Roger's Time Machine

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After returning home from their trip on South Island, the Toon Fox/Rabbit family were trying to relax a little. Of course Roger's way of relaxing involves building something, and this time he's built something that was thought to be impossible. Once he completed it, he asked his family and their friends to come see it. Roger: "Ladies a gentlemen, I'm proud to present to you my greatest creation yet... [removing the tarp from the invention] ta da!" called out Roger, as he reveals what looked like a police box that was once common in the 1960's, much to the confusion of everyone else. Jokey: "What's that?" Jokeo: "A telephone box?" Lyric: "It's a police public call box... but dear, those have already been invented, and they're no longer around since the 1960's." Roger: "Oh this is not really a police box, it's a disguise... take a look inside if you want." said Roger, as he opens the door, and reveals that the inside was much bigger than the outside, much to the surprise of everyone. Tommy: "Whoa!, you built your own TARDIS?!" Roger: "You can say that sport." Melody: "TARDIS?" Tommy: "You know, that special spaceship/time machine that an alien called the Doctor from Doctor Who travels in." Melody: "Oh..." Lyric: "Huh... I thought this seemed familiar somehow... but dear... how did you managed to build your own TARDIS?" Roger: "Well I might have had help from Boney 10 to nail this thing together... and it might have costs me to give him a lot of coal... but it was worth it..." Lyric: "You made a deal with Boney 10?" Roger: "Yeah... but Boney 10's a good demon, I mean he has helped us before and all that." Lyric: "True... but I still feel a little uncomfortable with the fact of making deals with demons..." Roger: "Yeah... I'm not a big fan of it myself, but at least Boney 10 is not as evil as the Demon trio." Lyric: "Fair enough..." Gidget: "Can this thing even travel in space and time?" Roger: "Well I know one way to find out..." said Roger, before he pulls a lever and pushed some buttons, before the Time Machine begins to work and soon the group began to travel through time and space. Once the Time Machine stops flying in the Time Vortex, the family and friends exited out, and see that they were in a land that looked like that hasn't existed for millions of years. Jokey: "Whoa... did we teleported?" Gidget: "I think we did more than just that..." Roger: "Yes!, it worked!, my time machine really worked!, we've gone back in time!" Melody: "Um... daddy, how far back in time have we come?" Roger: "Hmm... let's see... according to my calculations... I'd say we're in the year of 67,000,000 BC... give it take about a month of two..." All: "67,000,000 BC?!" Jokeo: "That means... we'll probably see..." before Jokeo could finish his sentence, a small herd of sauropod dinosaurs, called Alamosaurus, came to the scene and the sight of them spooked the kids a lot. Kids: "Dinosaurs!" cried out the kids, before they ran back into the time machine in fear. Roger: "It's alright kids, they're not gonna hurt us, these are plant eaters." Lyric: "You're right, they're more interested on the leafs of those trees..." said Lyric, as she can see some of the Alamosaurus eating the leafs from the tall trees. Once they heard that, the kids came out and take a look at the Alamosaurus. Tommy: "You're right... they are plant eaters... thank goodness..." Jokey: "I didn't knew long neck dinosaurs lived in this time..." Jokeo: "Yeah, I thought sauropods lived in the Jurassic period, not the Cretaceous..." Roger: "Well sauropods lived in the Cretaceous period too, just not as common... and these guys are the last of the sauropods before the uh... [looking at Melody] never mind... these are called Alamosaurus by the way." Jokeo: "I've never heard of them before... they're the sauropods of the late Cretaceous?" Roger: "That's right... now then... how about we explore a little before going back to the Time Machine?" Tommy: "Sure, come on!" said Tommy, as he and the other kids ran off to explore the area. Lyric: "Don't wander off too far!, alright?" Melody: "Yes mama!" so with that, the kids began exploring the place, seeing the world of