11) Hidden.

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Clary was abruptly woken up the next morning from the violent rattling of the door handle to her bedroom. A distant but familiar voice calling out.

"Jo? Did you go into Clary's room yesterday? The door's jammed and I thought I heard a noise."

Clary reached to grab her bag and slid the window up, looking down. She wanted to avoid the judging words and hidden glances.

"Hello?" Luke questioned. 

Clary took reached into the baby's crib and proceeded to place her into her body harness but within seconds Valerie's eyes flew open and her loud wail penetrated the silence of the house. She sighed and unhinged the chair from underneath the door handle to allow Luke access into her bedroom. 

He grinned at the sight of her and called back "Jocelyn! Come here!"

Jocelyn's footsteps sounded up the stairs and she stopped at the sight of Clary and her granddaughter. Her smile spanned her face and she stepped forward to embrace Clary. 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" She breathed into Clary's hair.

Clary opened her mouth to speak but instead burst into tears. "Mom! Luke! I don't know what to do!" 

Luke took Valerie out her arms and Jo pulled her daughter in closer "It's okay we're here, we're listening."


A few months later and Clary was pulling herself back together but there was one piece of her life still missing- Simon. Since Clary had left she had made a decision to distance herself from the institute and that life however she knew Simon was a part of her life before all of this and he needed to know she was okay.

Jace had visited a few times, asking for Clary but Simon hadn't which Clary assumed was because he heard back from Jace. She took out her phone and messaged him telling him to meet her. 

Back in the institute, Simon read the message and struggled to contain his grin. He placed his phone on the chair and jumped up to get his bag. While he was gone, Jace moved over and re-read the message on his phone, understanding from his reaction that it was something important. He knew he needed to get Clary back so he waited for Simon to leave and then began to trail him back to Luke's Bookshop.

Back to Clary.

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