24) Revelation.

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After another dose of Magnus' special medicine, Clary pulled herself up and took her newly provided crutch in her arm. She needed to help Simon, after all she had more time than he did. Taking in the purple colour of his face and arms, she smiled sadly. The poison was clearly taking over his entire body. Her pace quickened slightly and she moved down the steps into the cell holds below the institute. 


"Jace!" Clary called out into the institute's empty halls. Moments later, he came running arounf the corner.

"What is it, Angel? What's wrong?"

"I went to talk to the demon we caught the other day. I think I know our next step in figuring out how to fix all-" She gestured vaguely in the air, "-this."

"What do you mean?" He took her hand as they walked back towards the infirmary.

"Okay, listen, I'm going to go see Simon but you need to get the others. It turns out you kissing another guy is the most important idea we've had in months. Go. Quickly." She grinned at him, proud of herself for figuring it out.

When Clary entered the infirmary she found Izzy laid on the bed with Simon, his hand in hers. Clary's smile faded as she was brought back into the bitter reality of the situation. "Hi." She whispered. "Have we managed to wake him up yet?" 

Izzy nodded. "Yes. I'm just letting him rest."

Clary perched on the other side of the bed. "Well I hope you don't mind but i'm going to have to wake him up." She kissed his forehead and he stirred slightly. "Simon?" 

As his eyes fluttered open, Jace and the others entered the room. "So what do you need to tell us?"

"I have a way of ending all of this. But it comes with a great price. You see, the person- or should I say thing?-  who can help us. It's actually-" She bit her lip and looked up at their eagerly awaiting expressions. "-It's actually Magnus' dad."

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