21) Goodbye.

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Clary steps out the lift and stumbles down the path, the grand gates slamming behind her. She looked around, the cold rain biting down on her shoulders and face. Her gaze falling onto Jace's vampire bike parked outside the institute. Her eyes then look down at her stomach. A choice- Death by poison or death by motorbike.

As she is pulling her damaged leg over the seat a hand touches her shoulder. She turned to find Jace stood looking at him, his head tilted at her, questioning. "You seriously expect me to let you ride that thing? Especially while you're pregnant?"

"I was hoping you'd stay at the institute and look after Valerie."

He kissed her forehead. "Izzy can watch over her, and I can watch over these little ones." He gestured to her stomach. "And you. Look, I wouldn't do this during a normal pregnancy but we both know this isn't a normal situation. Shift over."

Jace sat himself on the front of his motorbike and pulled Clary's good arm around his waist.He turned and kissed her gently, smiling against her mouth. Drawing back, he revved the engine and the bike started, lurching off the ground and into the night sky. Clary's stomach dropped as she watched the world below spin by.

"So?" He shouted over the sound of the air rushing past. "Where to, my Angel?"

She paused, hesitant to give such a bitter reminder at this time. "Pandemonium"

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