The Toon Mobile

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It was late at night when some sort of vehicle was on the road, being chased by what looked like a giant three headed dog that the Demon trio were riding on top of. Inside the vehicle was Tommy and Melody, who were both scared by the sight of the giant dog that the Demon trio were riding on, before the time of the story suddenly paused and Boney 10 came to the scene and looks at the readers. Boney 10: "Welcome folks, for those who don't know me, I'm Boney 10, and I'm a friendly demon dragon who helps out these kids sometimes... and I'll bet you're wondering why are they in that vehicle and what's with the giant dog with three heads, right?... well to understand what's going on here... let's go back a bit... I'd say about in the morning." said Boney 10, before he left the scene and the whole story started to rewind a little to the scene that shows the Demon trio pacing back and forth in the Underworld, looking crossed for failing to get the souls of Tommy and his friends. ScreamClaw: "That's it!, we're gonna get our pet to help us get those brats!" SpaceWarp: "P-p-pet?" ThunderSmacker: "What pet?" ScreamClaw: "You know... Cerberus." SpaceWarp: "W-w-what?!, you c-c-can't be serious!" ThunderSmacker: "He hasn't been out of the Underworld for a long time, and he prefers to guard the entrance." ScreamClaw: "True, but I know that he would do anything for fresh meat... and those brats together would make good fresh meat for him... while we get their souls." ThunderSmacker: "Fair enough..." SpaceWarp: "Um... getting Cerberus to eat those k-k-kids?, isn't that a bit overboard?" ScreamClaw: "We're demons, we're supposed to be bad." ThunderSmacker: "What about Boney 10?" ScreamClaw: "He was originally a human, one who has a soft spot for kids, so he doesn't count... anyway... release Cerberus!" ordered ScreamClaw, as he and the other demons went off to try getting Cerberus, which was a giant black furred dog with three heads, who seemed to growled at them at first, before ScreamClaw offered him a deal that he'll have the meat of the kids in exchange of helping them get their souls, which the dog seemed to agree upon as he nodded his head. Meanwhile, back at the Toon Fox/Rabbit family's household, Roger was at the garage, polishing what looked like some sort of vehicle when his family, along with Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, came to the scene. Tommy: "Hey dad." Roger: "Ah!, [turning around to see Tommy and the others] oh... hey sport, don't sneak up on me like that..." Tommy: "Sorry..." Melody: "Hey daddy, what's that car?" Roger: "Oh this?... um..." Lyric: "That looks like the Toon Mobile..." Jokeo: "Whoa!, it is the Toon Mobile!, I recognize it from anywhere!" Jokey: "Yeah... the vehicle that helped the Toon Fox on fighting crime!" Roger: "Yup... this is it alright... well the Toon Mobile mark 50 at least..." Gidget: "What happened to the first Mark 49?" Roger: "Um... some of them didn't worked right... or got destroyed for example..." Lyric: "And you had this when?" Roger: "Well I sort of built it after we discovered that Tommy has my powers, as if he's gonna be the next Toon Fox, he's gonna need the gear I had." Tommy: "You mean I can drive this?!, awesome!" Lyric: "Now just a moment young man, you're far too young to drive this." Roger: "Yeah... I didn't get to ride the Toon Mobile until I turned 16." Tommy: "So I have the wait to drive this for the next 6 years?!, oh man..." Melody: "Would it still work by then?" Roger: "Huh... not sure... but I'll make sure it can last for a little while." Lyric: "Well let's not worry about it now, it's time for lunch." said Lyric, before she and the others went off to have some lunch, unaware that Tommy was watching the Toon Mobile and began thinking of a way to drive it when nobody was around. When night came, Tommy sneaks his way to the Toon Mobile, when Melody came up behind him. Melody: "Big brother, what are you doing?" Tommy: "Ah!, oh... hey sis... um... I wasn't thinking about driving the Toon Mobile when nobody was looking... that's for sure..." Melody: "It looks like that to me." Tommy: "Well... what are you doing here?" Melody: "I heard you stomping on the ground and I came here to investigate." Tommy: "I didn't stomp on the ground..." Melody: "But if it wasn't you, then who?" asked Melody, before Cerberus bursts his heads through the garage door and barked loudly at the pair. Tommy/Melody: "AH!!!" ScreamClaw: "Hey kiddies... here's ScreamClaw!" Melody: "Demons Trio!" Tommy: "Quick!, into the Toon Mobile!" cried out Tommy, before he and Melody jumped into the Toon Mobile and set it on to try driving away from Cerberus and the Demon trio, who began to chase the vehicle. Meanwhile, Roger and Lyric came to the garage and see the damage in the garage. Roger: "What happened here?" Lyric: "And where's the Toon Mobile?" Roger: "I don't know... but I have a feeling Tommy has something to do with it..." said Roger as he crossed his arms. Back with Tommy and Melody, they were riding on the Toon Mobile that was fast, but so was Cerberus, and it looks like the demon dog was catching up. Just then the story froze up in time and Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "There you have it folks, now you can see why Tommy and Melody were in that vehicle and why there's a giant three headed dog chasing them... wanna see how it ends?, so do I... roll film!" called out Boney 10, before he leaves the scene and the story begins rolling again. Just then, the monitor on the Toon Mobile's dashboard turns on and it was showing Roger and Lyric on it. Tommy: "Uh... hi dad..." Roger: "Tommy... what were you thinking on sneaking out to drive the Toon Mobile at night?!" Melody: "It wasn't his fault!, he was only..." Lyric: "Melody?!, what are you doing there too?!" Tommy: "Sorry mom... but we had to use the Toon Mobile... the Demon Trio's back!, and they brought their dog!" Lyric: "The Demon