Gidget's Family

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Last time, Tommy and his family pay a visit to Jokey and Jokeo's family, who were dalmatians that adopted them and an orange kitten named Oliver. Of course trouble brewed for them when the Demon trio showed up and tried to steal their souls by giving Rolly and the hyenas a donut eating challenge, which they somehow managed to win in the end and were able to keep their souls for the time being. When they finished having lunch, Gidget paid them a visit and asked Tommy and the others if it was okay to have them visit her own family. Now, Tommy, Melody, along with their parents, followed Gidget to the large fancy house that was next to their own house. Tommy: "Huh... so Jokey and Jokeo weren't the only friends we have that are next door neighbors..." Melody: "How about that... and it looks fancy..." Gidget: "Yeah, my family come from a long line of Aristocats, at least my adopted family." Jokeo: "You were adopted too?" asked Jokeo, who along with Jokey and Oliver came to the scene, followed by the rest of their family. Gidget: "Yeah... I lost my original parents a long time ago... but Miss Aristocats took me in like her own child... she's really nice, you'll love her." Oliver: "That's good to hear..." Pongo: "You know... I was rather curious about what the neighbors of this place was like..." Perdita: "But we never got the chance to meet them, due to being busy with taking care of the kids." Patch: "Sorry mother..." Perdita: "Don't be sorry Patch, we were happy to take care of you." Cadpig: "So Gidget, you have any adopted siblings?" Gidget: "Yeah, a sister named Marie, and two brothers named Toulouse and Berlioz, you'll like them." said Gidget, before she walks over to the door and knocks on it, and it wasn't long before a lovely lady cat Toon named Duchess (voiced by Eva Gabor) came to the scene. Duchess: "There you are Gidget, I was wondering where you went... [noticing the big group behind Gidget] oh... I was not aware you were bringing company." Gidget: "Sorry mama, I was gonna tell ya sooner, but I was in a hurry... anyway, this is Tommy, Melody, Jokey, and Jokeo, they're the new friends I made in school." Duchess: "Well it's so good to meet you children." Tommy: "Hi Miss, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Melody: "Hello." Jokey and Jokeo: "Yo." Gidget: "And here's the rest of their families, Mr & Mrs Roger D Fox, Mr and Mrs Radcliffe, Patch, Cadpig, Rolly and Oliver." Pongo: "Greetings." Perdita: "Good afternoon." Roger: "Hey." Lyric: "Hello." Patch: "Hi." Rolly: "Yo." Cadpig: "Salutations." Duchess: "Bonjour everyone." Lyric: "Oh you can speak French?" Duchess: "Of course, my family came from a long line of Aristocats of France." Roger: "Oh that explains your accent, right?" Duchess: "You could say that." Patch: "Hey wait a minute... Gidget... how did you knew what our names were?, cause we didn't tell them yet..." Cadpig: "Yeah... how did you knew what our names were?" Gidget: "Oh um... it's a long story..." suddenly, the sound of a loud trumpet was heard, and everyone was startled by it. Oliver: "Wha... what was that?!" Duchess: "Oh that's probably Berlioz and O'Malley practicing the trumpet." Roger: "Wait... did you say O'Malley?" Duchess: "Yes?, do you know him or something?" Roger: "Maybe... I need to see him first, so can we come in?" Duchess: "Of course, come on in." said Duchess, before everyone begins to come into the house and see a grown up cat Toon, named Thomas O'Malley (voiced by Phil Harris) was blowing on a trumpet, before noticing the group. O'Malley: "Oh... I was not aware that we were having company..." Roger: "Well I'll be... O'Malley, it is you." O'Malley: "Have we met?" Roger: "It's me, Roger D Fox." O'Malley: "Oh my... Roger!, it's been a long time." Lyric: "You know each other?" Roger: "Yeah, we used to hang out together in middle school, how come you never told me that you lived next door?" O'Malley: "I was not aware you lived next door either... sorry about that." Roger: "It's okay, at least we know now... and you managed to hook up with such a lovely lady cat and have a nice home like this?" O'Malley: "Well Duchess and I hooked up after I helped her find the kittens when they got lost in the woods." Lyric: "Oh my... are they alright?" Duchess: "They're fine, let me show you... come on out children, we have guests." said Duchess, as a trio of Kitten Toons came to the scene. There was a white female Kitten named Marie (voiced by young Liz English), a black male kitten named Berlioz (voiced by young Dean Clark), and an orange/brown male kitten named Toulouse (voiced by young Gary Dubin), and they were surprised by how big the group of guests were. Marie: "Bonjour, I'm Marie." Berlioz: "I'm Berlioz." Toulouse: "And I'm Toulouse, and I wanna be a tough Alley Cat like my dad was." said Toulouse, as he tries to meow loudly and hiss a little with a little spit, which made everyone laugh a little. Lyric: "He's certainly a tiger." O'Malley: "Yeah... he wants to be more like me when I was still living on the streets." Pongo: "Hmm... I hope