2) After.

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Jace smiled at clary as he pushed himself up off the bed and slipped through the bathroom door to have a shower. Clary had slept the night with him again, but she supposed her mother didn't mind as much now they, Clary and Jace, were a bit older. She sat up in the bed, her back against the grand wooden head board. 

She smiled as she heard Jace, in the bathroom, humming "Black for hunting through the night, For death and mourning the colours white. Gold for a bride in her wedding gown and red to to call enchantment down..." 

She knew these words now as she knew most of the regulations in the shadowhunters codex. Grinning, she thought about how far she had come from the girl who's biggest issues were how to draw a hand correctly. They had accepted her. Alec and her had even grown closer over her years living at the institute. Ultimately, though, there was only once person who made her feel like the entire world. And that was Jace. Last night was truly spectacular. Spectacular yet- different. Why? Why would last night have been different from all the other times?

Her thoughts whirred in her head, moving over every detail. She felt almost intrusive in doing this. A pause. No. That couldn't be right. Surely, surely not?


Clary pushed herself into an upright position. This couldn't be right. 

"Jace?" Clary began to move towards the bathroom door. "Jace?" Panic rising in her voice, she hammered on the door. "Jace!"

 The bathroom door popped open and a flurry of steam poured out. Amidst this was her golden-eyed beauty, smiling when he saw her face.

He pulled the sliding towel back up past up past his hips. "What's wrong, my angel?"

She took in a breath. "We forgot to use protection." Saying this aloud generated more concern within Clary.

"Hey. It's okay. We don't know this means anything. Let's not panic just yet, babe." His arm pulled her towards him, placing his chin on her head. "Everything will be okay."

She glanced up at him and smiled. He could comfort her so easily. "Yeah. I guess you're right. I won't over think it just yet, we've just got to wait."

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