The Batgirl & Harley Quinn

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It was a rainy night when Commissioner Gordon was at his office, before a young woman with red hair, who was named Barbra Gordon (voiced by Tara Strong), and happens to be the Commissioner's daughter, came into the room. Barbra: "Hi dad." Commissioner Gordon: "Oh Barbra... I was not expecting you... why the sudden visit?" Barbra: "What?, do I need a reason to see my old man?" Commissioner Gordon: "I suppose not... but tell me, did you found a job yet?" Barbra: "Not yet... though if you want me to join the police force..." Commissioner Gordon: "You know I can't do that... not saying you won't be good at it... but police work can be very dangerous and... I don't wanna lose you like how I lost your mother..." said the Commissioner as he looked down in sadness, before Barbra placed her hand on his shoulder. Barbra: "It wasn't your fault... stop blaming yourself about it..." Commissioner Gordon: "You're right... that's all in the past now..." Barbra: "Good to hear... by the way... while I was on my way here... some crooks came by and tried to rob me." Commissioner Gordon: "What?!" Barbra: "Don't worry, I'm alright... thanks to some awesome heroes." Commissioner Gordon: "Heroes?" Barbra: "Yeah..." said Barbra, before the scene shows a flashback of herself walking when a group of muggers came to the scene and tried to attack her. But then Batman and Toon Fox showed up, and they both managed to take down the creeps and saving Barbra as well. The young woman couldn't take her eyes off of the Batman, who she thought was amazing, and once the crooks were defeated, Batman and Toon Fox asked Barbra to take the creeps to the police, before the Batman used a grappling hook device to go up a building while Toon Fox stretches his arm to grab the top of a building and left, which was when the flashback came to an end. Commissioner Gordon: "So... you saw the Batman?" Barbra: "Yeah, and he was awesome, and I'll bet very handsome under that mask of his." Commissioner Gordon: "He's also a vigilante." Barbra: "Well it's better than having so many criminals around." Commissioner Gordon: "Very true... this Batman has been able to take down the city's top known criminals that just made a name for themselves... the Joker and the Penguin." Barbra: "Yeah I've heard of them... I once heard that they escaped a few times now." Commissioner Gordon: "Yes, they were the first and only criminals that were able to escape from Arkham Asylum more than once... but of course I heard rumors that they were caught after that by this Batman character... and this other guy known as the Toon Fox..." Barbra: "Oh... so that's who that kid with the Batman was..." Commissioner Gordon: "Yes... though now I wish I could meet them in person... so I can thank them for saving your life." Barbra: "Are you sure it's not just so you can arrest them?" Commissioner Gordon: "That's what Bullock wants to do, I just want to keep this city safe... and as long as this Batman & Toon Fox help me and the force on that... I'll let them go off the hook." Barbra: "Good to hear... by the way, about those criminals that tried to attack me, they're right outside at the door all tied up." Commissioner Gordon: "Good to hear, that should save us trouble on getting them behind bars." suddenly, an explosion was heard and both the Commissioner and Barbra went out of the office to investigate, and it wasn't long before they see a pair of Hyenas attacking some cops, and then a lady jester, who goes by the name of Harley Quinn (voiced by Tara Strong) came to the scene. Harley: "Well looky here... the Commissioner of Gotham police..." Commissioner Gordon: "Who are you?, and why are you here?" Harley: "I've come for you... Bud... Lou... sick 'em." ordered Harley to her two hyenas, which went to try attacking the commissioner, only for Barbara to kick them away from him. Barbra: "Back off!" Harley: "My boys!, oh you're gonna pay for that!" said Harley, before she pulls out a giant mallet/hammer that she tries to squash Barbra with, only to miss a few times before Barbra fell down to the ground and the female jester was getting ready for the finishing blow when Batman came to the scene and took the hammer away. Batman: "Don't..." Harley: "Ah... Batman... just the man I wanted..." said Harley, before she pulls out a little flower that sprayed some sleeping gas on Batman, causing him to fell to the ground out cold, and then Harley Quinn drags Batman away from the scene, followed by her two hyenas. It wasn't long before Toon Fox came to