3) Mother.

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3 weeks later and Clary was perched on the edge of her 4 poster bed. She twisted the white stick around in her hands, the image of the little plus symbol gradually ingraining itself into her mind. 


Moments later and the high pitched sound of phone ringing pierced the room. Ringing and ringing, just like the knots grinding up in Clary's stomach. 19 and pregnant. This was definitely the reason Jocelyn had asked Clary not to begin living with Jace at the institute in the first place. The ringing stopped and was replaced, by a familiar voice. Homely.

"Clary? I'm glad to hear from you kid. Luke and I haven't seen you in what feels like forever. How's it going?"

Clary gulped. "Mom. I have something to tell you. I don't want you to be angry but i'd understand if you are. I know i'm young and it was stupid of me to ever get into this situation and I just want you to know that I will alway-"

"Clarissa Fairchild. What is going on? Is everything okay?"

"Mom, I-  Well, you see the thing is i'm-  I'm pregnant mom." Clary winced, waiting for her mothers reply. Jocelyn had been fairly over protective after all that had happened with Valentine and Sebastian.

"Oh." The familiar voice sounded back into the room. "Are you sure?" Clary's silence told Jocelyn everything she needed to know. "Clary you will always be my daughter and of course I love you, but i can't just sit by and watch you make the same mistakes I did."

Clary's heart missed a beat. She felt like the helpless 5 year old child being shipped of to Magnus Bane's all over again. Her mouth opened, trying to speak. 

"Clary, are you still there?"

Clary picked up the phone and cradled it to her chest. "You think I'm a mistake?" She mumbled.

"Clary, oh sweetie. You know that's not what I meant. Clary?"

A tear made it's down her pale face. "I think you made your thoughts very clear mom." And, with a touch of a button, Clary had disconnected herself from her mom. She sat alone in the cold stone bedroom with only her thoughts and Jocelyn's words echoing in her ear.

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