10) Destroyed.

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To love is to destroy. 

It was, until Jace had fallen in love with Clary.

Then he fell too hard and betrayed her. Valentine was right-To love is to destroy.

He was curled into a chair in the library and had stayed there much longer after everybody had left him. The door lurched open and in came his friends, the red locks of Clary bouncing in behind them. She glanced at the pitiful sight and pulled a chair in front of Jace. 

"Why? That's all I have to say- Why?" She took the seat and leaned forward towards him.

"I can't remember."

She coughed out a laugh and ran her fingers through her hair, pulling her hands over her face to cover the tears welling in her eyes. She didn't want that answer, she was hoping for an excuse that would allow her to forgive him. A sad smile crossed her face and she raised an eyebrow waiting for more of the answer to come.

It didn't.

"Please don't tell me that's your excuse Jace." She begged him, wanting a chance to salvage their relationship. "Please tell me there's a valid reason."

He shook his head, pressing his hands to his eyes.

Her voice was cracking now, her throat dry and her eyes wet with tears. "Then i'm sorry, but i'm going to have to end this- what we have. I love you Jace Wayland and yet you have given me no choice. I cannot be with you." 

She moved forward and pulled his hands from his face to kiss him gently. Her hand stroked his cheek and she stood up, smiled at her friends and turned towards the door. Jace buried his face back into his hands unable to watch his love walk away. He needed to remember that night- with every inch of his body he tried to think but instead began to shake. His cries echoed through the room and pain racked his ribs.

Clary shut the door to her room behind her and her back slid down the old wood and she ended up on the floor, with her head in her hands. Clary crawled along the marble, not able to will herself to stand up, and dragged her bag beside her. She stuffed it full of her own necessities and Valerie's, until the seams almost fell apart.

Clary watched the peacefully sleeping babe and felt a sharp pang of sadness. Where would Valerie's home be? Would she ever see her dad again? Clary dealt with these thoughts the same way she handled most things nowadays: she pushed them down until something else popped up.

The streets were buzzing with different coloured lights from night clubs and traffic lights. Clary was wandering aimlessly around, Valerie perched on her hip and her backpack banging on her back.  Clary eventually found herself outside the familiar building that was Luke's bookshop. The memories of her life came flashing back. She pulled out her key and the door clicked open. Clary sighed as she pushed it and slipped inside.
A soft glow was coming from the living room as were small voices. She tiptoed past, not needing to hear Jocelyn's annoyance about all the wrong choices Clary had made, and made her way up the stairs to the bedrooms. Her room was untouched but unreasonably dusty- like her parents had never been in it since Clary had left. She grabbed her older bag and stuffed it with more clothes, hoping she still had the body of her teenage self.
After washing her face and placing a locking rune on the inside of her door, Clary settled into her single bed besides Valerie. Her mind drifted off with all the feelings of the day.

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