1) Jace.

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Footsteps echoed across the long empty halls of the institute. A door clicks open and groans shut. Silence fills the corridors again. Safely inside his room, Jace let out a loud laugh, grinning from ear to ear. He threw himself onto the bed and stripped off his leather jacket. Life was finally good for once. His friends brought him such joy. He thought this birthday couldn't possibly even top his spaghetti bath when he was- His thoughts were broken off by a a quiet voice.

"Jace? Hey, are you okay?"

His eyes gleamed and he smiled at his vibrant red-headed girlfriend. "Sorry?"

"Is everything alright?" Clary repeated "Are you having your nightmares again? Is this about Max? You're being very quiet. Are you sleeping we-"

She was cut of as Jace reached up and caught the nape of her neck with his scarred hand, pulling her into a kiss. He then pulled away again, gradually leaving butterfly kisses on her jawline and down her neck.

"I was just- thinking- about- how happy- i am."

He stole her lips again, hands wandering down her back and to the zipper of her emerald dress. Standing, she peeled off the sleeves and drew them lightly down her arms. The dress fell and pooled around her feet, leaving the ginger in nothing but her plain white bra and panties. She was stunning, every inch of her. Stepping out of her heels and towards Jace, her small fingers reached out towards him and she began to pull his shirt up and over his head. His runes spiralled the span of his toned body. As she did this he dragged on the waist of his black jeans and pulled off his dark boxers along with them. She did the same with her cotton underwear and now the only thing that separated them was her bra and the bed sheets draped around them. He reached around her chest and  unhinged it.

Although they had done this a few times since the cave in Edom, his face still dropped in awe when he saw her, all skin, and nothing else. They fell into each other like jigsaw pieces and, like always, were surrounded with heavenly fire.

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