A Day At The Beach

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A new day has come to the house of the Toon Fox/Rabbit family, and right now the family were packing some beach stuff into the car as they were getting ready to spend a day at the beach. Roger: "Alright everyone, got everything we need?" Tommy: "We got sunscreen, swimsuits, towels... and some lunch." Roger: "Good, but don't go into the water right after eating cause you'll get stomach cramps." Lyric: "It's true." Melody: "Got it." Tommy: "Alright, let's go!" said Tommy, before he and his family went off to the beach, and when they got there, they were surprised to see that they were not the only ones who came, for it looks like Gidget and her family, along with the hyena twins and their family, were there too. Gidget: "Hey Tommy!, hey Melody, so you had the same idea of coming to the beach today?" Tommy: "Looks like it." Melody: "And the same for Jokey and Jokeo's family." Patch: "Well it seemed like a good day to do it, sunny and hot." Cadpig: "Wow Gidget, your swimsuit looks really pretty on ya." Gidget: "Thanks, but of course Melody looks adorable in hers." Melody: "Thanks... but my mama's probably the most beautiful in hers." said Melody, as she and the other girls see Lyric in her swimsuit, sitting on a beach chair, who noticed that Roger was doing his best to look away while blushing and steam coming out of his nose and ears. Lyric: "Roger dear, are you alright?" Roger: "Yeah... just... a little overwhelmed for your um... new swimsuit..." said Roger, before Pongo, Perdita, Duchess and O'Malley came to the scene. Perdita: "Oh my... Lyric really has a nice figure..." Lyric: "Oh I don't know... there are probably other women that are more attractive than me..." Duchess: "Don't sell yourself short, you look very lovely in that swimsuit." Pongo: "Say uh... why is your husband looking away?" O'Malley: "Oh yeah... Roger was always very nervous around women... looks like that hasn't changed." Roger: "Hey come on, I'm not that nervous around women, I mean I got to marry my wife." Lyric: "Yes, though I started dating you after you recovered in the hospital." Pongo: "Why was he there?" Lyric: "Well... when he first saw me... he crashed his car into a tree and got hurt real bad." Roger: "You were wearing a swimsuit!, that could distract anyone!" Lyric: "Perhaps... and it was a good thing that I worked as a nurse at the time, which was how I was able to get you to the hospital right away." Roger: "Well it wasn't all that bad, for the macaroni was good, and it gave me the chance to meet the lady of my dreams." Lyric: "Oh Roger, you really know how to be a charmer." Roger: "Thanks..." back with the kids, Melody, Cadpig and Marie were building sandcastles, while Gidget was playing in the water, and the boys were sitting on the sand. Jokey: "It's too bad that there aren't any girls around here." Jokeo: "Um... Jokey, there are like 7 girls here." Jokey: "I mean girls that aren't related or around our age." Jokeo: "Oh... good point... we'll probably get a better chance on walking on water than getting a girlfriend for the both of us... but let's not worry about it now, let's focus more on having fun." Oliver: "Hey guys, check out this weird looking rock I've found." said Oliver, before the rock revealed to be a large crab, which Oliver dropped right away and the crab walked sideways away from the scene. Jokey: "Whoa... I didn't knew rocks can have claws and legs." Jokeo: "That wasn't a rock, Jokey, that was a crab." Jokey: "Oh..." Rolly: "Hey guys, I found another crab!" called Rolly, pointing at what he thought was a crab in a pond of sea water. Patch: "That's no crab, it's a lobster." Jokey: "Really?, I thought it was a large shrimp." Jokeo: "Huh... it kinda does look like a large shrimp..." Jokey: "I'll bet it'll taste yummy." said Jokey, as he picks up the lobster, which uses it's claws on him, causing him to yell in pain as he tried to get it off of him. Oliver: "Um... I think I'll stick with my milk..." said Oliver, as Jokey finally got the lobster off of him, and the lobster crawls away from the scene and goes into the sea. That was when the girls, including Gidget, came to the boys and noticed the