prehistory before them. It wasn't long before they get to see a small herd of Parasaurolophus drinking water at a lake, and it was a sight to behold. Melody: "Oh my gosh!, Parasaurolophus!, my favorite dinosaurs!" Gidget: "Wow... look at the crests on their heads..." Jokey: "They must hat a hard time stabbing anyone with those crests being on the back instead of the front." Gidget: "They're not for attacking, they're for calling out to one another." Jokeo: "I think you might be right, they're making a lot of honking noises." said Jokeo, as he can hear a lot of honking noises from the Parasaurolophus herd. Tommy: "Hey look!, there's some more dinosaurs!" said Tommy, as he can see another herd of dinosaurs coming to the lake, and they were the famous Triceratops. Gidget: "Wow... not only Parasaurolophus, but Triceratops as well!" Jokey: "Those are the ones with the stabbing horns, right?" Gidget: "Sort of, but they're mostly for defense or for competing for the right to mate or something like that." meanwhile, Roger was watching Lyric picking up a flower and smelling it, while blushing a little as he realized that he was alone with his wife. Lyric: "I must say dear... you really outdone yourself this time." Roger: "Yeah... I guess I have..." Lyric: "What's wrong Roger?, you're blushing a little." Roger: "Nothing... it's just... I just realized that it's just the two of us now... and I tend to get a little nervous when I'm all alone with ya..." Lyric: "There's nothing to be nervous about honey, we're a married couple... wait... did you say it's just the two of us alone?" Roger: "Yeah..." Lyric: "So then... who's watching the kids?" Roger: "Oh snap!, the kids!, we better find them before they get into trouble!" cried out Roger, before he and Lyric ran off to find the kids, hoping that they haven't run into any trouble. Suddenly, Roger tripped on something that made him fell down to the ground. Lyric: "Roger!, are you alright?" Roger: "I'm fine... but what did I trip on?" asked Roger, before the object that he tripped on began to move, revealing to be the tail of the most famous and dangerous dinosaur of the late Cretaceous period, which was a Tyrannosaurus Rex, which let out a roar that scared the heck out of the Toon Fox/Rabbit couple. Lyric: "Uh oh..." Roger: "Run!" cried out Roger, as he grabs Lyric's hand and they both ran for their lives, trying to get away from the hungry T-Rex. Meanwhile, back with the kids, they felt the footsteps of something big, and noticed that the herds of Parasaurolophus and Triceratops ran away from the scene. Tommy: "Hey, they're running away..." Melody: "But why?" Gidget: "I think I know why... look!" cried out Gidget, pointing at the approaching T-Rex, which was chasing both Roger and Lyric. Jokey: "Whoa!, a real live T-Rex!" Jokeo: "The king of the Dinosaurs itself!" Tommy: Never mind about the T-Rex!, mom and dad are in trouble!" cried out Tommy, as the T-Rex was getting closer and closer to Roger and Lyric. Melody: "Oh no!, mama!, daddy!" Gidget: "We gotta do something!, otherwise Mr and Mrs Fox will become that Dinosaur's next meal!" Jokey: "I'll stop it!" said Jokey, as he transforms into his mammoth form and begins to fight off the T-Rex, allowing Roger and Lyric to get away from the predator. Tommy: "Are you okay?!" Roger: "Yeah, we're fine..." Lyric: "Oh my gosh!, Jokey!" cried out Lyric, as she can see that Jokey was now fighting the T-Rex, and it looks like he's winning due to his ice powers that were scaring the predator enough to make it run away from the scene. Jokeo: "You did it bro!, you send that T-Rex packing!" Jokey: "I did?" Gidget: "You sure did." Lyric: "Thank goodness you're okay... I don't know how I could show my face to your folks if something were to happen to you..." Jokey: "Don't worry, I'm okay." Roger: "Well let's keep it that way... and maybe we should go back home before something else happens." Lyric: "Good idea, I think I had another prehistoric excitement for one day." Tommy: "Us too." so with that, the Toon Fox/Rabbit family and friends went back to the Time Machine and went back to the present day, happy to home again after their trip in prehistoric times.

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