25) Magnus.

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*Hi Guys, I can't even apologise because it has been so long. 2 years, in fact since I first posted part 24. I was doing my GCSE's and to be honest it was really terrible writing anyway. The whole fic has been edited into 3rd person now and the writing is hopefully better. I'm so sorry. The new parts will be the final ones but hopefully more regular. Thank you so much for reading. *

Magnus clutched his ringed fist with his other hand, twisting the band on his finger. He looked up at Clary and opened his mouth to speak before closing it and drawing his attention back towards his ring. He had been sat like this for 20 minutes after she told him the way they could help Simon and then herself. 

His mouth opened again and this time the words actually escaped his mouth. " You mean to tell me that the only way to save our beloved ex-vampire friend here is to get in contact with my homicidal demon of a father, who was the creature that caused Simon to lose his memory all those years ago?"

Clary stepped forward. "When you put it like that it seems like the worst idea, but maybe you can get through to him again."

Magnus stood up to face her now, composing his previously shocked self. "Biscuit, This is not going to be a small price to pay. One, or all, of us will have to make a great sacrifice. "

She nodded, she understood completely. "I know. Put right now I am just about willing to pay any price so that Simon can finally get his happy ending. I won't sacrifice anybody else's happiness." She looked to Alec now, who was stroking the warlock's shoulder. "I promise. You've all worked too hard for that."

The blue eyed man pulled her in for a hug. "Okay Clary. We'll do this."


Hours later, a pentagram was drawn out in detail on the floor with Clary, Jace, Izzy, Alec and Magnus stood at each point. They began to join hands, the energy in the room seemed to be stripping them of their oxygen. The lights flickered and the floor shook, as though they were scared of what was forming in the air around them. 

Smoke billowed and then dispersed, leaving behind the red hulking creature that was Asmodeus. His skin seemed heightened where it was marked with many different runic and ancient symbol, coming from the dawn of time. His eyes seemed to hold the pits of fire within them and as he roared his chest puffed out as though he were an animal in the wild, guarding its territory. That's what the human world was now for him- His land. He owned all of them.

"Who dares summon me from my slumber?" His voice was damaging and could be heard from miles around. 

Clary wanted to step forward, but resisted as she couldn't break their connection. Her tiny voice barely reached his head, a distance cry from a victim. "Me. Clary Fairchild. I seek your help, great Asmodeus."

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