17) You.

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Her shoulder was crawling with yellow maggots and the skin was turning black. It looked like her veins had transformed into worms underneath her flesh as they were so large. Clary had fainted  after Simon's phone call after crying out in agony. Currently, the memory of those screams echoed through Simon's occupied brain.

Her eyes squeezed shut as soon as she opened them. The light from the alarm clock was too bright. Clary looked around to find no one in the infirmary. A piercing pain ran down the back of her neck down her arm. She glanced down to her shoulder to see it mangled and bloody. It looked as if it had been eaten. She thought back to the church- it had been eaten. By maggots. And by the look of her purple arm, neck and shoulder they were poisonous maggots. 

Clary closed her eyes and when she opened them several hours had passed. At first she noticed the bright light that read '5:37 PM'. Then Jace. Then the amount of her body that was now the sickly purple colour. "Damn" her voice echoed through the room as she realised the extent of the injury. "I'm dead aren't I?"
Jace was at the side of her bed on his knees. He held Clary's hand tighter. "Nobody is dying today, my angel. How does it feel?"

"Fine, I think. Other then my impending doom, anyway." They both laughed. 

"Nice to know your keeping things cheery."

Jace grabbed her hand and hauled her out of the bed. She let out a cry of pain and he glanced at her, concerned.  "Izzy gave me some equipment to keep the wound sterile."

After applying ointments and wrapping bandages, he threw her arm around his shoulder and took on the pressure of her weight. He tucked his arms under her legs and carried her out of the infirmary, the same thought forcefully bouncing around the insides of his mind.

What happens if it's not okay?

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