Team Sonic Of South Island

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It was a sunny day at sea when the Toon Fox/Rabbit family and friends were riding on a little boat that was sailing in the middle of the sea. Roger: "Ah... what a lovely day to be on a boat, breathing that salty sea air..." said Roger, before Jokey came to the scene. Jokey: "Hey Mr Fox, is it time for lunch yet?" Roger: "Not yet Jokey, be patient..." Jokey: "Okay..." Roger: "Hmm... I better go see how the others are doing... so Jokey, you mind if you take the wheel for a bit." Jokey: "No problem captain." Roger: "Good, thanks Jokey." said Roger, before he lets Jokey take the wheel while he goes see how the others were doing. As Jokey was holding the wheel, he began to day dream about himself being a pirate that was plowing through some ice bergs on his boat, before seeing some whales trapped inside some ice and was about to plow through a big iceberg that was in the way. Suddenly, Tommy came and snapped Jokey out of his day dreaming. Tommy: "Jokey?, what are you doing behind the wheel?" Jokey: "Huh?, hi Tommy, I was about to plow through an iceberg and free some whales." Tommy: "But there aren't any icebergs around here, the waters here are too warm." Jokey: "Really?... then... what's that?!" asked Jokey, as he and Tommy screamed as they see that they were sailing right towards a large rock. Once the boat hits the rock, everyone on the boat was sent flying of and landed on the beach of an island. Lyric: "Oh... what happened?" Gidget: "Looks like we hit a rock... but how did that happen?" Jokeo: "I guess we had an accident..." Melody: "How?" Tommy: "Ask Jokey here." said Tommy, as he glared at the green shirt wearing hyena. Jokey: "Um... there were some whales trapped in some ice and I wanted to free them... and the only way to get to them was plowing right through that iceberg... except it turned out to be a rock... and rocks are a lot harder than icebergs..." Roger: "Jokey, have you been daydreaming while holding the wheel?" Jokey: "Um... maybe..." Lyric: "Roger... why was Jokey holding the wheel?" Roger: "Well... I wanted to check on you guys, and Jokey came and I thought I could let him take it for a bit... I never thought he was daydream on the job..." Jokey: "Sorry... but at least the boat's still floating... [seeing the boat sinking into the bottom of the sea] oh..." Melody: "So we're stuck here?" Gidget: "Not really, I can teleport us out of here with ease." Jokeo: "Um... where exactly is here?" asked Jokeo, before he and the others looked around to see that they were on a beautiful island full of palm trees, sandy beaches, and some Loop-de-loops of landscape. Tommy: "Wow... this is one pretty island..." Melody: "Yeah... but what's with the Loop-de-loops?" Lyric: "I'm not sure..." Tommy: "Hmm... they look sort of familiar to me... but I don't know why..." Jokey: "Um... guys... there's someone coming..." said Jokey, as he can see what looked like a blue blur coming towards them, before it finally stops in front of the group and sees that it was a Blue hedgehog with white gloves and a pair of red and white shoes. The hedgehog in question was Sonic the Hedgehog (voiced by Ben Schwartz) and he was surprised to see Tommy and Melody for some reason. Sonic: "Whoa, Tails, Cream, what happened to your colors?" Melody: "Tails?, Cream?, who are they?" Jokeo: "Who are ya?" Sonic: "Me, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, but can call me Sonic." Tommy: "Wait... Sonic the Hedgehog?!, the fastest hedgehog alive?!" Sonic: "That's me... so I'm guessing you're not Tails, huh?" Tommy: "No, my name is Tommy D Fox... do I really look like Tails?" Sonic: "Almost exactly... only with different fur color and with one tail." Tommy: "Huh... I never thought that I could look like Tails in any way..." Melody: "Sonic... you mean the game characters from the games that my brother used to play on?" Sonic: "Oh so you played my game?" Tommy: "Yup, a lot of games that starred ya actually." Sonic: "No way!" Tommy: "Yes way, and not just you, there's also Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, and sometimes Cream the Rabbit, who I just realized does look a little like my sister." Melody: "Huh?, really?" Tommy: "Yeah, and she's just about as sweet as you." Melody: "Well I sure wouldn't mind to meet her." Sonic: "I can take you to her if you like." Tommy: "You mean that Cream's here on this island?" Sonic: "Well of course, this is South island after all, the place where me and my friends live on nowadays." Tommy: "No way!, South Island?, the island where the first game took place?!" Sonic: "Uh... I guess so... follow me." said Sonic, before he runs off in super sonic speed, surprising most of the Toons. Lyric: "Oh my..." Roger: "Now I get how he got the name of Sonic..." Tommy: "Yup, come on everyone!" said Tommy, as he and the others went off to try following Sonic. Once they finally caught up with Sonic, the Toons see a young yellow fox with two tails, who was named Tails (voiced by Colleen O'Shaughnessey), a pink hedgehog girl in a red dress named Amy Rose (voiced by Shannon Chan-Kent), a red echidna with boxing gloves named Knuckles (voiced by Idris Elba), and also a young rabbit girl that looked like Melody, but with cream colored fur and an orange dress named Cream (voiced by Michelle Ruff) who was with a little Chao named Cheese. Sonic: "Hey guys, I want you to meet uh... sorry I don't think I got your names." Tommy: "I'm Tommy D Fox." Melody: "My name's Melody D Rabbit." Gidget: "I'm Gidget D Mew." Jokey: "I'm Jokey D Hyena." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo D Hyena, and Jokey and I are twin brothers." Tails: "Yeah... I can see that, my name's Tails, Sonic's best friend and little brother." Amy: "I'm Amy Rose." Knuckles: "I'm Knuckles." Cream: "And my name's Cream, and this is Cheese, my pet Chao that's also my best friend." Cheese: "Chao, Chao!" Roger: "Nice to meet ya, I'm Roger D Fox, and this is Lyric D Rabbit, my wife." Lyric: "Pleased to meet a sweet little girl like yourself." Cream: "Wow, you almost look a lot like my mama." Lyric: "Who's your mother?" Cream: "Her name is Vanilla the Rabbit." Lyric: "Wait... Vanilla?!" Roger: "You know her or something?" asked Roger, before an adult version of Cream, who was really Vanilla the Rabbit (voiced by Rebecca Honig), aka Cream's mother, came to the scene. Vanilla: "What's going on... Lyric?!" gasped Vanilla, looking at the blue rabbit lady. Lyric: "Uh... hi sis..." Roger: "Sis?!" Lyric: "Yes... that there is my twin sister..." Vanilla: "I can't believe it... I mean it's been years since I last saw you... and it looks like you've been busy..." said Vanilla, as she looks at the kids that were around her sister. Lyric: "So have you by the looks of it..." said Lyric, as she looks at the other kids around her sister's daughter. Vanilla: "Well actually only Cream and Amy are my children, the boys belonged to the Wachowski couple." Tommy: "The Wachowski couple?" Sonic: "Yup, the people who adopted me a few years ago." Tails: "Along with me and Knuckles here." Knuckles: "Yes, so you could say that me and the blue hedgehog and yellow fox are my brothers now." Roger: "Um... Lyric... you never told me that you had a sister..." Lyric: "Well you never asked, and I haven't seen her in years..." Vanilla: "Yeah... not since after our parents went through a divorce and all that..." Lyric: "Yeah..." Vanilla: "So... I'm guessing the little fox and blue rabbit are my nephew and niece?" Lyric: "That's right, this is Tommy and Melody, my son and daughter." Tommy: "Hi there miss..." Melody: "So we have an aunt?" Vanilla: "I guess so... and of course that also means my little girl here is your cousin." Cream: "I have cousins?!, hooray!" said Cream, as she gives both Tommy and Melody a big hug, which they both seemed to enjoy as they hugged her back. Jokey: "Man... I wish we have cousins..." Jokeo: "Me too... but at least we have an adopted family." Vanilla: "Adopted family?" Gidget: "Jokey and Jokeo were orphans that got adopted by a family of dalmatians... of course I too was an orphan before I was adopted by the Aristocat family as well... oh sorry, I'm Gidget by the way, nice to meet you." Vanilla: "It's nice to meet you too, and I must say that's a nice dress you got there... it looks just like Amy's dress." Amy: "Yeah... it really does look a lot like my outfit, only it's purple instead of red." Gidget: "Yeah, purple is my favorite color besides pink and white... and I thought purple goes well with my pink fur." Amy: "It sure does." that was when two humans, who were Tom Wachowski (voiced by James Marsden) and Maddie Wachowski (voiced by Tika Sumpter) came to the scene. Tom: "Hey Sonic... who are these people?" Sonic: "Oh just some new friends." Tommy: "Hi, I'm Tommy, and this is my little sister, Melody, and those two behind me are my parents, Roger D Fox and Lyric D Rabbit, and the ones next to me and my sister are my friends, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo." said Tommy, before the ones he introduced waved their arms as a way to say hello. Tom: "Nice to meet ya, I'm Tom Wachowski, and this is Maddie, my wife." Maddie: "Hi." Vanilla: "Lyric also happens to be my twin sister." Maddie: "Really?" Lyric: "It's true." Tom: "So you came to visit her?" Roger: "Well... actually... we got shipwrecked here... and our boat's now at the bottom of the sea..." Tom: "How did that happen?" Jokeo: "Mr Fox thought it was a good idea to let my day dreaming brother