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After the defeat of MegaTrog, all the Toons sailed back to their homes to rest, and boy were they tired after what they've been through. Tommy: "Man... what a cruise... I never thought that I would need a vacation from a vacation..." Melody: "Me neither..." Roger: "Well to be fair, that vacation was more of a trap that the Demon trio set up..." Lyric: "Well at least we don't have to worry about them or MegaTrog anymore, thanks to our little boy and Boney 10." Tommy: "Yeah... I guess this means that we're finally free from those monsters... though I can't help but feel sad as it means there are no more villains to get me become a hero..." Lyric: "Oh Tommy, you don't need a villain to be a hero, as you have always been our hero." Tommy: "Really?" Lyric: "Of course sweetie." Roger: "Besides, there's bound to be a new villain to show up sooner or later, but I know that you'll be ready to face him... at least until you grow up as that will be when your powers will deactivate... I mean that's what happened to me." Tommy: "Then I might as well enjoy using them while I still can... and getting new ideas for my Toon Fox comic as well." Melody: "Oh yeah, I almost forgot that you've been making a comic of the Toon Fox." Tommy: "Yup, and since the day I learned about who the original Toon Fox was, I've been working on the clock on making a lot of comics of the hero, like him teaming up with Batman or Sonic the Hedgehog for example." Roger: "Oh yeah, we haven't seen either of them for a while, we should go visit them sometime." Lyric: "Good idea Hon." suddenly, there was someone knocking on the door, and Tommy opens it up to see Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, who were happy to see their friend again. Gidget: "Hi Tommy, you mind if we come in?" Tommy: "Not at all, happy to see ya, so how are your families?" Jokeo: "They're doing okay, just a little worn out, though it's not really a surprise due to everything we went through on that cruise." Jokey: "No kidding, first the Demon trio, and then MegaTrog... it was a miracle that we didn't lose our souls..." Gidget: "But we don't have to worry about that anymore, as they and MegaTrog are both gone for good." Tommy: "Yeah... so what do you wanna do?" Gidget: "Well we could watch some TV together." Tommy: "Good idea." said Tommy, before he turns on the TV, which shows the News at the moment, which had an announcer who had a panicked look on his face as he announced that a large meteor was heading towards the planet, and predicted that the impact would mark the end of life on the planet, much to the shock of horror of everyone. Roger: "Oh no..." Lyric: "This can't be happening..." Jokeo: "And we only have an hour before it hits..." Jokey: "Well... it was nice knowing you bro..." Tommy: "No... it's not the end of the world... I won't allow it." Roger: "But what are you gonna do?" Tommy: "What else?... I'm gonna do what I was born to do... to be a hero like you are." Roger: "Okay... but how are you gonna stop the meteor?" Gidget: "With me and my psychic powers of course." Roger: "Oh... okay that works." Tommy: "Are you sure?" Gidget: "Well I know for a fact that you can't stop it yourself." Tommy: "Fair enough... alright... let's go... cause it's hero time!" called out Tommy, as he and the others ran out of the house and head into action to save the planet from the meteor, which they managed to do and peace was restored, at least until another threat would come and causes Tommy and his friends and family go into action again, which would be normal for their not so average everyday lives, which is where this story comes to a close.

Note: [Well there you have it folks, the OC story that stars my OC cast, which includes two new Original Characters, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you'll all enjoy my other stories as well... BYE!]

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