6) Recall.

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Clary woke up, her hand throbbing, she looked down to see it grasped in Jace's strong fist. She unhooked it and looked at him with a sad smile. He'd been having nightmares again. She wondered what about, it was their wedding day yesterday and he should have been happy. 

This was the first night they'd had properly alone since Valerie's birth, as tonight she had been sleeping over at Jocelyn and Luke's, much to Clary's original strife. She was restful that night, until she had been woken up by this. Due to her early wake up call, Clary decided to treat herself to some food and moved carefully down to the kitchen. 

"Pancakes?" A voice startled her. 

She turned, Simon. He grinned and held out a plate to her.


It was so nice for it to just be them again, hanging out like old times. A lot had changed, yes- Simon was now a shadowhunter after drinking from the cup and Clary was a married mother at 20 years old, but their friendship still remained after all of this as she slowly built his memory back to what it once was. 

"Hey, did you hear they released a new marvel comic? It has deadpool in and I am so excited to find out what happens!" Simon explained to Clary, who had seated herself at the breakfast bar.

"No way! I know you've been waiting for that for ages. Tell me about it." She grinned, genuinely interested. They rarely spoke after Clary had Val.

And so he did tell her about it. And she laughed.

Finishing her pancakes, Clary felt her stomach convulse. Probably just the food. And then, again. She excused herself and hopped off the stool, running out into the corridor and bumping into Jace on her way to the bathroom. He spun in his track and found himself behind a Clary who was retching into the toilets.

She explained to Jace that it was most likely just the food and after expressing his concern he headed back down to the kitchen to meet Izzy and Simon. When Clary found herself back in the entrance to the kitchen, they were all laughing about something. 

"Clary?" Jace inquired when he noticed her leaning in the doorway. "What's wrong?"

Clary looked up at the three of them and grinned. "Nothing is wrong. In fact, everything is right. I have some news- I'm pregnant." 

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