marks on Jokey's arms and legs. Gidget: "Are you okay, Jokey?" Cadpig: "What happened?" Jokey: "I got attacked by some sea food..." Patch: "A lobster." Gidget: "Oh..." Toulouse: "Um... what's that?" Berlioz: "What's what?" Toulouse: "The thing that's moving under the sand." said Toulouse, pointing at what looked like something big moving under the sand, heading right towards them. Suddenly, bursting out of the sand was the Demon trio, much to the shock of the kids. ScreamClaw: "Greetings brats... did you miss us?" Melody: "Ahh!, it's the Demon trio!" ThunderSmacker: "That's right, and your souls will be ours." Marie: "Back off jerks!, you shouldn't start a fight with a lady!" ThunderSmacker: "Well that won't be a problem here as you're no lady, just an annoying little brat who is spoiled by her mother." said ThunderSmacker, which really hurt Marie's feelings, while Oliver got really mad and jumps up into the air and scratched him on the face with his claws. Oliver: "Take that back!, apologize to Marie!" ThunderSmacker: "Ah!, my nose!, why you little brat!, you're gonna pay for that!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before Gidget's eyes started to glow, as a sign that she was using her psychic powers. ScreamClaw: "Foolish girl, did you forget that your psychic powers don't work on us?" Gidget: "I didn't forget... I'm just using my psychic powers on something else." said Gidget with a cheeky smile, before she looks up, making everyone else looked up and see a big amount of water above them. SpaceWarp: "Uh... oh..." ScreamClaw: "Oh nuts..." said SpaceWarp and ScreamClaw, before Gidget drops the water on the demons, and everyone was now wet while the demon trio were screaming in pain. SpaceWarp: "Ah!, the p-p-pain!" ThunderSmacker: "Stinging sea water!" ScreamClaw: "Demons!, retreat!" called out ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons used their pitch forks to teleport themselves out of the scene, leaving the kids alone once more. Marie: "Ah... sis... it's not like I'm not grateful of saving us... but could you at least give us a warning that you were gonna drop a ton of water on us next time?!" Gidget: "Sorry..." Tommy: "Wait... where's Jokey and Jokeo?" asked Tommy, as he and the others noticed that Jokey and Jokeo were not with them. Cadpig: "Jokey?!, Jokeo?!, where are you?!" Patch: "There they are!" called out Patch, as he sees the hyena twins in the water. Jokey: "Help!, we're sinking!" Jokeo: "We can't swim!" Tommy: "Hang on!, I'll help!" said Tommy, as he jumps into the water, but it wasn't long before he starts sinking too. Melody: "Big brother!" Patch: "He can't swim either?!" Tommy: "Oh man!, I forgot!" Jokeo: "Goodbye world!" Jokey: "Goodbye ice cream!" Tommy: "Ice cream?" Jokey: "What?, I love ice cream..." of course help came when the grown ups came and picks up the boys just in the nick of time. Lyric: "Tommy, are you alright?" Tommy: "Yeah... thanks mom..." Perdita: "What about you, boys?" Jokeo: "We're fine... just a little cold of course..." Jokey: "And hungry." Perdita: "Well luckily for you boys, lunch time is here." Duchess: "She's right, so let's enjoy." said Duchess, before the scene changed to show the families enjoying their lunch. Toulouse: "You should have seen the looks those demons made when they saw that ton of water above them, it was so funny." Berlioz: "No kidding, it was hilarious." Duchess: "Well I just hope those demons won't come back anytime soon..." O'Malley: "Me too... I don't like the idea of those demons going after the kids..." Pongo: "I feel the same way..." Lyric: "Well it's a good thing those demons aren't very smart..." Roger: "Yeah, if they actually use their brains, they'd be very dangerous." said the grown up, before Marie came over to Oliver while blushing. Marie: "Oliver... I just want to say thank you... for defending my honor like that." Oliver: "Well... I was just trying to be a gentleman... that's all... I can't believe those creeps can be so rude..." Marie: "I know... but at least I know you have actual manners... thank you." said Marie, before she gives Oliver a kiss on the nose, much to his shock while blushing a little bit.

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