22) Pandemonium.

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Blue lights flash on a hulk of sweaty bodies dancing in the colour. Clary catches sight of a red haired boy wearing a tight leather vest and trousers. She goes to win him over by seducing him, learning some skills from Izzy, but Jace holds her back. 

"Let me. Nobody will fall for a pregnant woman." She frowns and he laughs at her. "No offence. And I've spent most of my life with an obviously closeted Alec- I know."

He swaggered over to the boy and touches his arm. Clary watches as Jace nods towards a storage cupboard at the back of the club. The same room that had set her on this path in the first place. He unbuttoned his shirt slightly and took the boy by his hand. Clary trailed loosely behind as to not draw attention, to her already noticeable, self. She pulls her stele out and waves it over her invisibility rune, slipping into the cupboard behind the two boys.

Jace begins to unzip the boys vest before moving his arms to the small of his back, pushing their bodies together. She struggles to stay quiet as he was surprisingly comfortable in the demon's presence. And much to her surprise, he moves in for a kiss. Jace catches Clary's shadow as he looked past the boys shoulder, raising his eyebrow as a silent apology. She tried to block out the bad memory of last time she caught him kissing another in the very same club. He turned and pressed the boy against the wall and pulled out his stele, quickly binding the demon's hands together. 

"Clary, now."

She jumped up and flinched, whipping out her stele. The runes formed in front of her, blinking into existence. The image of the cupboard wall warped inwards and in place a portal stood. The boy began to shudder and jolt, his human form transforming. Jace pulled out his seraph blade but hesitated, the purpose of this little escapade was to get information. This demon was useless dead. Instead he threw himself onto the demon, both of them landing on the floor. Clary stepped forward but a jolt of pain shot through her leg and she landed on the ground with a thud. Jace clenched his fist and bit down of his lip, using the last of his strength to throw the demon through the portal. He shoved himself off the ground and pulled himself and Clary behind the demon.

A bright flash of colour blinded Clary, shapes moving in front of her eyes. Blurred vision, twisting silhouettes.  A jolt and then their vision returned, dropping them into the institute. The demons image formed in front of Jace again, it was running to the door. He took out his seraph blade once more and launched it across the room.


The blade whistled through the air and cleanly cut through the leg of the creature, which dropped to the floor. He grasped the monster's thick skin and dragged him into one of the holding cell. The pair bolted the door carefully and slid the adamas screen over the bars, preventing it from escaping. When checking her watch, Clary noticed it was 3 AM in the morning. She yawned. It had been a long day. 

Jace took her hand and they made their way back to their bedroom. 

Then the contractions began.

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