23) Poison.

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Blood pumping. Heart beating.

"One last push, Angel. That's it, you're almost there." She squeezed his hand.

11.34 AM in the morning. Clary had been in labour for 8 and a half hours. 

She pushed harder and a high pitched wail filled the room.

Moments later, Clary was being handed her two children. Joanie and Max. Jace was sat on the edge of her bed, stroking the soft hair on max's head. She passed her babe over to Jace and took Joanie in both her arms. Clary paused and glanced back at her arm. The blue lines covered her arms, seeping out like a spiders web, surpassing the borders of the bandage on her arm.

She turned up to Jace, who had realised the look of panic in her eyes. A brief thought crossed her mind- At least my children are safe and healthy. Clary sat up in bed, still in pain from her labour, but as her foot hit the ground a piercing feeling jolted through her leg. Her veins glowed and pulsed, her skin was swollen around the bandage. Jace took out his dagger and sliced it open to find a dark pulsing mass covering her leg. Dark purple blood oozed out of the gash in her shin. It looked like an ink cartridge had leaked out of her leg.

Clary cried out and handed Joanie over to Jace and he cradled the twins in his arms. Izzy came running in from the infirmary across the hall and smiled. "Have you had the twins? That's fantasti-" She looked down at Clary and then back to Jace. "What's going on? Let's get you to the infirmary quickly, Magnus is already there."

After settling the twins into the crib and asking the doctor, a newer shadowhunter, to watch over them. The pair then hoisted Clary off the bed and across the corridor. She was placed into the bed next to Simon and the pain had just started to dim slightly. Then a jolt. Her whole body burned. The last thing she saw was Jace's concerned face watching over her.

Clary woke up to various people talking above her. She caught sight of Magnus and looked around for Alec. Before she had chance to ask of his absence, she doubled over in pain again. They all turned their attention back to her. 

Magnus handed her a cup filled with green liquid. "Here, biscuit, drink this. It will help with the pain." 

She wrapped her small hands around the glass, gripping with all her strength, her knuckles turning white. After drinking it though, she could finally relax. The pain had finally died away. 

"Okay. Now that I've got everybody's full and proper attention-" Magnus continued, looking around the group of people. "-I can continue. I think, after to speaking with our prisoner friend downstairs, that this demonic infection acts similar to mundane poison. However, this poison contains demon metal which will pair with the blood cells. This is what is preventing me to use my magic and you to use your runes." He glanced at Simon now, who was in a seemingly permanent state of unconsciousness in his bed. "Unfortunately, at this rate, there is nothing to stop the poison getting to Simon's heart. We need to find a solution quick. But right now, You and Simon are both in fatal danger."

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