take the wheel..." Jokey: "Sorry..." Gidget: "Well it isn't really a problem as I can teleport everyone here back home with my psychic powers... but as long as we're here, we might as well have a look around." Lyric: "And to give me a chance to catch up with my sister here." Vanilla: "How very true." some time later, around lunch time, Sonic was telling the group about how he created his games that were based on the adventures he had in real life. Melody: "So you really fought a rotten egg?" Sonic: "If you mean the one I call Eggman, yeah, and after I made the first game, a lot of people wanted more... though I didn't had any ideas on what kind of game I could make next... at least until Tails came around, along with Knuckles, Amy and Cream came around with adventures of their own with me, and boy they sure were fun... and a little scary too when Eggman came back a few times." Knuckles: "That vile Robotnik had some nerve on tricking me..." Amy: "Come on Knuckles, you didn't knew better, so it wasn't your fault." Knuckles: "Easy for you to say, you weren't there when he tricked me." Tails: "Come on Knuckles, nobody here blames you, and besides, that's all in the past now, let's focus on the present now." Knuckles: "I suppose so..." Jokeo: "So... everything that happened in the games were real?" Sonic: "Well... maybe not everything... but it was close to what really happened..." Cream: "I never knew that I would have many fans after my debut in the games." Vanilla: "Yes... not like I can blame them, you're so adorable after all." Lyric: "She sure is, just like my little Melody here." Sonic: "So tell us, have you ever got adventures of your own?" Tommy: "Um... you could say that..." Amy: "Maybe my cards can tell us... [looking at her cards that showed pictures that made her gasp in shock. Sonic: "What's wrong?" Amy: "They say that Tommy owes his soul to some demons!" Tom and Maddie: "What?!" Roger: "Well actually it's me who owes some demons a soul... it just that... well it's a long story..." Vanilla: "Um... would these demons look like dragons that carry pitch forks, one in red, one in blue and one in black... by any chance?" Lyric: "How did you knew that?" Gidget: "Don't tell us... they're standing right behind us... aren't they?" asked Gidget, before she and the others turned around to see the Demon Trio themselves, who had an evil grin on their faces. ScreamClaw: "Surprised?" Tommy: "Oh man... not these guys again..." Melody: "Don't you creeps have anything better to do?!" ThunderSmacker: "No we don't, our job is to collect souls, and since you owe us your souls, we will have them one way or another." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Sonic: "Hold it right there!, these kids are one of my friends' cousins, if you want them, you'll have to get through me." ScreamClaw: "As you wish, ya blue rodent." said ScreamClaw, before he uses his pitch fork to blast Sonic away, but the blue hedgehog was able to dodge the attack just in the nick of time. Tails then spins his namesakes to start flying into the air to try a Spin Dash on ThunderSmacker, while Amy uses her Piko Piko hammer to bash the demon away. Knuckles then went to punch ScreamClaw in the face, while Cream uses her cute face to scare SpaceWarp away as a lot of things scare him, even cute things. Jokey and Jokeo then helped out Knuckles on taking on ScreamClaw to protect Tommy from the demon, while Gidget then uses her psychic powers to summon some water to splash onto the trio, who screamed out in pain. ThunderSmacker: "Ah!, stupid water!" SpaceWarp: "I'm s-s-scared of being wet!" ScreamClaw: "Demons!, retreat!" screamed the red demon, before he and the other demons use their pitch forks to teleport themselves away from the scene. Once the danger was over, the grown ups went to check on the kids to see if they were okay, and they were much to their relief. Vanilla: "My goodness... and I thought Dr Robotnik was bad news... but actual demons..." Lyric: "I know... but at least they're not too smart." Roger: "Yeah... they might be powerful... but they're also very dumb as it seems..." Maddie: "And you face those guys every day?" Roger: "Well not every day, once in a while I think..." Gidget: "Well at least they're gone for now..." Melody: "Yeah..." however, trouble brewed again when a large boulder, which the Demon trio smacked into when Knuckles punched them earlier, began to move and was rolling towards the group and everyone went to try dodging it. Everyone that was except for Tails, who pushes Melody out of the way and got crushed by the boulder, much to everyone's shock and horror. All: "Tails!!!" cried out everyone, shocked to see the little two tailed fox get crushed by the rock.

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