Tommy & The Hyena Twins

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Another day has come for Tommy, and he and Melody were on their way to class when they bumped into a pair of what looked like young hyena Toons. One in a green shirt with a 'Y' was Jokey D Hyena (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), and the other in the orange shirt with a 'O' was Jokeo D Hyena (voiced by Tom Kenny), and they were twin brothers. Tommy and Melody were nervous of seeing them, as they heard that hyenas were bad news, not to mention that the Hyena pair were known to be the strongest bullies in the whole school. Jokey: "Hey watch it!" Tommy: "Oh... sorry about that... didn't mean to bump into ya..." Jokeo: "Hmm... well if you wanna make it up to us, give us your lunch money." Tommy: "But... I don't have any lunch money... and it's not like any of the students ever bring any as they bring their own lunch to school." Jokey: "Wait... we can do that?" Jokeo: "Oh man... why didn't we think of that...?" Melody: "You never thought about bringing your own lunch here?" Jokey: "Nope... oh man... now we're gonna starve..." Jokeo: "And we get a little moody when we're hungry..." Tommy: "Sorry to hear that... but my sister and I need to get to class." Melody: "Yeah... class number 10." Jokey: "Hey... isn't that the class we're being transferred to?" Jokeo: "Yeah, it is." Tommy: "You mean... you two are gonna be in the same class as us?!" Jokey: "Oh boy, we're having new classmates!" a few moments later, Tommy, Melody were in class with Gidget, along with Jokey and Jokeo, and it wasn't long before their teacher, who was secretly Boney 10, came to the scene. Boney 10: "Alright, as you can see, you have new classmates, Jokey and Jokeo D Hyena, I want you to be nice to them." Gidget: "And they must be nice to us too." Jokey: "They who?" Jokeo: "I think she means us." Jokey: "Oh... okay." Boney 10: "Now then... today we will be talking about two animals... the Woolly Mammoth... and the Giraffe, and what's the difference between them." Jokey: "Do they taste like chicken?" Boney 10: "No Jokey, they do not taste like chicken... and no, they don't taste like pork either." Jokey: "Oh..." Boney 10: "Anyway... as I was saying... the difference between the Woolly Mammoth and the Giraffe." said Boney 10, as he begins telling the class about the difference between the Mammoth and Giraffe. A bit later, when school was over, the kids were on their way home, and the hyena twins were amazed about what they learned. Jokey: "I gotta admit, the hairy elephant is really cool, and I don't mean the time and place it lived." Jokeo: "Yeah, and I like how a Giraffe can reach places that are too tall for most other animals." Jokey: "Man... I wished I knew what it's like to be a hairy elephant..." Jokeo: "Yeah... I feel the same about being a Giraffe..." Jokey: "Uh huh... I would trade anything to know what it's like now..." said Jokey, before a puff of smoke appeared and the Demon trio came to the scene. ScreamClaw: "Anything you say?" Jokey: "AH!" Jokeo: "W-who are you?" ScreamClaw: "So sorry, allow us to introduce ourselves... I'm ScreamClaw, and these are ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp, my brothers, and together, we're known as the Demon trio." Jokey: "Okay... what do you want?" ScreamClaw: "Oh it's not what we want... it's about what you want..." Jokeo: "Um... I wanna know what it's like to be a giraffe..." Jokey: "And me wanting to know what it's like to be a hairy elephant from the age of ice." ThunderSmacker: "You mean a Woolly Mammoth?" Jokey: "Yup, that's the one." ScreamClaw: "Well if that's what you two want... we can make that wish come true... all you two have to do is sign this contract [snapping his fingers and a contract appeared with a quill] and you two will have the ability to transform into a mammoth and giraffe that have ice or fire powers." Jokey: "Really?!, thanks." Jokeo: "Uh... this seems too good to be true... what's the catch?" ScreamClaw: "We'll talk about that later, do you want your wishes come true or not?" asked