Trio?!" Roger: "Ugh... I should have known it was them... but using the Toon Mobile?" Tommy: "Well it's better than running on foot..." Roger: "I guess... wait... did you say the Demon trio brought their dog?" asked Roger, before a loud bark was heard, and everyone looked to see Cerberus coming closer, showing his sharp teeth of all three heads to them. Melody: "Ah!, scary doggy!" Lyric: "What is that?!" Roger: "Wait... I've seen that dog before... that's Cerberus!, I used to fight that dog a lot back in my hero days!, he was the three headed demon dog that normally guards the entrance to the Underworld!" Tommy: "How did you beat him?" Roger: "Um... do you have a bone or some fresh meat with ya?" Tommy: "Not really... why?" Roger: "Cause Cerberus loves bones and fresh meat, he would do anything for them." Melody: "That makes sense, doggies love bones and meat." Tommy: "Too bad we don't have either..." Roger: "Tommy, try driving to the dog bone making factory, Cerberus should be able to be stopped there." Tommy: "But how?, the road bridge that gets there is out at the moment." Roger: "There's a button that should activate the Toon Mobile's flight mode." Tommy: "This thing can fly?" Roger: "Of course, however I can't remember which button it was..." Melody: "Oh dear..." Tommy: "And there are a lot of buttons here..." Roger: "Don't worry, I do remember that it's one of the big main buttons below the monitor." Tommy: "There are four buttons." Roger: "Yes, but I'm sure you'll find it." Melody: "But please hurry!, we're running out road and time!" said Melody, as she can see that not only was Cerberus getting closer, but she can see the broken bridge up ahead. Roger: "Tommy, you must press the red button... no I mean the blue button... or..." Tommy: "Dad!, we're going to run out of road any minute now!, which button is it?!" Roger: "The blue button, hit the blue one!" called out Roger, before Tommy pressed the blue button, and wipers appeared and wiping the windshields. Tommy: "Wipers!" Roger: "Okay... the green one then." said Roger, before Tommy pressed the green button, which only made the Toon mobile to honk it's horn. Melody: "Horn..." Lyric: "Roger, hurry!" Roger: "I know!... don't yell at me!, I... wait... that's it!, yellow!" cried out Roger, before Tommy pressed the yellow button, which changed the Toon Mobile's wheels to wings, and then the vehicle begins to fly into the sky, much to the shock of the Demon trio. SpaceWarp: "Huh?!" ThunderSmacker: "Whoa!" ScreamClaw: "You're kidding me..." said the Demon Trio, as they tried to use their strength to pick up Cerberus and help him get to the other side, which was hard as the dog was big and heavy, but they managed to make it and they continued the chase. Back with Tommy and Melody, they see the dog bone making factory below them. Melody: "Look!, there's the dog bone making factory!" Tommy: "Great... but how do we safely land?" Roger: "Oh... well... to tell the truth... I haven't figured that part yet... as the landings I get with the Toon Mobile always involved crashing into something..." Tommy: "What?!" gasped Tommy, before the Demon trio came and used their pitch forks to break the wings, causing the Toon Mobile to start falling from the sky. Tommy and Melody jumped out of the Toon Mobile and started falling, until angel wings sprouted out of Melody's back and she began to fly. Melody: "What in... I can fly?!... [seeing Tommy falling] oh my gosh!, big brother!" cried out Melody, before she flew down and caught Tommy just in the nick of time. Tommy: "Whoa!, you can fly?!" Melody: "I guess so..." said Melody, before ScreamClaw came and grabs Melody by the wings. ScreamClaw: "Got cha! [steam came out of his hands and screams out in pain before letting go of Melody's wings] ah!, what in... angel wings?!" ThunderSmacker: "Impossible!" SpaceWarp: "B-b-but how?!" ScreamClaw: "No... it can't be... the powers we gave her... did they became angel powers somehow?!, I mean that could only happen if her soul was as pure an angel's!" Tommy: "Then that must be what happened... as my sister was always an angel." Melody: "Really?" Tommy: "Of course." ScreamClaw: "No matter, Cerberus will make short work out of you." ThunderSmacker: "Um... ScreamClaw... I don't think he's gonna help out anytime soon..." said ThunderSmacker, as he and the others looked at Cerberus eating the bones at the dog bone making factory. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, not again!" ThunderSmacker: "Well at least we got the brats where we... wanted?!" said ThunderSmacker, as he and the other demons see that Tommy and Melody were nowhere in sight, causing ScreamClaw to scream in rage. Back with Tommy and Melody, they were back home, as it turns out Gidget came to them and used her psychic powers to teleport them back home safely. Tommy: "Thanks Gidget... you really saved us back there..." Gidget: "No problem... I saw that scary dog chasing you and... I couldn't bare thinking of you or Melody getting hurt." Roger: "Same with me and your mother... are you both okay?" Melody: "We're fine daddy, and guess what, I can fly now." said Melody, as she shows her new angel wings, surprising both her parents and Gidget. Lyric: "Wow... I always knew my little girl was an angel... but I never thought that she could actually become one..." Roger: "Same here... and I guess another Toon Mobile has joined the club of destroyed Toon mobiles..." Tommy: "Oh yeah... dad I'm so sorry..." Roger: "Tommy, you and your sister are way more important to me than any vehicle... besides, I didn't think it would last long due to the action we sometimes get in our lives anyway..." Lyric: "Just don't make another Toon Mobile until Tommy's at least 16." Roger: "Sure thing dear." Tommy: "Well I guess it's probably for the best... not like I really need a fancy car anyway as I got rubber powers." said Tommy as she stretches his face a little, making everyone laugh in agreement.

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