The Batman/Superman Story

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In the city known as Metropolis, which was the neighboring city to Gotham, there was a tower that belonged to a man named Lex Luthor (voiced by Clancy Brown), the CEO of Lex Corp, and he was with the Demon trio at the moment, who were looking at a man that was hiding in the shadows. Lex: "I must say boys... the Kryptonite mind controlling device is truly impressive." ScreamClaw: "Of course... but remember, we help you on getting what you want... now it's your turn to keep your side on the bargain." ThunderSmacker: "Indeed... we want those kids souls, and we want them now." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Luthor: "Of course, and my new weapon here should be able to do the job on getting them." said Luthor, as he continues to look at the mysterious figure that had glowing green eyes. Back in Gotham city, the Commissioner and Barbra were on the top of a building that had what looked like a modified search light with the symbol of a bat on it to make a light with a bat symbol on the clouds in the sky. It wasn't long before Batman and Toon Fox came to the scene, which didn't seemed to surprise the Commissioner or Barbra. Batman: "I see you made a new toy." Commissioner Gordon: "Thought it might come in handy, and Barbra was the one who came up with the idea." Barbra: "Yeah, think of it as a way to call ya as we don't have your number... nice to see you again by the way." Batman: "Same here." Toon Fox: "Hi, I'm Toon Fox, remember me?" Barbra: "As if I could forget a little hero as cute as you." said Barbra as she begins to pet Toon Fox on the head. Batman: "Any reason you called us?" Commissioner Gordon: "Yes... it's Arkham, someone broke in and is causing a lot of chaos there." Batman: "Leave it to us." said Batman, before he and Toon Fox went off to Arkham, in hopes to solve the mystery on who broke in and why. But once they got inside Arkham, they were surprised to see a man in a blue suit and red cape and a big 'S' symbol on the chest. The man in question was Superman (voiced by Tim Daly), also known as the man of steel. Toon Fox: "No way... is that Superman?!" Batman: "It is... but why is he here in Gotham?" Toon Fox: "And what's that weird helmet on his head?" asked Toon Fox, as he noticed the strange looking helmet that Superman was wearing on his head. Batman: "It seems to be some sort of mind control device." Toon Fox: "How can you tell?" Batman: "Well he wouldn't be causing trouble for people that aren't criminals normally, and his eyes are glowing green." Toon Fox: "Oh, so you noticed them too?" said Toon Fox, before Superman sees the Toon Fox and was flying towards him. Batman: "Get down!" called out Batman, before he and Toon Fox dodge from Superman's path just in the nick of time. However, the man of steel was not finished, and he punches the ground to make a little earthquake that shook up the whole area enough to make a big crack on the ground that Toon Fox fell into. Superman then flew into the crack and captured Toon Fox in his arm, before flying away from the scene. Batman: "Toon Fox!" shouted Batman, shocked to see that the young Toon was taken away by Superman, worried what's gonna happen to the poor little fox Toon. Once Batman got back to the Bat Cave, he was getting an ear ache from Lyric, who was upset about her son getting kidnapped. Lyric: "How could you let my baby get kidnapped like that?!" Roger: "Lyric... I know you're upset... and so am I... but try not to be so hard on him... I mean he was facing Superman, one of the most powerful heroes on this planet." Jokey: "Why did he kidnap Tommy if he's a hero?" Batman: "He was being controlled... by some helmet that had Kryptonite in it." Gidget: "Kryptonite?, you mean the green glowing rocks that weakens Superman?" Batman: "Yes... and I have a feeling someone sent Superman to Arkham in order to lure me and Toon Fox to him..." Jokeo: "So it was a trap?" Batman: "No doubt... but the question is... who set it up?" Melody: "Maybe someone who wants my brother?" Batman: "Perhaps... maybe the Bat computer can tell us something..." said Batman, before he uses his Bat computer to hack into the security cameras in Arkham, showing a recording of his battle against Superman. Then Batman zooms in the image of the helmet that Superman was wearing, and soon sees a symbol that said 'Lex Corp' on it. Roger: "Wait... Lex Corp?" Batman: "It's the company that belongs to Lex Luthor... one of Superman's enemies... that would explain the helmet and Kryptonite... but doesn't explain why he sent a mind controlled Superman to capture Toon Fox..." Lyric: "Never mind that!, my baby's in trouble!" Batman: "Don't worry... I'll get him back... that's a promise." said Batman, before he goes into the Bat-Mobile and drove away from the scene. Jokey: "Where's he going?" Jokeo: "To save Tommy of course." Jokey: "Yeah... but where is Tommy?" Roger: "Most likely where this Lex Luthor person lives... I sure hope Batman can save him in time..." Melody: "Hey... where's Gidget?" asked Melody, as she and the others just noticed that Gidget was nowhere to be seen. Lyric: "You don't think..." Roger: "Yeah... I think she went off to help Batman save Tommy..." Lyric: "Oh dear..." soon, Batman