ScreamClaw, before Jokey and Jokeo signed their names on the contract, which got burst into flames and vanished, and then ScreamClaw fires a beam from his pitch fork at the hyenas, who fell to the ground and got knocked out cold. When Jokey and Jokeo woke up, they see that the Demon trio were nowhere to be found. Jokeo: "Hey... where did they go?" Jokey: "Was it a dream?" Jokeo: "I guess so..." Jokey: "Oh nuts!, I was really hoping that I could become a hairy elephant!" shouted Jokey in anger, before he transforms into a Woolly Mammoth, much to his surprise, before Jokeo himself transformed into a giraffe. Jokeo: "Oh my gosh!, Jokey you changed!" Jokey: "So did you!" Jokeo: "Ooh... do you know what this means?" Jokey: "Yeah... no." Jokeo: "It means that our wishes have come true!, we can turn into a mammoth and giraffe now!" Jokey: "This is awesome!" said Jokey, as he and Jokeo were giving each other a high four (as most Toons have four fingers instead of five), unaware that they were being watched by Boney 10, who shook his head in annoyance as he knew the kind of trouble that the twins have gotten themselves into. When the next day came, Jokey and Jokeo were showing off their powers to Tommy, Gidget and Melody, who were shocked by the sight of the twins' new forms. Tommy: "Um... not saying I'm not impressed or anything..." Gidget: "But could you do that after school?" Melody: "Yeah... not only would it scare a lot of people... but there's not a lot of room here with you two in those forms..." said Melody, as the room had less space with the twins were in their larger animal forms. Jokey: "Oh... sorry..." Boney 10: "Yeah... they're cool powers and all... but were they really worth your own souls?" Jokeo: "What do you mean?" Boney 10: "I saw how you got your powers... you made a deal with those Demon trio creeps." Tommy: "What?!, you made a deal with those monsters?!" Jokey: "You know them?" Tommy: "Yeah... you could say that..." said Tommy, before a puff of smoke appeared and the Demon trio came to the scene. ScreamClaw: "Alright boys... now that you had fun with your powers... it's time for you to give us your souls." Jokeo: "What do you need the bottom of our shoes for?" ScreamClaw: "Not that kind of soul!, the other kind!, the spiritual kind of soul!, do I have to shout that fact to the entire planet or something?!" Jokey: "Uh... do we need our souls?" Gidget: "Jokey, the spiritual kind of soul they want is what makes us alive!" Jokey: "So... I do need it... uh oh..." ScreamClaw: "Yes... but that's the price of making a deal with us... now hand over your soul... [grabbing Melody by the neck and holding her hostage] or this brat will take your place." Melody: "Help!" Tommy: "Melody!" cried out Tommy, before Jokey and Jokeo got so angry of seeing the red demon attempting to harm a little girl, that they transformed into their Mammoth and Giraffe forms and punched ScreamClaw in the face, freeing Melody from the demon's grasp and Tommy catches her. As for ScreamClaw, by the punches the twins gave him, he was sent flying into a wall, knocking himself out cold, much to the shock of the other two demons. SpaceWarp: "ScreamClaw!" ThunderSmacker: "Why you little brats!" shouted ThunderSmacker, as he attempts to attack, only for Boney 10 to come and stop him with his cane. Boney 10: "Leave these kids alone!" ThunderSmacker: "Wait... Boney 10?!, why are you here?!" Tommy: "Boney 10?!, THE Boney 10?!" Melody: "The good demon dragon from the legend of our world's beginning?!" Boney 10: "The one and only... but don't tell anyone, okay?" Gidget: "Uh... okay..." SpaceWarp: "Um... ThunderSmacker... I t-t-think we're in trouble..." said SpaceWarp, as he and ThunderSmacker see Jokey and Jokeo fired a blast of ice from the truck or fire from the mouth, and together they make a blast of hot and cold water that hits the two demons, who screamed in pain of the water on their bodies. ThunderSmacker: "Ah!, the water!" SpaceWarp: "And ScreamClaw's out c-c-cold!" ThunderSmacker: "Let's get out of here!" called out ThunderSmacker, as he and SpaceWarp pick