Peter Rabbit & His Sisters At The Beach

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At the Toon Fox/Rabbit family's neighborhood, there was a tree that a home to a family of rabbits, a single mother named Josephine (voiced by Veronica Taylor) and her three daughters named Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail (all voiced by Debbie Derryberry) and one son named Peter Rabbit (voiced by Cam Clarke). Josephine: "Peter, I want you and your sisters to go to the beach to collect some seaweed for supper tonight." Peter: "Why do you want me to go with the girls?" Josephine: "Because I want someone to watch over the girls... while they watch over you so you don't try anything naughty again, like that time you went into Mr McGregor's garden for example." Peter: "Oh... still mad at me about that?" Josephine: "Peter, you almost got turned into a pie like your father did... I don't want to lose you like how I lost your father... which is why I want you to not go anywhere without your sisters... speaking of which, here they are." said Josephine, as Flopsy, the rabbit with a red cloak, Mopsy, the rabbit in the yellow cloak, and Cottontail, the rabbit in the green cloak, came to the scene. Flopsy: "She's right dear brother, you're not allowed to go anywhere without us." Cottontail: "So that you don't get into trouble again." Mopsy: "Yup, what the girls said." Peter: "Oh man... this is so embarrassing..." Flopsy: "Oh stop complaining, it could be a whole lot worse." Peter: "I don't see how..." Mopsy: "Well you could be a pie right now." Peter: "Please don't say that... especially not in front of mother..." Josephine: "Yes... please don't make a joke like that." Mopsy: "Oh... sorry mother." Josephine: "That's alright Mopsy, I know you didn't mean any harm... now you go children, and bring back some seaweed." Peter: "Yes mother..." said Peter, before he and his sisters went off to the beach, unaware that another family were at the beach too, which was the Toon Fox/Rabbit family, along with Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo as well. Melody was currently building up a sandcastle when Jokey's head popped out of the sand, before spitting out some sand from his mouth. Jokey: "Yuck!, sand does not taste yummy..." Melody: "You were trying to eat the sand?" Jokey: "Well I heard of sandwiches, so I thought about trying making one out of sand... which didn't go the way I have hoped..." said Jokey, before he pulls himself out of the sand and shaking the sand off of his body. Melody: "Careful!" cried out Melody, as she tries to get the sand off of her face. Jokey: "Oh, sorry..." Melody: "That's okay Jokey... [noticing the rabbits] hey look, newcomers." said Melody, before Jokey turns around and gasped when he saw the rabbits, especially when he saw Flopsy and blushed a little bit. Jokey: "It's her..." Melody: "Huh?" Jokey: "Flopsy Rabbit... she and her family live in our neighborhood... she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen... I wish that I could talk to her..." Melody: "So go ahead and talk to her." Jokey: "I can't... every time I tried, she gets scared and runs away... and I don't know why..." said Jokey with a deep sad sigh, which made Melody feel sorry for the hyena. Meanwhile, back with the rabbits, Flopsy and Mopsy gasped when they saw Jokey. Flopsy: "Oh no..." Peter: "What's wrong?" Flopsy: "It's that hyena boy from our neighborhood... what's he doing here?" Mopsy: "I don't know... but if he's here... then so must the other one..." Cottontail: "I heard they're twin brothers..." Flopsy: "Yeah... oh man... I hope they're not too hungry... otherwise we might be their next meal..." said Flopsy with concern in her voice, before Lyric came to the scene and walks up to the rabbits. Lyric: "Why hello there little ones, what brings you lot here?" Peter: "Hello Miss, my sisters and I are just here to collect some seaweed for our mother to cook up for supper tonight." Lyric: "Oh that's nice, well me and my family came to collect some crab and lobster meat for supper ourselves." Cottontail: "Did you say... crab and lobster meat?" Lyric: "Yes, is something wrong?" Mopsy: "Well it's just meat isn't the type of food for rabbits." Lyric: "Normally it's not, but I'm used to meat ever since I started dating my husband, Roger D Fox." Peter: "Wait... you're married to a fox?!" Lyric: "Yes, but I can assure you, Roger is a really good fox, otherwise I wouldn't have married him... he's out collecting some crabs and lobsters with my son, Tommy D Fox, and his friend Jokeo D Hyena." said Lyric, before the sound of some yelps were heard, which came from Roger, Tommy and Jokeo, who were getting pinched by some of the crabs and lobsters they collected. Jokeo: "Ow!, my leg!" Tommy: "My tail!" Roger: "My hand!" Lyric: "Oh dear... I better go get the first aid kit..." said Lyric, before she runs off to get the first aid kit while Flopsy and the others watched Roger, Tommy, and Jokeo continued to yelp in pain. Cottontail: "Hey... it's the other hyena." Mopsy: "So he did came with his brother." suddenly, everyone heard Melody's scream, as it turned out that the Demon trio showed up and grabbed her by the neck. ScreamClaw: "Alright little girl... we gave you the power to heal others... now it's turn to keep your side of the bargain..." Melody: "Let me go!" Peter: "Hey!, let that little girl go!" shouted Peter, which caught the attention of both Melody and the Demon trio. ThunderSmacker: "Stay out of this brat, this is not your fight." Peter: "Maybe not, but I can't just stand by and let some creeps bully a little girl!" Flopsy: "That's right!, you can't just pick on a little girl!" Mopsy: "Yeah!, it's not nice at all!" ThunderSmacker: "Not our problem, this little brat owes us her soul, so stay out of this, especially you fatso!" Mopsy: "Fatso?!" Peter: "Hey!, you can't talk that way to my sister like that!" ThunderSmacker: "I'm only telling the truth, did she ever bothered on taking on a diet?" asked ThunderSmacker while the other two demons laughed, before Jokey and Jokeo came to the scene and punched the demons in the face. Jokeo: "Take that back!, apologize to the girls now!" Jokey: "Say you're sorry or we'll keep punching!" shouted Jokey and Jokeo, much to the shock of both Flopsy and Mopsy as they didn't expect to see the hyenas came to defend not only Melody, but also defending them as well. ThunderSmacker: "Oh you're asking for it now!