arrives to Lex Corp, and when he did, he began his search for Toon Fox, who was currently inside a containment unit. Toon Fox: "Hey Batman... what took ya so long?" Batman: "This place is like a maze." said Batman, before Superman bursts through the room's wall, followed by Lex Luthor, who had an evil grin on his face. Luthor: "Ah... you must be the famous Batman of Gotham I've heard about..." Batman: "Yes... and I see that I was right about you controlling Superman with that helmet that has Kryptonite." Luthor: "So you are as clever as they say... but no matter, you're still no match against Superman." said Luthor, before Toon Fox came to the scene, standing next to Batman. Toon Fox: "Maybe not by himself, but he's got me with him." Luthor: "What?!" Batman: "How did you get out of the containment unit?" Toon Fox: "Simple, I flatten myself to slip out, something that my dad taught me when you were busy at work." Batman: "I see..." Luthor: "Hmm... you might have powers, but I doubt even you can take down Superman." Toon Fox: "I don't have to take him down... all I need to do is remove the helmet on his head... [showing the helmet in his hand to Luthor] which I just did right now." said Toon Fox with a cheeky smile, which shocked Luthor a lot. Luthor: "WHAT?!, But How?!" Batman: "I think that's the least of your worries." said Batman with a smile, before seeing that Superman was back to his senses and looked around his surroundings. Superman: "Wha... what's going on?" Toon Fox: "Hi Superman... are you feeling okay now?" Superman: "I think so... but who are you?" Toon Fox: "Me?... I'm Toon Fox, and this is Batman... and I must say... it's really exciting to meet you in person!" said Toon Fox with stars for eyes, acting like a fan boy around Superman, who couldn't help but smile. Super: "Thanks, it's nice to see another hero." Toon Fox: "Yeah... now then... how about we bring this jerk to justice." said Toon Fox, pointing at Lex Luthor. Superman: "Sure thing... I've been waiting for a chance to bring him to justice for a while now." Luthor: "You might have freed Superman... but I still have my partners." said Luthor, before he snaps his fingers and the Demon trio appeared. ScreamClaw: "So they managed to free Superman..." ThunderSmacker: "Man... Toon powers can be so annoying..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what you said..." Batman: "The Demon Trio... should have figured that you three were involved since the moment Superman took Toon Fox." ScreamClaw: "Well of course, who else would it be?, the Joker?" Toon Fox: "Well he and Luthor did teamed up at one time in the Batman/Superman movie..." Luthor: "What movie?" Toon Fox: "Never mind... let's just skip to the part where we kick your butts." ScreamClaw: "For once... I agree with you... Demons... attack!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons went to attack the heroes. Of course Superman was able to take them on, until they bring out some Kryptonite that weakens him. But thanks to the help of both Batman and Toon Fox, the demons lost the Kryptonite, and Superman regained his strength and then he punches the demons in the faces and sent them flying into the sky. Luthor: "You might have been able to get rid of the Demon trio, but you don't have proof of me committed any crimes." said Luthor, before Gidget came to the scene. Gidget: "They might have no proof... but I was able to... and showed it to the police, who are on their way to arrest you." Luthor: "What?!" Toon Fox: "Hey Gidget." Gidget: "Hi Toon Fox." said Gidget, before she vanished as soon as the police came and arrested Luthor, while Superman, Batman and Toon Fox just smiled. At Wayne Manor, Superman was in his alter ego, Clark Kent, having dinner with Bruce and the Toons. Clark: "Again... sorry about taking your son... I wasn't in control of myself..." Lyric: "We know Clark, it wasn't your fault, I'm just happy that my baby boy is back safe and sound." Tommy: "Mom..." said Tommy while blushing in embarrassment. Bruce: "Say Gidget, nice work on exposing Luthor." Gidget: "Thanks, I was only making sure that jerk gets the punishment he deserved." Jokey: "Hey guys... Boney 10's here." said Jokey, pointing at Boney 10, who just came to the scene. Boney 10: "Well done everyone, you've done well." Tommy: "Boney 10!, you're back." Boney 10: "Yup, I've come to pick you and your friends and family up." Melody: "Already?, aw... I was really enjoying Mr Wayne's company, along with Mr Pennyworth's company too..." Roger: "So I guess we're going home?" Boney 10: "Yes... but let's wait until you all finish your dinner first, can't go out on an empty stomach after all." Jokey: "That's for sure." Bruce: "Well... I guess this is it..." Tommy: "Yeah... I'm gonna miss ya Bruce... along with Alfred and Miss Gordon." Bruce: "Yeah... it was great getting to know you all... I wish you good luck." Roger: "Sure thing Bruce, you take care of yourself." Bruce: "Sure... you too." Melody: "Hey... about about we do a group photo together?" Lyric: "That's a wonderful idea, sweetie." said Lyric, before she and the others, including Alfred and Barbra went to have a group photo together, which showed them to look like a happy family together.

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