the scene and was shocked to see that Batman was taken away in a van that drove away from the scene. Toon Fox: "Batman!, no!" cried out Toon Fox, before he fell to his knees and tears started to come out of his eyes, and then Barbra came over to him. Barbra: "Where's Batman?" Toon Fox: "In that van... it's all my fault... I wasn't fast enough to get here on time..." Barbra: "Don't blame yourself... I'm sure we can save him..." Toon Fox: "Wait... we?" Barbra: "Yeah, I was there when that female jester took him... I could have done something..." Toon Fox: "But Miss... what can you do that can save Batman?" Barbra: "I don't know... but I'll figure it out... maybe if we had something to track him..." Toon Fox: "Wait... that's it!" gasped Toon Fox, before he runs off to who knows where, unaware that there was a tracking device on his cape that Barbra planted to see where he was going. When Toon Fox, AKA Tommy D Fox came back to Wayne Manor and the Bat cave, he told Alfred and the others about what happened. Alfred: "My word... and you came back why?" Tommy: "Well I thought that the Bat computer could track Batman and get us to know where he is." Gidget: "Hmm... that's a possibility, as his mask might have a tracking device in case something happened to him, right?" Alfred: "Yes... I believe Master Bruce did thought of that one time..." Roger: "Then let's use the computer and find Batman." Melody: "I just hope it's not too late..." Lyric: "Me too sweetheart... me too." Jokey: "Um... guys...?" Jokeo: "What is it Jokey?, something wrong?" Jokey: "Um... did we invited a lady into the cave?" asked Jokey, pointing at Barbra Gordon, who followed Tommy to the cave. Barbra: "My word... so Batman's... really Bruce Wayne?" Roger: "Who are you?!, and how did you get in here?!" Barbra: "Whoa there!, take it easy!, I'm one of the good guys!" Alfred: "Wait... you're Barbra Gordon... the daughter of Commissioner Gordon." Barbra: "Yup, that's me... and as for how I got here, I might have planted a tracking device on Toon Fox that lead me here." Tommy: "What?!, oh man... Batman's gonna kill me..." Barbra: "No I'm the one who should be sorry... I know I shouldn't have tracked you down like that... but I wanted to help you somehow... and don't worry... I won't tell anyone your secret." Melody: "You promise?" Barbra: "Cross my heart." Gidget: "Hmm... your thoughts seemed to be telling the truth..." Barbra: "My thoughts?" Gidget: "I have psychic powers." Barbra: "Wow... but then... couldn't you use your psychic powers to find Batman?" Gidget: "Um... normally I would do that but... ah... ah... ahchoo!... I think I'm starting to catch a bit of a cold... and it seems that my powers don't work well when I'm sick..." said Gidget, as she was getting a tissue to blow her nose. Lyric: "Oh you poor dear... have this blanket and bowl of chicken soup, it should help you feel better." Gidget: "Thanks... ah... ahchoo!" Jokey: "So... back to the Bat computer?" Jokeo: "Looks like it..." Tommy: "Yeah..." so with that, Tommy and the others went to the Bat computer, and managed to pin point Batman's current location, which was the Ace Chemicals plant. Roger: "Hey... isn't that where the Joker was created?" Gidget: "It is... but why would this Harley Quinn... ahchoo!... take him there?" Tommy: "I don't know... but I gotta go save Batman before something bad happens to him..." Lyric: "Are you sure that's a good idea?, I would feel much better if you had a grown up with you..." Barbra: "Really?, how old is he?" Roger: "Um... 10 I believe." Barbra: "And Batman let's him help on fighting crime?" Lyric: "Well it's mostly because of Boney 10 asking Batman to train him a little..." Barbra: "Who?" Alfred: "A friend of the family... and I wished that I could come help Master Tommy, but I'm not a fighter, nor should I risk of giving anyone a clue on who Batman really is." Barbra: "Hmm... maybe I should go with him." Lyric: "You?" Barbra: "Sure, I have some experience on being a detective and know some karate... though I doubt my dad would allow it..." Tommy: "Hmm... then maybe you should have a disguise like Batman does." Barbra: "What do you mean?" asked Barbra, while Tommy had a cheeky smile on his face. Meanwhile, in the Ace Chemical plant, Batman finally wakes up and found himself tied up in some chains that were making him dangling above a tank of acid, and it wasn't long before Harley Quinn and her pet hyenas came to the scene. Harley: "Ah, so you're finally awake... just in time to face justice for the crime you committed to my pudding." Batman: "You're pudding?" Harley: "Yes... my