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before he tries to fire a blast from his pitch fork, only to miss and then Jokey and Jokeo transformed into their mammoth and giraffe forms and combined their ice and fire attacks that made a powerful hot water gun blast that hits the Demon trio, who screamed out in pain from the water. SpaceWarp: "Ah!, the w-w-water!" ThunderSmacker: "Stupid hyenas!" ScreamClaw: "Demons!, retreat!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons used their pitch forks to teleport themselves away from the scene. Once the danger was over, Roger, Lyric, and the others came over to the kids. Roger: "Melody!, are you okay sweetheart?" Melody: "Hi daddy... I'm okay... thanks to Jokey and Jokeo here... and to these rabbits here." Roger: "Then I thank you for saving my daughter." Peter: "Oh... it was nothing really... my name's Peter Rabbit by the way, and these are my sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail." Tommy: "Well it's nice to meet you guys, and I can see that you already met Jokey and Jokeo here." Mopsy: "Yeah we have... and we saw them defending us against those terrible monsters." Jokeo: "Well we had to, not only were they about to steal our friend's soul, but they had the nerve to insult ya... we couldn't let that slide." Jokey: "Yeah, that was rude, even for them, are you okay?" Flopsy: "Yeah... we're okay... thanks for helping us... but why?, I mean you're hyenas." Lyric: "You can't judge a book by it's cover... or a being by their teeth, I learned when I met Roger here." Roger: "She's right... there's more to us predators than meets the eye." Gidget: "You got that right, say... you'd said that your name was Peter Rabbit, right?" Peter: "Yeah..." Gidget: "I've heard of you, the naughty rabbit that almost got turned into a pie by Mr McGregor when you stole some of his veggies from his garden." Peter: "You know about that?!" Gidget: "The whole neighborhood knows." Peter: "You're kidding... oh man..." Lyric: "Oh my... are you alright?" Peter: "Yeah, I'm fine... but now I can't go anywhere without my sisters watching over me..." Roger: "Well that's no surprise, I'm sure your mother doesn't want you to get yourself into more trouble as she loves you very much." Peter: "Yeah... I know..." Jokey: "You're lucky to have a mom that loves ya... I mean me and my bro were orphans before we got adopted by the Dalmatians." Mopsy: "You were orphans?, was that why you two were a part of a dalmatian family?" Jokeo: "Yup... but it's not like we don't like them, they're a wonderful family to have, we got nice brothers and a sister... I'm Jokeo by the way, and this is Jokey, my twin brother." Jokey: "Hi." Flopsy: "Uh... hi, I'm Flopsy, and this is Mopsy and Cottontail, and you already know Peter, our older brother." Peter: "Hey... thanks again for saving us." Jokey: "You're welcome, it was our pleasure to help ya, especially to help both Flopsy and Mopsy here." said Jokey while blushing a little, while Jokeo was blushing as well. Cottontail: "Oh my... Flopsy... Mopsy... I think those two like you." Flopsy: "Really?" Mopsy: "Is that true?" Jokeo: "Um... well... what's not to like you?... I mean you're both seem like really nice girls..." Jokey: "And really pretty girls too..." said Jokey, which surprised the rabbit girls enough to make them blush as nobody has ever called them being pretty before. Flopsy: "Gosh... that's really sweet of you to say..." Mopsy: "Yeah... I guess you two are a lot nicer than we thought..." Cottontail: "Yeah... we're sorry that we've been avoiding you..." Jokeo: "It's okay, we don't blame you... most hyenas were known to have a bad reputation..." Jokey: "We hope that one day we can change that..." Gidget: "I'm sure you two will be able to do that someday." Tommy: "Me too... and maybe my dad and I can show that not all foxes are bad as well." Roger: "I'm sure we will, sport." Lyric: "Anyway... since we got enough crabs and lobsters, we should get home and start cooking." Flopsy: "Um... would it be okay if you all come join us?" Roger: "You mean putting our dinners together?, hmm... you know that's not a bad idea, it would be nice to meet your family." Lyric: "Wha better way than to have a dinner together?" said Lyric, before the scene changed to show the house of Peter house, where Josephine had finished cooking and was giving her children and their guests their serving of seaweed and crab and lobster meat mixed together. Josephine: "Hmm... I must admit, the crab and lobster meat has an interesting taste." Roger: "Well of course, veggies might be healthy, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little bit of meat added to one's diet." Lyric: "Just make sure it's not meat from a Toon of course." Roger: "How true." said Roger, before Jokey and Jokey managed to finish their serving with one big bite, much to the shock of everyone. Tommy: "Boy... you two sure can open your mouths..." Jokey: "Yup, gotta have one in order to eat food as good as this." Jokeo: "Yup, it was a good thing I was able to help Miss Rabbit on the cooking." Mopsy: "You helped mother cooked this dinner?" Jokeo: "Yup." Flopsy: "Wow!, you must be a really great cook in order to make this as yummy as it was." Jokeo: "Well I have to be really good at cooking in order to feed my brother." Jokey: "I love to eat." Flopsy: "Yes... and you're very sweet too." Mopsy: "Same goes with you, Jokeo." said Flopsy and Mopsy, before they kissed Jokey and Jokeo on the cheek, causing the twins to gasp in shock while blushing madly and fell down to the ground, causing everyone to gasp in shock before checking on them, only to start laughing as they see that Jokey and Jokeo had beating red hearts for eyes and pink hearts flying over them.

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