Fox!" Gidget: "Really?" Dr Doofenshmirtz: "What?" Jokeo: "Oh... I remember this guy too, he was on the News too... though his machines aren't that much of a threat..." Jokey: "Yeah, more funny than scary." Melody: "Really?" Roger: "Yup, he always had a habit of putting self-destruct buttons on his machines... like the time he built an army of robots in order to try taking over the neighborhood." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Well you couldn't get those buttons as I put them under their feet so you couldn't reach them." Lyric: "But... didn't that just made them blew up the moment they took a step?" Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Uh..." Tommy: "Seriously dad?, this guy was one of the villains you fought when you were young?" Roger: "Yes... but there were some plots of his that almost ended the world... like that time he created a machine that caused people into zombie versions of himself by getting in contact of their static electricity... which was kinda like how Jokey turned Flopsy into a Frankenstein version of herself back on Halloween." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Well that one was supposed to only make my brother ugly, I had no idea that it would start a zombie apocalypse..." Roger: "Maybe... but what are you doing?, I thought you retired from being evil years ago." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "I did, but only because the Toon Fox disappeared years ago, then I heard a rumor that the Toon Fox was seen again recently and I wanted to have another round..." Tommy: "You mean me?" Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Well that's what I thought at first... but you're a bit young to be him." Roger: "Well it's only natural as he's my son." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Oh... so you got a family now?" Roger: "Yeah pretty much, and I lost my powers years ago too, that's why you haven't seen me since our last battle..." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Well good for you, I happen to have a family too... though my wife divorced me and my brother gets all the attention... I still have a beautiful daughter that I love." Roger: "Then maybe you should spend time with her before she grows up." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Actually she grew up years ago, and now that Toon Fox is back, I could get back in action too." said Doofenshmirtz, before a cracking sound was heard and he yelled in pain. Lyric: "Are you alright?" Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Oh!, my back!" Roger: "Um... I don't think it's a good idea for you to go back in action... not with your current old age and all that..." Dr Doofenshmirtz: "Yeah... fair enough... but at least I get to battle the Toon Fox one last time... oh almost forgot... Curse you Toon Fox!" said Dr Doofenshmirtz, before he walks away from the scene while rubbing his back. Melody: "Wow... that was one strange old man..." Tommy: "You can say that again..." Roger: "Yeah... Doofenshmirtz was always an odd villain... but actually he's a pretty nice guy... sometimes..." Lyric: "Good to know... oh look!, the parade's starting." Tommy and Melody: "Hooray!" cried out Tommy and Melody in joy, as they and the others watch the Thanksgiving parade marching through the streets.

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