5) Valerie.

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Clary grasped his hand, turning pale and sweating like the heat of a thousand suns was shining on her. Moments later and the world seemed to slow, a scream pierced the silence and the fast pace of it all returned. A nurse moved over and handed clary a button nosed bundle. She beamed up at Jace. They were a family. 

6 months later and Clary found herself in a nursery at 1:00 AM in the morning folding baby clothes. Beside her, in an old wooden bassinet, slept her beautiful red headed baby. This moment was peaceful, the air calm and Clary's thoughts silent for once. She yawned and looked down at the folded pile of washing and then to her sleeping child. She pushed herself up off the chair and reached into the cot, stroking the strands of curly hair off her forehead.

"Sleep well, Valerie."

She tiptoed back into her bedroom and moved past her sleeping beauty, pulling the covers over her and settling into bed. She rarely got to see Jace awake, as he had always left to hunt demons by the time she was awake and usually kissed her goodnight as she was cradling Valerie on a night. It was hard raising Valerie almost a single parent but she knew Jace loved her and that was all she could hang onto. Clary turned on her side to take in the features of his face, but as she did so she elbowed him in the rib.

"Shit." She murmured, hoping she hadn't woken him.

His eyes fluttered open and she frowned. She had done exactly that.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I know you didn't mean to wake me." 

He took in her face with contemplation before leaning forward and kissing her lightly. She pushed back into him, softly nibbling his bottom lip. She needed this, she needed him. And he needed her. They hadn't spent much time with each other over these months, only Valerie. 

Clary ran her icy fingers along his warm chest, tracing his runes which spanned his toned body. He shivered under her touch and then proceeded to drag the hem of her white t-shirt slong her stomach and above her head, leaving her exposed in only her red silk panties. This was natural for them as fell down to his waist to take down his boxers. He ran his finger up her spine and brought her forward into a kiss once more. They felt fire within them: curled toes and grasped bed sheets. 

They finally felt like a real couple again. Maybe things could begin to get back to normal.

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