9) Unforgiven.

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After spending his night endlessly wandering the city, Jace returned to the institute early the next morning. He found himself sat on the floor of the library. He knew she would never forgive him, he would never forgive himself. 

lowly, the others seated themselves beside him, watching him: Isabelle, Alec and Simon. Eventually Izzy spoke up, breaking the silence.

 "Oh Jace. What did you do?" Izzy asked, her voice pouring with pity.

"I kissed a stranger." Jace choked out.

A crack and a searing heat crossed his face. Izzy pulled her hand away. "You deserved that."

"I know."

It was Alec's turn to state the obvious "You're an idiot."

"I know" Jace mumbled again.

Simon stood from his chair and left the room. Izzy followed.


"Clary are you okay?" Simon knocked on her door again before letting himself into the room.

Still in the clothes she was wearing last night, Clary was laying on top of the sheets in a ball. Simon sat on the edge of her bed and rubbed his hand on her back. Izzy leaned against the doorway, not wanting to pry too much. 

Eventually, she stepped in. "Clary, maybe you need to talk to Jace. To understand thing? Or just get some closure?"

Clary still didn't say anything but eventually she slid off her bed, dried her eyes and trailed after her friends to the library. She needed to hear what he had to say.

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