29) Epilogue.

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A month had passed. The antidote had worked.

Clary picked up Valerie and placed her in her chest harness, before reaching down and fastening Max and Joanie into their pram. She headed out to the park where she met Jace. He kissed her cheek and took Valerie from her, bouncing her on his knee. The pair looked out at the park, the green view painted a colour of victory, the sun shining in and warming their faces.

Moments later, Alec and Magnus joined them with their adopted warlock, Antigone. She grinned and ran up to sit on the bench beside the married couple. "Where's auntie Izzy?" She questioned.

Clary raised her eyebrow. "I don't know. Her and Simon did ask to meet for lunch on this bench after all."

"Yes, we did." A soft voice floated in behind her and the ginger turned around to take in the sight of her fully healthy best friend and his fiance. "It's actually because we have some news." He continued, sitting on the large picnic bench with the rest of the group.

Izzy nodded and placed her hand on her stomach. "I'm pregnant."


*Hey guys, after 3 years and a LOT of procrastination, I finally finished this. I hope you are all satisfied with the ending- I tried to end it positively and with hope (even though we all know being a shadowhunter involves hope being around for a very short amount of time). Thank you to everyone who has read this! I'm so grateful. Xox Georgia*

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