up ScreamClaw and flew away from the scene. Once the danger was over, Melody goes over to Jokey and gave him a hug. Melody: "Thank you Mr Jokey and Mr Jokeo, you saved me back there." Jokey: "We did?" Tommy: "Yes you did, I'm forever in your debt... you saved my little sister's life..." Jokeo: "Oh it was nothing really... we couldn't let those creeps hurt a little girl, who would even think of doing such a thing?" Jokey: "Not me, that's for sure." Melody: "So it seems, you two are actually really nice... I wished we realized that sooner..." Jokeo: "Yeah... we can't really blame you... we were known to be bullies to most of the students..." Jokey: "We were?" Jokeo: "Yeah... mostly because people used to bully us in the past..." Gidget: "I'm sorry to hear that... but at least you have a nice adopted family of dalmatians that love ya." Jokeo: "Yeah... very true... wait... how did you knew that we had an adopted dalmatian family?" Gidget: "Oh uh... would you believe that I have psychic powers?" Jokey: "Side Kick powers?" Gidget: "No... the kind of powers that allows me to read minds or pick things up with my mind." Jokey: "Really?" Gidget: "Yeah, like this." said Gidget, before she lifts herself up into the air, surprising the twins. Jokey: "Whoa!, cool trick!, do it on me!" Gidget: "Okay." said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers to lift Jokey into the air, who was now floating in the air. Jokey: "Hey look at me!, I'm flying in the air like a super hero!" Gidget: "Yeah... kinda like Tommy's father, the Toon Fox." said Gidget, before she covered her mouth, and Jokey fell to the ground, but was not hurt, but was shocked to learn about who Tommy's dad was. Jokey: "What?!" Jokeo: "Tommy's dad's the Toon Fox?!" Jokey: "No way!, he's our favorite hero!" Melody: "He is?" Jokeo: "Yeah, we had videos of recorded images of the News that had the Toon Fox fighting monsters and stuff... those videos were the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Jokey: "Me too!" Tommy: "Yeah, my dad was pretty cool... that's why I decided on making a comic series of the Toon Fox." Jokey: "Awesome to hear, little buddy." Jokeo: "I don't know about you... but I think this is the beginning of a really awesome friendship." said Jokeo, as he and the others couldn't help but smile as they couldn't agree more. As for Boney 10, he couldn't help but shake his head with a smile, happy to see that his class have now become friends with one another. Of course that was when Melody and the others came over to Boney 10. Tommy: "So you're really Boney 10?, the good Demon dragon who created our world so long ago?" Boney 10: "Yeah... that's me." Gidget: "I kinda thought you were only a legend... or at least dead..." Boney 10: "Nah, I can't die as I'm a Demon dragon now, which makes me immortal." Jokey: "What's that?" Tommy: "It means he'll live forever." Jokeo: "Whoa... that sounds like a very long time..." Boney 10: "Oh it is... and it's more of a curse than a blessing sometimes... as while I'll continue living... those around me passes away... it's sad... but it's a part of being immortal..." Melody: "I'm really sorry to hear that Mr Boney 10..." Jokeo: "Say... why are you here in this school in the first place?" Boney 10: "Oh uh... well... when I heard a rumor of the Demon trio going after a young fox, I decided to become a teacher of the school he goes to... so I can keep an eye on him and make sure he's safe." Tommy: "You mean me?" Boney 10: "That's right... I already failed on saving some lives from the Demon trio... I will not let it happen again..." Melody: "Thank you Mr Boney 10 sir..." Boney 10: "You're very welcome little one." Tommy: "Wow... we have the legendary Boney 10 on our side... this will really shock mom and dad..." said Tommy, as he knows what he just said about how his parents react about having the legendary Boney 10 as his teacher was true, as when he and Melody came back home, Roger and Lyric were shocked to the very core to learn about who the kids' teacher really was.

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