14) Him.

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The beat of her heart drummed through her skull. She shook her head, knowing she had news to share with him, and released her hold on the door, Jace tripping into the new apartment. He looked around and nodded, satisfied that she truly did have the means to take care of herself. Although it may have looked as though she was strong, she felt the weakest she'd ever been.

She dragged him further inside and shut the door. "How did you find me?"

"I heard you at the institute and followed you back here. I know I should've offered to help with the crib, especially in your current state-" He gestured at her stomach "-but I was certain you'd probably just decline me or think I was an attacker. I'm sorry. I just, I need you."

She looked down at her toes. "And I you."

He took her hand, but she pulled it away. "I need you because we have our children to think about."


"You see. The reason I actually let you in tonight is because I do have something to tell you. We're having twins."

He couldn't contain his excitement. His white teeth bared as a smile took over his face. All the darkness in his eyes momentarily disappeared and he pulled her close to him. Things felt normal. 

After a moment he considered their situation. "Clary, that's amazing news." He paused. "But you can't just let me stand back and let you raise our 3 children on your own. It's too much."

In that moment she made a decision. "I know. You're exactly right, which is why I won't be."
Her lips inched upwards, an almost smile. 

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know Jace? I'll have you."

Clary broke off as Jace moved in. Gentle at first, he placed a kiss on her cheek before Clary caught him off guard, passionately kissing him. He span her around, pressing her against the wall, pulling her arms up above her head. Clary moved her lips with his and eventually allowed him access to her mouth. Their tongues battled against each other and her arms moved down to wrap around his neck. She loved him truly and completely. Their combined heat was overpowering and they practically melted into each other. Jace's top buttons were undone, quickly followed by the others and Clary's hands were exploring his chest. Clary's top was almost off when Valerie's distant cries cut through the amazing silence of each other's concentration and adoration.

Clary shoved her hem down and rushed into the other room. Jace's head fell back and he sighed, sitting down at the colourful breakfast bar. His fingers twitched and he fiddled with a piece of paper, before opening it and seeing who it was addressed to. In Clary's writing, the words 'My dearest Jace,' were scrawled across the top, followed by many heavy paragraphs. She had obviously intended for him to read this later but he pocketed and left, leaving only a small note saying goodbye.

When Clary came back in to find Jace gone, her chest hurt. She was slowly killing herself but he needed torturing. She knew Jace was sorry but it would hopefully strengthen their relationship. She fell asleep on the sofa with a pencil in one hand and a drawing of Jace in the other, and she had finally captured the cheekbones perfectly.

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