sweet Jack Napier... or as he now called... the Joker." Batman: "You're the Joker's girlfriend?." Harley: "That's right, and thanks to you, not only is he locked up in Arkham Asylum, but he's gone nuts... my poor Mr J didn't deserved it... but now... I can finally avenge him by making the man who ruined him, suffer the same fate... by dunking him into the same tank of acid and make him a lunatic too!" said Harley, ready to pull the lever to drop Batman into the tank of acid, only to be stopped when a bat boomerang came and surprised her. That was when Toon Fox, followed by Barbra Gordon, who was now dressed up like a girl version of Batman, came to the scene, surprising both Harley and Batman. Toon Fox: "Huh... who knew that clown had a girlfriend... though that would explain the jester theme." Harley: "You... you're that fox that's with Batman!... but who's she?" asked Harley, pointing at the girl version of Batman. Barbra: "Me?, you can call me... Batgirl." Batman: "Batgirl?" Toon Fox: "Long story... but let's save it after we stop this crazy lady." Harley: "I like to see ya try... Bud, Lou, sick 'em!" ordered Harley Quinn, as her two pet Hyenas went to attack the Toon Fox and Batgirl, who went to fight the pair and managed to beat them in the end. Harley: "My boys!" Toon Fox: "It's okay lady!" Harley: "You wouldn't hit a lady now... would you?" asked Harley, which made Toon Fox nervous as he knew that he can't hit a girl, however, Batgirl uses her leg to kick Harley in the stomach, knocking her out cold when she hits her head on the wall. Batgirl: "Maybe he can't... but I can." said Batgirl, before she and Toon Fox went to wrap Harley in chains while freeing Batman. Later, the police were taking Harley Quinn away, while Commissioner Gordon was walking through the plant when he sees Batman, Toon Fox and Batgirl. Commissioner Gordon: "So we finally meet... the mysterious Batman and Toon Fox... but who's she?" Batgirl: "Um... you can call me Batgirl." Commissioner Gordon: "Huh... are you Batman's girlfriend or something?" asked the Commissioner, which made Barbra gasp while blushing a little. Barbra: "Um... not exactly..." Toon Fox: "You're not here to arrest us, are ya?" Commissioner Gordon: "Not really, not since you managed to catch that crazy jester girl... hard to believe that she's the Joker's girlfriend..." Toon Fox: "I know... crazy... but then again, they have a lot in common as they're both crazy and have a thing with clowns and all that." Commissioner Gordon: "True..." Batman: "We better be off now... but let me tell you something... if you ever need us... we'll be there." said Batman, before he and the others left the scene, leaving the commissioner alone. When morning came, Bruce and the Toons were reading the newspaper that had a headline about the capture of Harley Quinn and the first appearance of Batgirl and all that. Roger: "Huh... looks like Barbra has joined the team..." Bruce: "I still can't believe that she found out..." Tommy: "I'm really sorry... I had no idea that she planted a tracking device on me..." Alfred: "Well if she didn't do it and helped us, Master Bruce would have ended up like the Joker..." Bruce: "Yes... so I guess there's an upside to it..." Lyric: "Not only that, Miss Gordon is quite a lovely young woman." Bruce: "So?" Roger: "I think my wife's trying to say that Miss Gordon might be the future Mrs Bruce Wayne." Bruce: "I don't know about that..." that was when the door bell rang, and Bruce opens the door to see Barbra in front of him. Barbra: "Hey Bruce... I'm Barbra Gordon... but you probably already knew that... from last night I mean..." Bruce: "Yes... and although I'm not please that you planted a tracking device on Toon Fox... I know that if you didn't and helped... who knows what kind of lunatic I would have ended up being..." Barbra: "Yeah... you know... I hope you don't mind if I ask... but if you're not too busy later... we could have lunch together later today... and get to know each other a little bit more." Bruce: "Hmm... well I suppose I have some time to do that." Barbra: "Thanks." said Barbra, before she gives Bruce a kiss on the cheek and left the scene, while Bruce was a little surprised before seeing Tommy and the other Toons smiling at him. Bruce: "What?" Roger: "Oh nothing... it's just that I think you might have finally found the right woman." Bruce: "Well I don't know about that... we'll just have to wait and see..." said Bruce, not wanting to admit it, but deep down he hopes that Barbra was the woman for him.

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