you don't mind me asking... but if you're the step father... what happened to the original father?" Duchess: "Well... I'm afraid he passed away in a car accident... some time before the kittens were born... so they never got to know him..." Perdita: "Oh my... we're so sorry to hear that..." Duchess: "It's alright... at least they have O'Malley for a father figure now..." Pongo: "Yes, every child needs both a mother and father figure in their lives." Perdita: "How very true..." Toulouse: "Hey uh... you wanna saw the painting I'm working on?" Melody: "Sure, I would love to see it." said Melody, before she and the others went to see the painting that Toulouse made, which was what looked like a Toon with a pickle for a head. Marie: "That looks like a pickle head." Berlioz: "Yeah, it does look like a pickle head." Cadpig: "What are those other three paintings?" Toulouse: "What other three paintings?" Jokeo: "The ones that are next to the pickle head painting." said Jokeo, as he points at the three other paintings that looked like a certain trio of dragons with pitch forks. Toulouse: "That's weird... I don't remember making those..." Berlioz: "But if you didn't made them, then who did?" Jokey: "Um... do you noticed something familiar about these paintings?" Jokeo: "You mean that they look like those ugly dragons with pitch forks?" asked Jokeo, before the paintings, who were really the Demon trio, jumped out of the canvases and growled in anger. ScreamClaw: "Hey!, who are you calling ugly?!" O'Malley: "What the?!" Gidget: "Ah!, it's the Demon trio!" Tommy: "Ugh... not again..." Berlioz: "Who are these guys?" Gidget: "Trouble... they're Demon Dragons that are after Tommy's soul..." ScreamClaw: "And yours too as you made a deal with us on giving you psychic powers." Duchess: "What?!" Gidget: "Uh..." Jokey: "Oh... you are so busted..." ThunderSmacker: "That's the least of her problems, as you brats will give us your souls or else." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Roger: "You are not laying a claw on these kids!" ScreamClaw: "Oh please, you don't stand a chance against us." Roger: "Maybe not in muscle... but I'm sure a whole lot smarter than you." ScreamClaw: "What?!, there is no way you are smarter than us!" Roger: "I am." ScreamClaw: "You're not!" Roger: "I am." ScreamClaw: "You're not!" Roger: "I am." ScreamClaw: "You're not!" Roger: "I'm not." ScreamClaw: "You are!" Roger: "I'm not." ScreamClaw: "You are!" Roger: "I'm not." ScreamClaw: "Listen here!, when I say you are smarter than us, it means you're smarter than us!... [pausing for a moment before realizing what just happened] hey wait..." said ScreamClaw, before the kids and the others began to laugh, much to the Demon trio's embarrassment. ScreamClaw: "Very funny, but it's gonna take more than that to save these brats from us." Roger: "I know... that's why I distracted you long enough for my wife to get some water balloons." ThunderSmacker: "Say what?" asked ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demons looked ahead and see Lyric carrying a box full of water balloons, ready to be used against the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Uh oh..." Tommy: "You got that right... picking up a water balloon with the other kids] ready... aim..." ScreamClaw: "Oh no!" Tommy: "Fire!" called out Tommy, as he and the kids threw their water balloons at the Demon trio, who screamed out in pain as the water got on them. ThunderSmacker: "Ah!, not again!" SpaceWarp: "So c-c-cold and wet!" ScreamClaw: "Demons!, retreat!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he and the other demons used their pitch forks to teleport away from the scene. Once the danger was gone, everyone went to work on drying off the furniture that got wet from their water balloon stunt against the demons and having a dinner together. Lyric: "Sorry about the mess earlier." Duchess: "That's alright, you were just trying to protect the children, and besides you helped us clean it up, so there's no need to worry about it." O'Malley: "Now Gidget dear... I hope this will teach you a lesson on not to make shady deals with strangers." Gidget: "Yeah, I learned my lesson alright." Roger: "Me too... I will not make a deal with an evil demon again." O'Malley: "What do you mean by again?" Roger: "Uh... let's just say I might have made a deal with them once when I was a kid and... well it kinda involved my son now..." O'Malley: "Is that why those creeps were after him?" Roger: "You could say that..." Lyric: "Well let's just be careful on who we make deals with from now on, alright?" Tommy: "Yup." Melody: "Yes, mama." Jokey and Jokeo: "You got it, Ma'am." Oliver: "Understood." Patch/Cadpig/Rolly: "Uh huh." Pongo: "Well I'm glad it's over." Perdita: "For now at least... for I got this bad feeling that we might not have seen the last of them..." Roger: "You might be right about that... we just might not have seen the last of them..." said Roger, as he was looking down with concern thoughts in his mind that the Demon trio might come back sooner or later.

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